Please i need helpe with this JAVA code.
Write a Java program simulates the dice game called GAMECrap. For this project, assume that the game is being played between two players, and that the rules are as follows:
Problem Statement
One of the players goes first. That player announces the size of the bet, and rolls the dice. If the player rolls a
7 or 11, it is called a natural. The player who rolled the dice wins.
2, 3 or 12, it is called . The player who rolled the dice loses.
If the player’s first roll is any other number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10), the bet is not
immediately decided. Instead, the number that the player rolled becomes the point and he continues to roll the dice until either he rolls the point a 2nd time, in which case he wins, or he rolls a 7, in which case he loses. For example, suppose a player’s 1st roll is a 6. Then 6 becomes the point. He must roll again. If his next roll were a 3, he would have to roll a 3rd time. The point remains 6. He continues to roll the dice until he either gets a 6 (a win) or a 7 (a loss).
When a player wins, he collects the bet, and gets to keep the dice and take another turn. Then the play begins again with rule (1)
When a player loses, his opponent collects the money that was bet and it becomes the opponent’s turn to roll the dice. The opponent starts play again with rule (1)
For this program, simulate a craps game for a total of at most 20 wagers. That is, the first player rolls the dice until he either wins or loses. That is the first wager. The winner then takes the dice, and rolls until the second wager is decided. And so on, for a total of 20 wagers. However, if one of the gamblers loses all of his money before the 20th wager, end the simulation at that point.
Assume that each player starts out with a balance of $1000. Assume also that when player 1 is rolling, he always bets $100 on each wager. However, player 2 believes in luck and uses a strategy of his own creation. When he has the dice and it is his turn to decide how much to bet, he considers how much money he has. If he has at least as much money as he had when the game began, he decides his luck is good and bets $150. If he has less money than when the game began, he decides his luck is bad, and only bets $50 on that particular wager. Player 1 always rolls the dice first in this simulation.
You must use pseudo-random number generator to simulate a dice roll. You can use a method named GenerateRandomNumber to simulate the roll of one die with maximum roll of 6. Since the game is played with two dice, to simulate one roll you will have to generate two numbers by calling GenerateRandomNumber twice and then adding the two numbers together.
Your program must print out a roll-by-roll description of what happens as the game is played on the console and to a file named game.txt.
Note: your program must be user-friendly and intuitive. This is a part of your grade. In other words, even if your program does everything the problem statement states, your grade may be reduced because of difficulty to use it.
This program uses no input
A roll-by-roll description of what happens as the game is played should be print out on the console and should be written to a file as well.
******************************************************************** Wager 1 : Bet is $100
Player 1 is rolling the dice
The roll is 2
That is ! Player 1 loses.
Currently, Player 1 has $900 and Player 2 has $1100.
Wager 2 : Bet is $150
Player 2 is rolling the dice.
The roll is a 6. The point is 6. Player 2 rolls again. The roll is a 5. The point is 6. Player 2 rolls again. The roll is a 6. That is the point! Player 2 wins. Currently, Player 1 has $750 and Player 2 has $1250.
Your output need not look exactly like this, but should be at least as easy to read. At a minimum, for each wager you must print which player is rolling the dice, and the amount of the bet. Then simulate rolling the dice, and print the result of each roll, until the winner is determined. At the end of each wager, print who won, and a running total of how much money each player has. Note that it's possible that a gambler could end up with a negative amount of money, if he or she does not have enough money left to pay the full amount of the final bet.
Use of Methods, Parameters, Modularity, Design, etc.
Part of your grade on this and ALL future programming projects in this course will be determined by how well you use multiple functions and parameter passing appropriately and how well you design a modular and functionally cohesive program using the principles discussed in class. Large grade point penalties can be incurred for not setting up a modular, well designed program structure. This emphasizes good program structure, design, and fundamental software engineering principles.
In this project, you must at least define and call the following 4 methods:
public static int GenerateRandomNumber(); public static int RollDice();
public static String DecideWhoWin(int dice_player1, int dice_player2, PrintWriter pw);
public static void WriteToFile(PrintWriter pw, String data);
public static void AnnounceFinalWinner(int money_player1, int money_player2, PrintWriter pw)
This what i have done so far
public class CrapsGame{
static int balance=1000,p1bet=100,p2bet=150,sum,roll,dice1,dice2,Player1,Player2,sumOfDice;
static String P1="Player 1",P2="Player 2";
static File file=new File("game.txt");
static PrintWriter pw;
static Status gameStatus;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
int i=GenerateRandomNumber();
System.out.println("Wager 1: Bet is $"+p1bet);
System.out.println(P1+" is rolling the dice");
System.out.println("The roll is "+i);
case 7:
System.out.println("You win");
case 11:
System.out.println("You win");
case 2:
System.out.println("That is ! Player loses.");
case 3:
System.out.println("That is ! Player loses.");
case 12:
System.out.println("That is ! Player loses.");
System.out.println("The roll is a "+i+" The point is "+i+". Player 2 rolls again.");
public static int GenerateRandomNumber(){
// Generate a random number between 1 to 6
roll=(int) (1 + Math.random()*6);
return roll;
public static int RollDice(){
return sum;
public static String DecideWhoWin(int dice_player1,int dice_player2,PrintWriter pw) throws IOException{
return null;
public static void WriteToFile(PrintWriter pw,String data){
public static void AnnounceFinalWinner(int money_player1,int money_player2,PrintWriter pw){