Write A Summery Of The Chapters
Business Driven Technology
Unit 5
Transforming Organizations
Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
This is a very scary scenario for the United States.
CNN: Staged Cyber Attack Reveals Vulnerability in Power Grid
Researchers who launched an experimental cyber attack caused a generator to self-destruct, alarming the federal government and electrical industry about what might happen if such an attack were carried out on a larger scale, CNN has learned. Sources familiar with the experiment said the same attack scenario could be used against huge generators that produce the country's electric power. Some experts fear bigger, coordinated attacks could cause widespread damage to electric infrastructure that could take months to fix. CNN has honored a request from the Department of Homeland Security not to divulge certain details about the experiment, dubbed "Aurora," and conducted in March at the Department of Energy's Idaho lab. In a previously classified video of the test CNN obtained, the generator shakes and smokes, and then stops. DHS acknowledged the experiment involved controlled hacking into a replica of a power plant's control system. Sources familiar with the test said researchers changed the operating cycle of the generator, sending it out of control.
Unit Five
Chapter Seventeen – Building Software to Support an Agile Organization
Chapter Eighteen – Managing Organizational Project
Chapter Nineteen - Outsourcing in the 21st Century
Chapter Twenty – Developing a 21st-Century Organization
Chapter 17
Building Software to Support an Agile Organization
GREAT BUSINESS DECISIONS – Johnson & Johnson Decides to Pull Tylenol from Store Shelves
In 1982, Johnson & Johnson exemplified ethics in its decision to pull Tylenol from store shelves across the United States because a psychopath put cyanide into some of the Tylenol capsules. Eight people died. In response, Johnson & Johnson quickly pulled all Tylenol products from store shelves; a total of 31 million bottles were returned to J&J costing the company over $100 million. The company’s ability to act quickly to the threat by changing its processes and develop new more secure products allowed the company to remain as one of the best-selling over-the-counter drug producers.
Identify the business benefits associated with successful software development
Describe the seven phases of the systems development life cycle
Summarize the different software development methodologies
Explain why software problems are business problems
A detailed review of the learning outcomes can be found at the end of the chapter in the textbook
Software that is built correctly can transform as the organization and its business transforms
Software that effectively meets employee needs will help an organization become more productive and enhance decision making
Software that does not meet employee needs may have a damaging effect on productivity and can even cause a business to fail
Discuss the famous Nike SCM failure
Organizations must learn how to build and implement disruptive technologies, such as software for wireless devices, to remain competitive
Software that is built correctly can support agile organizations and can transform as the organization and its business transforms
Software that effectively meets employee needs will help an organization become more productive and enhance decision making
Software that does not meet employee needs may have a damaging effect on productivity and can even cause a business to fail
As organizations’ reliance on software grows, so do the business-related consequences of software successes and failures including:
Increase or decrease revenue
Repair or damage to brand reputation
Prevent or incur liabilities
Increase or decrease productivity
Increase or decrease revenue – Discuss Nike’s poorly designed SCM software that delayed orders, increased excess inventories, and caused third quarter earnings to fall 24% below expectations
Repair or damage to brand reputation – H&R Block customers were furious when the company accidentally posted passwords and social security numbers to its Web site
Prevent or incur liabilities – FoxMeyer sued SAP for $500 million for an ERP failure
Increase or decrease productivity – Defective software accounts for 45% of computer downtime and cost U.S. businesses $100 billion in 2003
Break your students into groups and ask them to find examples of each of the above not mentioned in the text
Have your students present their findings to the class
Systems development life cycle (SDLC) – the overall process for developing information systems from planning and analysis through implementation and maintenance
Around SDLC
Break your students into groups and have them correlate the SDLC to building a house.
This activity helps students understand the different types of activities that occur during each phase of the systems development life cycle
Have your students present their answers to the entire class
Windows Errors
This is a short video clip spoofing Windows Error Reporting - scroll down on the website to view the video clip! It's old but funny!
Planning phase – involves establishing a high-level plan of the intended project and determining project goals
Analysis phase – involves analyzing end-user business requirements and refining project goals into defined functions and operations of the intended system
Business requirement – detailed set of business requests that the system must meet in order to be successful
Space Needle Exercise
Break your students into groups and give them equal materials from a Tinker Toy set, a Zome set, or a product of your choice. Give them each the following instructions and observe the groups as they build their prototypes.
Review the IM for details on the project
Design phase – involves describing the desired features and operations of the system including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams, pseudo code, and other documentation
Development phase – involves taking all of the detailed design documents from the design phase and transforming them into the actual system
Campus of the Future
A $61 million dorm development project at the University of Hawai'i-Manoa is being called an example of "the future of residence halls" at a local gathering of national higher education officials.
As the demolition of Frear Hall began yesterday on the UH-Manoa campus, plans for its replacement received praise from some members of the Association of College and University Housing Officers, made up of campus housing officials from across the nation, for its sustainable and student-friendly design.
For the rest of the article follow this link: http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060711/NEWS0701/607110340/1013/NEWS
Testing phase – involves bringing all the project pieces together into a special testing environment to test for errors, bugs, and interoperability and verify that the system meets all of the business requirements defined in the analysis phase
Implementation phase – involves placing the system into production so users can begin to perform actual business operations with the system
Space Needle Exercise
Break your students into groups and give them equal materials from a Tinker Toy set, a Zome set, or a product of your choice. Give them each the following instructions and observe the groups as they build their prototypes. Read the IM for more details on the Space Needle Exercise
Maintenance phase – involves performing changes, corrections, additions, and upgrades to ensure the system continues to meet the business goals
There are a number of different software development methodologies including:
Rapid application development (RAD)
Extreme programming
Rational unified process (RUP)
Waterfall methodology – a sequential, activity-based process in which each phase in the SDLC is performed sequentially from planning through implementation and maintenance
Rapid application development methodology (RAD) – emphasizes extensive user involvement in the rapid and evolutionary construction of working prototypes of a system to accelerate the systems development process
Extreme programming (XP) methodology – breaks a project into tiny phases, and developers cannot continue on to the next phase until the first phase is complete
Agile methodology – a form of XP, aims for customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery of useful software components
If Programmers Made Planes
Excellent video: If Programmers Made Planes
Waterfall Methodology
Waterfall methodology – an activity-based process in which each phase in the SDLC is performed sequentially from planning through implementation and maintenance
The waterfall methodology is one of the oldest software development methods and has been around for over 30 years
The success rate for software development projects that follow this approach is only about 10 percent, or 1 in 10
The biggest problem with the waterfall methodology is that it assumes users can specify all business requirements in advance
Ask your students to define another issue with the waterfall methodology
Ans: It also assumes that business requirements do not change over time
Stress to your students that if they ever find themselves on a software development project that is using the waterfall methodology they should do everything they can to change the methodology
Testing – or perhaps not!
I love to show this clip prior to the SDLC class. Makes you wonder how much testing the manufacturer did on this vehicle.
Agile Methodology
Agile methodology – aims for customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery of components developed by an iterative process
An agile project sets a minimum number of requirements and turns them into a deliverable product
Iterative development – consists of a series of tiny projects
The Aglie Alliance is a group of software developers whose mission is to improve software development processes and whose manifesto includes the following:
Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software
Welcome changing requirements, even late in development
Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project
Build projects around motivated individuals
The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams
At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly
Rapid Application Development
Methodology (RAD)
Rapid application development methodology (RAD) – emphasizes extensive user involvement in the rapid and evolutionary construction of working prototypes of a system to accelerate the systems development process
The prototype is an essential part of the analysis phase when using a RAD methodology
RAD is a more popular route for system development projects
The fundamentals of RAD include:
Focus initially on creating a prototype that looks and acts like the desired system
Actively involve system users in the analysis, design, and development phases
Accelerate collecting the business requirements through an interactive and iterative construction approach
Rapid Application Development
Methodology (RAD)
Fundamentals of RAD
Focus initially on creating a prototype that looks and acts like the desired system
Actively involve system users in the analysis, design, and development phases
Accelerate collecting the business requirements through an interactive and iterative construction approach
Extreme Programming Methodology
Extreme programming (XP) methodology – breaks a project into tiny phases, and developers cannot continue on to the next phase until the first phase is complete
The primary difference between the waterfall and XP methodologies is that XP divides its phases into iterations with user feedback
Rational Unified Process (RUP) Methodology
Rational Unified Process (RUP) – provides a framework for breaking down the development of software into four gates
Gate One: Inception
Gate Two: Elaboration
Gate Three: Construction
Gate Four: Transition
Because RUP is an iterative methodology, the user can reject the product and force the developers to go back to gate one. Approximately 500,000 developers have used RUP in software projects of varying sizes in the 20 years it’s been available, according to IBM. RUP helps developers avoid reinventing the wheel and focuses on rapidly adding or removing reusable chunks of processes addressing common problems.
SCRUM Methodology
SCRUM – uses small teams to produce small pieces of deliverable software using sprints, or 30-day intervals, to achieve an appointed goal
Under this methodology, each day ends or begins with a stand-up meeting to monitor and control the development effort
Primavera Systems, Inc., a software solutions company was finding it increasingly difficult to use the traditional waterfall methodology for development so it moved to an agile methodology.
Scrum’s insistence on delivering complete increments of business value in 30-day learning cycles helped the teams learn rapidly.
It forced teams to test and integrate experiments and encouraged them to release them into production.
Primavera’s shift resulted in highly satisfied customers and a highly motivated, energetic development environment.
Dick Faris, CTO of Primavera, said, “Agile programming is very different and new.
It is a different feel to the way programming happens.
Instead of mindlessly cranking out code, the process is one of team dialogue, negotiation around priorities and time and talents.
The entire company commits to a 30-day sprint and delivery of finished, tested software.
Maybe it is just one specific piece of functionality but it’s the real thing, including delivery and client review against needs and requirements. Those needs and requirements, by the way, change. That is the strength we saw in the Scrum process.”
Implementing Agile Methodologies
The Agile Alliance Manifesto
Early and continuous delivery of valuable software will satisfy the customer
Changing requirements are welcome
Business people and developers work together
Projects need motivated individuals
Use self-organizing teams
Reflect on how to become more effective
If organizations choose to adopt agile methodologies, it is important to educate those involved.
For an agile process to work, it must be simple and quick.
The Agile Alliance is a group of software developers whose mission is to improve software development processes; the group’s manifesto is highlighted above
Open-Source on Company Time
This article offers an interesting dilemma - how do you handle employees that want to develop open-source code to help with a business problem, and then post it back to the community?
The Enterprise Committer: When Your Employee Develops Open-Source Code on the Company Payroll
Primary principles for successful agile software development include:
Slash the budget
If it doesn’t work, kill it
Keep requirements to a minimum
Test and deliver frequently
Assign non-IT executives to software projects
Slash the budget – Small budgets force developers and users to focus on the essentials
If it doesn’t work, kill it – Bring all key stakeholders together to evaluate and assess the software
Keep requirements to a minimum – Start each project with what the software must absolutely do
Test and deliver frequently – As often as once a week, and not less than once a month, complete a part of the project or a piece of software
Assign non-IT executives to software projects – Non-IT executives should coordinate with the technical project manager, test iterations to make sure they are meeting user needs, and act as liaisons between executives and IT
Software Problems Are Business Problems
Primary reasons for project failure include
Unclear or missing business requirements
Skipping SDLC phases
Failure to manage project scope
Scope creep – occurs when the scope increases
Feature creep – occurs when extra features are added
Failure to manage project plan
Changing technology
Provide an example of scope creep
We added a new type of discount to our marketing plan
Provide an example of feature creep
We would like a new logo placed on the top corner of every screen and it should play a song when clicked
Software Problems Are Business Problems
Find errors early: the later in the SDLC an error is found - the more expensive it is to fix
Explain to your students that the cost of finding errors grows exponentially the later the error is found in the systems development life cycle
An error found during the analysis and design phase is relatively inexpensive to fix
All that is typically required is a change to a Word document
However, exactly the same error found during the testing or implementation phase is going to cost the organization an enormous amount to fix because it has to change the actual system
Find errors early: the later in the SDLC an error is found - the more expensive it is to fix
Now that you have finished the chapter please review the learning outcomes in your text
Be sure to review the learning outcomes included in the end-of-chapter material
This is a very scary scenario for the United States.
CNN: Staged Cyber Attack Reveals Vulnerability in Power Grid
Researchers who launched an experimental cyber attack caused a generator to self-destruct, alarming the federal government and electrical industry about what might happen if such an attack were carried out on a larger scale, CNN has learned. Sources familiar with the experiment said the same attack scenario could be used against huge generators that produce the country's electric power. Some experts fear bigger, coordinated attacks could cause widespread damage to electric infrastructure that could take months to fix. CNN has honored a request from the Department of Homeland Security not to divulge certain details about the experiment, dubbed "Aurora," and conducted in March at the Department of Energy's Idaho lab. In a previously classified video of the test CNN obtained, the generator shakes and smokes, and then stops. DHS acknowledged the experiment involved controlled hacking into a replica of a power plant's control system. Sources familiar with the test said researchers changed the operating cycle of the generator, sending it out of control.
GREAT BUSINESS DECISIONS – Johnson & Johnson Decides to Pull Tylenol from Store Shelves
In 1982, Johnson & Johnson exemplified ethics in its decision to pull Tylenol from store shelves across the United States because a psychopath put cyanide into some of the Tylenol capsules. Eight people died. In response, Johnson & Johnson quickly pulled all Tylenol products from store shelves; a total of 31 million bottles were returned to J&J costing the company over $100 million. The company’s ability to act quickly to the threat by changing its processes and develop new more secure products allowed the company to remain as one of the best-selling over-the-counter drug producers.
A detailed review of the learning outcomes can be found at the end of the chapter in the textbook
Discuss the famous Nike SCM failure
Organizations must learn how to build and implement disruptive technologies, such as software for wireless devices, to remain competitive
Software that is built correctly can support agile organizations and can transform as the organization and its business transforms
Software that effectively meets employee needs will help an organization become more productive and enhance decision making
Software that does not meet employee needs may have a damaging effect on productivity and can even cause a business to fail
Increase or decrease revenue – Discuss Nike’s poorly designed SCM software that delayed orders, increased excess inventories, and caused third quarter earnings to fall 24% below expectations
Repair or damage to brand reputation – H&R Block customers were furious when the company accidentally posted passwords and social security numbers to its Web site
Prevent or incur liabilities – FoxMeyer sued SAP for $500 million for an ERP failure
Increase or decrease productivity – Defective software accounts for 45% of computer downtime and cost U.S. businesses $100 billion in 2003
Break your students into groups and ask them to find examples of each of the above not mentioned in the text
Have your students present their findings to the class
Around SDLC
Break your students into groups and have them correlate the SDLC to building a house.
This activity helps students understand the different types of activities that occur during each phase of the systems development life cycle
Have your students present their answers to the entire class
Windows Errors
This is a short video clip spoofing Windows Error Reporting - scroll down on the website to view the video clip! It's old but funny!
Space Needle Exercise
Break your students into groups and give them equal materials from a Tinker Toy set, a Zome set, or a product of your choice. Give them each the following instructions and observe the groups as they build their prototypes.
Review the IM for details on the project
Campus of the Future
A $61 million dorm development project at the University of Hawai'i-Manoa is being called an example of "the future of residence halls" at a local gathering of national higher education officials.
As the demolition of Frear Hall began yesterday on the UH-Manoa campus, plans for its replacement received praise from some members of the Association of College and University Housing Officers, made up of campus housing officials from across the nation, for its sustainable and student-friendly design.
For the rest of the article follow this link: http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060711/NEWS0701/607110340/1013/NEWS
Space Needle Exercise
Break your students into groups and give them equal materials from a Tinker Toy set, a Zome set, or a product of your choice. Give them each the following instructions and observe the groups as they build their prototypes. Read the IM for more details on the Space Needle Exercise
Waterfall methodology – a sequential, activity-based process in which each phase in the SDLC is performed sequentially from planning through implementation and maintenance
Rapid application development methodology (RAD) – emphasizes extensive user involvement in the rapid and evolutionary construction of working prototypes of a system to accelerate the systems development process
Extreme programming (XP) methodology – breaks a project into tiny phases, and developers cannot continue on to the next phase until the first phase is complete
Agile methodology – a form of XP, aims for customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery of useful software components
If Programmers Made Planes
Excellent video: If Programmers Made Planes
The waterfall methodology is one of the oldest software development methods and has been around for over 30 years
The success rate for software development projects that follow this approach is only about 10 percent, or 1 in 10
The biggest problem with the waterfall methodology is that it assumes users can specify all business requirements in advance
Ask your students to define another issue with the waterfall methodology
Ans: It also assumes that business requirements do not change over time
Stress to your students that if they ever find themselves on a software development project that is using the waterfall methodology they should do everything they can to change the methodology
Testing – or perhaps not!
I love to show this clip prior to the SDLC class. Makes you wonder how much testing the manufacturer did on this vehicle.
The Aglie Alliance is a group of software developers whose mission is to improve software development processes and whose manifesto includes the following:
Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software
Welcome changing requirements, even late in development
Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project
Build projects around motivated individuals
The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams
At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly
RAD is a more popular route for system development projects
The fundamentals of RAD include:
Focus initially on creating a prototype that looks and acts like the desired system
Actively involve system users in the analysis, design, and development phases
Accelerate collecting the business requirements through an interactive and iterative construction approach
The primary difference between the waterfall and XP methodologies is that XP divides its phases into iterations with user feedback
Because RUP is an iterative methodology, the user can reject the product and force the developers to go back to gate one. Approximately 500,000 developers have used RUP in software projects of varying sizes in the 20 years it’s been available, according to IBM. RUP helps developers avoid reinventing the wheel and focuses on rapidly adding or removing reusable chunks of processes addressing common problems.
Primavera Systems, Inc., a software solutions company was finding it increasingly difficult to use the traditional waterfall methodology for development so it moved to an agile methodology.
Scrum’s insistence on delivering complete increments of business value in 30-day learning cycles helped the teams learn rapidly.
It forced teams to test and integrate experiments and encouraged them to release them into production.
Primavera’s shift resulted in highly satisfied customers and a highly motivated, energetic development environment.
Dick Faris, CTO of Primavera, said, “Agile programming is very different and new.
It is a different feel to the way programming happens.
Instead of mindlessly cranking out code, the process is one of team dialogue, negotiation around priorities and time and talents.
The entire company commits to a 30-day sprint and delivery of finished, tested software.
Maybe it is just one specific piece of functionality but it’s the real thing, including delivery and client review against needs and requirements. Those needs and requirements, by the way, change. That is the strength we saw in the Scrum process.”
If organizations choose to adopt agile methodologies, it is important to educate those involved.
For an agile process to work, it must be simple and quick.
The Agile Alliance is a group of software developers whose mission is to improve software development processes; the group’s manifesto is highlighted above
Open-Source on Company Time
This article offers an interesting dilemma - how do you handle employees that want to develop open-source code to help with a business problem, and then post it back to the community?
The Enterprise Committer: When Your Employee Develops Open-Source Code on the Company Payroll
Slash the budget – Small budgets force developers and users to focus on the essentials
If it doesn’t work, kill it – Bring all key stakeholders together to evaluate and assess the software
Keep requirements to a minimum – Start each project with what the software must absolutely do
Test and deliver frequently – As often as once a week, and not less than once a month, complete a part of the project or a piece of software
Assign non-IT executives to software projects – Non-IT executives should coordinate with the technical project manager, test iterations to make sure they are meeting user needs, and act as liaisons between executives and IT
Provide an example of scope creep
We added a new type of discount to our marketing plan
Provide an example of feature creep
We would like a new logo placed on the top corner of every screen and it should play a song when clicked
Explain to your students that the cost of finding errors grows exponentially the later the error is found in the systems development life cycle
An error found during the analysis and design phase is relatively inexpensive to fix
All that is typically required is a change to a Word document
However, exactly the same error found during the testing or implementation phase is going to cost the organization an enormous amount to fix because it has to change the actual system
Find errors early: the later in the SDLC an error is found - the more expensive it is to fix
Be sure to review the learning outcomes included in the end-of-chapter material