Persuasive Paper
Thesis Attached: Should school uniforms be required in all public schools.
1. Using your revised thesis.
Use your sources to support your thesis. Research and prepare the passages you will consider using. Remember to review methods of paraphrasing, summarizing, and using direct quotations.
Prepare the body paragraphs by deciding where to place supporting information. Remember, each paragraph of the paper should act to build the momentum of the argument.
Apply pathos, logos, and ethos whenever possible.
Finally, remember that it's okay if your ideas, opinions, or sources change during process of writing this paper.
Should school uniforms be required in all public schools?
Should school uniforms be required in all public schools?
What's the point of school uniform?
Chloe Spencer Thursday 3 October (2013)
According to the article, wearing school uniform is of great importance since it offers great confident amongst students. When students are in class wearing uniform, there is a different moral amongst them since they both look alike. Peer pressure is one of the greatest challenges amongst students, and through wearing school uniform there will be reduced incitement since the students perceives themselves as students. Based on the current state in America, a number of students fail to turn out to school due to various factors search as fear of attack from other students. Through wearing uniforms, it is possible for justice to be maintained for these students since they are easy identified.
Reasons Why Schools Should or Shouldn't Use Uniforms by Neil Kokemuller
This article is of great importance in elaborating on the importance of school uniforms to the students. Through the article, there are different advantages those students’ gains. The first benefit is usually through safety. Through school uniform, it is possible to guard students against illegal activities search as gang formation. Besides this, theft is reduced especially students schools. Since some of the students never afford expensive shoes, theft might greatly increase if there are no school uniforms that make all students equal. Another advantage includes school pride and individuality prohibition. Although there are these advantages, the cost is the disadvantage that goes against the benefits.
Public School Uniform Debate
This article is of great importance since it shows how important it is to use school uniform. Through the article, it offers information concerning Cherrywood which was the first school to use uniforms and the importance they gained from the factor. By these advantages, there are different reasons as to why uniform are required to be used in schools. Adoption of uniforms by this long beach and Cherrywood system through the introduction of school uniforms is the greatest insight of this article. Through understanding the whole history of the uniforms utilization in school, there is a great lesson as to why uniforms are required to be used in schools.
Boutelle, Marsha UNIFORMS: Are They a Good Fit? ducation Digest February (2008)
This article usually talks about reasons as to why uniforms are required to be compulsory to all schools. There are different issues that arise to the students when they don’t use uniforms, making it essential; for all students to be wearing uniforms. One of the main factors is when students wear uniforms, teachers and administration as whole won’t worry about the security of students among other different factors. Focus among students is another reason as to why they should wear uniforms. When students are wearing uniforms, they understand psychologically that they are at school and not at home, leading to a great concentration of their work. The article has usually offered appropriate reasons as to why students are required to wear uniforms.
School Uniform Furze Platt Senior School 2016.
School uniforms are important to all students according to the article. When students are in school and they are at all time neat and smart, there is a possibility in their environment that increases their moral to work. Besides the classroom uniforms, it is important for the students to have PE uniforms for their comfortability while playing. According to the article, the cost of uniform should not be the main reason as to why students fail to wear school uniforms. There are different ways that parents can do to achieve school uniform in a cheaper way especially buying them from school. The main reason as to why uniform should be facilitated according to the article is to make all students feel equal.