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Document b samuel drowne answers

13/11/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day

A series of primary documents pertaining to the

Boston Massacre (March 5, 1770)

1. A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston…

In the days following the event, this pamphlet was written to provide the British Crown with the perspective

of Bostonian Patriots on the March 5, 1770 “Horrid Massacre.”

2. A Fair Account of the Late Unhappy Disturbance at Boston in New


This document provides a Loyalist perspective on the events in Boston surrounding March 5, 1770.

3. Henry Pelham’s “The Fruits of Arbitrary Power, or the Bloody


This is considered to be the first artistic rendering of the Boston Massacre which unfortunately would not be

the first to be printed and distributed. This resulted in not only considerable lost revenue for Henry Pelham,

but a lost opportunity to be recognized as one of the most important early works of propaganda in the ensuing

American Revolution.

4. Paul Revere’s “The Bloody Massacre…”

While certainly not the first effort to provide an illustration of the Boston Massacre (see Documents 3 and

5), Paul Revere’s depiction has gone down in history as one of the great pieces of propaganda art pertaining

to the American Revolution. It garnered him

5. Letter from Henry Pelham to Paul Revere

This letter written on March 29, 1770 pertains to the feud between former friends Henry Pelham and Paul

Revere regarding their competing depictions of the Boston Massacre.

1. A Short NARRATIVE OF The horrid Massacre in BOSTON, PERPETRATED In

the Evening of the Fifth Day of March, 1770, BY Soldiers of the XXIXth Regiment;

WHICH WITH The XIVth Regiment Were then Quartered there WITH SOME



Printed by Order of the Town of BOSTON,

And Sold by EDES and GILL, in Queen-Street,

and T. & J. FLEET, in Cornhill, 1770.

For a digitized scan of the original publication (including all the depositions of

witnesses referred to in the document) please go to the following link through the

Massachusetts Historical Society:

Digitized Original Copy with Appendix of Depositions

Boston, ss. At a Meeting of the Free-holders and the other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, duly qualified and

legally warned, in public Town-Meeting assembled at Faneuil-Hall, on Monday the 12th day of March, Anno Domini,


THAT Article in the Warrant, for calling this Meeting, viz. "What Steps may be further necessary, for obtaining a

particular Account of all Proceedings relative to the Massacre in King-Street on Monday Night last, that a full and just

Representation may be made therefore," was read,

Whereupon, VOTED, That the Honorable James Bowdoin, Esq; Doctor Joseph Warren, and Samuel Pemberton, Esq;

be a Committee for this important Business ; and they are desired to report as soon as may be.

Attest. William Cooper, Town-Clerk.

THE following Report, containing a Narrative of the late Massacre, is submitted to the Town.

In the Name of the Committee, James Bowdoin

AT the Town Meeting held on the 19th of March, 1770, by Adjournment.

The aforementioned Report was Read and Considered, whereupon Voted Unanimously, That the same be accepted,

and that it be immediately Printed, and the Committee are desired to transmit Copies thereof, as soon as possible to

the following Gentlemen, viz. The Right Honorable Isaac Barré, Esq; one of his Majesty's most Honorable Privy

Council ; Thomas Pownall, Esq; late Governor of the Massachusetts ; William Bollan, Esq; Agent for his Majesty's

Council ; Dennys DeBerdt, Esq; Agent for the House of Representatives ; Benjamin Franklin, Esq; L.L.D. and Barlow

Trecothick, Esq; a Member of Parliament for the City of London.


William Cooper, Town-Clerk.

A short Narrative of the horrid Massacre in Boston, perpetrated in the Evening of the Fifth Day of March, 1770, by

Soldiers of the XXIXth Regiment ; which with the XIVth Regiment were then quartered there: with some Observations

on the State of Things prior to that Catastrophe.

IT may be a proper introduction to this narrative, briefly to represent the state of things for some time previous to the

said massacre: And this seems necessary in order to the forming a just idea of the causes of it.

At the end of the late war, in which this Province bore so distinguished a part, a happy union subsisted

between Great-Britain and the Colonies. This was unfortunately interrupted by the Stamp-Act : but it was in some

measure restored by the Repeal of it. It was again interrupted by other acts of parliament for taxing America ; and by

the appointment of a Board of Commissioners, in pursuance of an act, which by the face of it was made for the relief

and encouragement of commerce, but which in it's operation, it was apprehended, would have, and it has in fact had,

a contrary effect. By the said act the said Comissioners were “to be resident in some convenient part of his Majesty's

dominions in America". -- This must be understood to be in some part convenient for the whole -- But it does not

appear, that in fixing the place of their residence, the convenience of the whole was at all consulted, for Boston being

very far from the centre of the colonies, could not be the place most convenient for the whole. -- Judging by the act,

it may seem this town was intended to be favoured, by the Commissioners being appointed to reside here; and that the

consequence of that residence would be the relief and encouragement of commerce : but the reverse has been the

constant and uniform effect of it : So that the commerce of the town, from the embarrassments in which it has been

lately involved, is greatly reduced. For the particulars on this head, see the state of the trade not long since drawn up

and transmitted to England by a committee of the merchants of Boston.

The residence of the Commisssioners here, has been detrimental, not only to the commerce, but to the

political interests of the town and province; and not only so, but we can trace from it the causes of the late horrid

massacre. Soon after their arrival here in November 1767, instead of confining themselves to the proper business of

their office, they became partizans of Governor Bernard in his political schemes ; and had the weakness and temerity

to infringe upon one of the most essential rights of the house of commons of this province -- that of giving their votes

with freedom, and not being accountable therefor but to their constituents. One of the members of that house Capt.

Timothy Folgier, having voted in some affair contrary to the mind of the said Commissioners, was for so doing

dismissed from the office he held under them.

These proceedings of theirs, the difficulty of access to them on office-business, and a supercilious behavior,

rendered them disgustful to people in general, who in consequence thereof treated them with neglect. This probably

stimulated them to resent it: and to make their resentment felt, they and their coadjutor, Governor Bernard, made such

representations to his Majesty's ministers as they thought best calculated to bring the displeasure of the nation upon

the town and province: and in order that those representations might have the more weight, they are said to have

contrived, and executed plans for exciting disturbances and tumults, which otherwise would probably never have

existed; and when excited, to have transmitted to the ministry the most exaggerated accounts of them.

These particulars of their conduct his Majesty's Council of this province have fully laid open in their

proceeding in council, and in their address to General Gage, in July and October 1768; and in their letter to Lord

Hillsborough of the 15th of April, 1769. -- Unfortunately for us, they have been too successful in their said

representations, which, in conjunction with Governor Bernard's, have occasioned his Majesty's faithful subjects of this

town and province to be treated as enemies and rebels, by an invasion of the town by sea and land: to which the

approaches were made with all the circumspection, usual where a vigorous opposition is expected. While the town

was surrounded by a considerable number of his Majesty's ships of war, two regiments landed and took possession of

it; and to support these, two other regiments arrived some time after from Ireland: one of which landed at Castle Island,

and the other in the town.

Thus were we, in aggravation of our other embarrassments, embarrassed with troops, forced upon us contrary

to our inclination -- contrary to the spirit of Magna Charta, -- contrary to the very letter of the Bill of Rights, in which

it is declared, that the raising or keeping a standing army within the kingdom in time of peace, unless it be with the

consent of parliament, is against law -- and without the desire of the civil magistrates, to aid whom was the pretence

for sending the troops hither: who were quartered in the town in direct violation of an act of parliament for quartering

troops in America: and all this in consequence of the representations of the said Commissioners and the said Governor,

as appears by their memorials and letters lately published.

As they were the procuring cause of troops being sent hither, they must therefore be the remote and a

blameable cause of all the disturbances and bloodshed that have taken place in consequence of that Measure.

But we shall leave them to their own reflections, after observing, that as they had some months before the

arrival of the troops, under pretence of safety to their persons, retired from town to the Castle, so after the arrival of

the troops, and their being quartered in the town, they thought proper to return: having answered, as they doubtless

thought, the purpose of their voluntary flight.

We shall next attend to the conduct of the troops, and to some circumstances relative to them. -- Governor

Bernard without consulting the Council, having given up the State-house to the troops at their landing, they took

possession of the chambers, where the representatives of the province and the courts of law held their meetings; and

(except the council-chamber) of all other parts of that house: in which they continued a considerable time, to the great

annoyance of those courts while they sat, and of the merchants and gentlemen of the town, who had always made the

lower floor of it their exchange. They had a right so to do, as the property of it was in the town: but they were deprived

of that right by meer power. The said Governor soon after, by every stratagem and by every method, but a forcibly

entry, endeavored to get possession of the manufactory-house, to make a barrack of it for the troops: and for that

purpose caused it to be besieged by the troops, and the people in it to be used very cruelly; which extraordinary

proceedings created universal uneasiness, arising from the apprehension; that the troops under the influence of such a

man would be employed to effect the most dangerous purposes; but failing of that, other houses were procured, in

which, contrary to act of parliament, he caused the troops to be quartered. After their quarters were settled, the main

guard was posted at one of the said houses, directly opposite to, and not twelve yards from, the State-house, (where

the General Court, and all the Law courts for the county were held), with two field pieces pointed to the State-house.

This situation of the main guard and field pieces seemed to indicate an attack upon the constitution, and a defiance of

law; and to be intended to affront the legislative and executive authority of the province.

The General Court, at the first Session after the arrival of the troops, viewed it in this light, and applied to

Governor Bernard to cause such a nuisance to be removed; but to no purpose. Disgusted at such an indignity, and at

the appearance of being under duresse, they refused to do business in such circumstances; and in consequence thereof

were adjourned to Cambridge, to the great inconvenience of the members.

Besides this, the challenging the inhabitants by centinels posted in all parts of the town before the lodgings

of officers, which (for about six months, while it lasted), occasioned many quarrels and uneasiness.-- Capt. Wilson’s,

of the 59th, exciting the negroes of the town to take away their masters lives and property, and repair to the army for

protection, which was fully proved against him. -- The attack of a party of soldiers on some of the magistrates of the

town – the repeated rescues of soldiers from peace officers – the firing of a loaded musket in a public street, to the

endangering a great number of peaceable inhabitants -- the frequent wounding of persons by their bayonets and

cutlasses, and the numerous instances of bad behavior in the soldiery, made us early sensible, that the troops were not

sent here for any benefit to the town or province, and that we had no good to expect from such conservators of the


It was not expected however, that such an outrage and massacre, as happened here on the evening of the fifth

instant, would have been perpetrated. There were then killed and wounded, by a discharge of musquetry, eleven of his

Majesty's subjects, viz.

Mr. Samuel Gray, killed on the spot by a ball entering his head.

Crispus Attucks, a mulatto, killed on the spot, two balls entering his breast.

Mr. James Caldwell, killed on the spot, by two balls entering his back.

Mr. Samuel Maverick, a youth of seventeen years of age, mortally wounded: he died the next morning.

Mr. Patrick Carr mortally wounded: he died the 14th instant.

1 The inhabitants, instead of making application to the military officers on these occasions, chose rather to oppose the civii [civil] authority and the laws of the land to such offenders; and had not the soldiery found means to evade

legal punishments, it is more than probable their insolence would have received a check, and some of the most

melancholy effects of it been prevented.

Christopher Monk and John Clark, youths about seventeen years of age, dangerously wounded. It is

apprehended they will die.

Mr. Edward Payne, merchant, standing at his door: wounded.

Messi’rs. John Green, Robert Patterson, and David Parker: all dangerously wounded.

The actors in this dreadful tragedy were a party of soldiers commanded by Capt. Preston of the 29th regiment:

This party, including the Captain, consisted of eight, who are all committed to goal.

There are depositions in this affair which mention, that several guns were fired at the same time from the

Custom-House; before which this shocking scene was exhibited. Into this matter inquisition is now making. -- In the

mean time it may be proper to insert here the substance of some of those depositions.

Benjamin Frizell, on the evening of the 5th of March, having taken his station near the west corner of the

Custom-house in Kingstreet, before and at the time of the soldiers firing their guns, declares (among other things) that

the first discharge was only of one gun, the next of two guns, upon which he the deponent thinks he saw a man stumble:

the third discharge was of three guns, upon which he thinks he saw two men fall, and immediately after were

discharged five guns, two of which were by soldiers on his right hand, the other three, as appeared to the deponent,

were discharged from the balcony, or the chamber window of the CUSTOM-HOUSE, the flashes appearing on the

left hand, and higher than the right hand flashes appeared to be, and of which the deponent was very sensible, altho'

his eyes were much turned to the soldiers, who were all on his right hand.

Gillam Bass, being in King-street at the same time, declares that they (the party of soldiers from the main

guard) posted themselves between the custom-house door and the west corner of it; and in a few minutes began to fire

upon the people: Two or three of the flashes so high above the rest, that he the deponent verily believes they must have

come from the CUSTOM-HOUSE windows.

Jeremiah Allen declares, that in the evening of the 5th day of March current, being at about nine o'clock in

the front chamber in the house occupied by Col. Ingersoll in King-street, he heard some guns fired, which occasioned

his going into the balcony of the said house. -- That when he was in the said balcony in company with Mr. William

Molineux jun’r. and John Simpson, he heard the discharge of four or five guns, the flashes of which appeared to be to

the westward of the centry box, and immediately after, he the deponent heard two or three more guns and saw the

flashes thereof from out of the house, now called the CUSTOM-HOUSE, as they evidently appeared to him, and which

he the said deponent at the same time declared to the aforesaid Molineux and Simpson, being then near him, saying

to them, (at the same time pointing his hand towards the custom-house), there they are out of the custom-house.

George Coster, being in King-street at the time above mentioned, declares that in five or six minutes after he

stopped, he heard the word of command given to the soldiers fire; upon which one gun was fired, which did no

execution, as the deponent observed, about half a minute after two guns, one of which killed one Samuel Gray a

ropemaker, the other a molatto man, between which two men the deponent stood, after this the deponent heard the

discharge of four or five guns more, by the soldiers ; immediately after which the deponent heard the discharge of

two guns or pistols, from an open window of the middle story of the CUSTOM-HOUSE, near to the place where the

sentry box is placed, and being but a small distance from the window, he heard the people from within speak and

laugh, and soon after saw the casement lowered down; after which the deponent assisted others in carrying off one of

the corps[e].

Cato, a Negro man, servant to Tuthill Hubbart, Esq; delcares, that on Monday evening the fifth of March

current, on hearing the cry of fire, he ran into Kingstreet, where he saw a number of people assembled before the

Custom-House, that he stood near the sentry-box and saw the soldiers fire on the people, who stood in the middle of

said street ; directly after which he saw two flashes of guns, one quick upon the other, from the chamber window of

the CUSTOM-HOUSE; and that after the firing was all over, while the people were carrying away the dead and

wounded, he saw the Custom-House door opened, and several soldiers (one of whom had a cutlass) go into the

Custom-House and shut the door after them.

Benjamin Andrews declares, that being desired by the committee of enquiry to take the ranges of the holes

made by musquet balls, in two houses nearly opposite to the Custom-House, he finds the bullet hole in the entry door

post of Mr. Payne's house (and which graz’d the edge of the door, before it enter’d the post, where it lodged, two and

a half inches deep) ranges just under the stool of the westernmost lower chamber window of the CUSTOM-HOUSE.

Samuel Drowne, towards the end of his deposition (which contains a pretty full account of the proceedings

of the soldiers on the evening of the 5th instant) declares, that he saw the flashes of two guns fired from the CUSTOM-

HOUSE, one of which was out of a window of the chamber westward of the balcony, and the other from the balcony;

the gun (which lie clearly discerned) being pointed through the ballisters, and the person who held the gun, in a

stooping posture withdrew himself into the house, having a handkerchief or some kind of cloth over his face.

These depositions shew clearly that a number of guns were fired from the Custom-House. -- As this affair is

now enquiring into, all the notice we shall take of it is, that it distinguishes the actors in it into Street-Actors and

House-Actors; which is necessary to be observed.

What gave occasion to the melancholy event of that evening seems to have been this. A difference having

happened near Mr. Gray's ropewalk, between a soldier and a man belonging to it, the soldier challenged the ropemakers

to a boxing match. The challenge was accepted by one of them, and the soldier worsted. He ran to the barrack in the

neighborhood, and returned with several of his companions. The fray was renewed, and the soldiers were driven off.

They soon returned with recruits and were again worsted. This happened several times, till at length a considerable

body of soldiers was collected, and they also were driven off, the ropemakers having been joined by their brethren of

the contiguous ropewalks. By this time Mr. Gray being alarmed interposed, and with the assistance of some gentlemen

prevented any further disturbance. To satisfy the soldiers and punish the man who had been the occasion of the first

difference, and as an example to the rest, he turned him out of his service; and waited on Col. Dalrymple, the

commanding officer of the troops, and with him concerted measures for preventing further mischief. Though this

affair ended thus, it made a strong impression on the minds of the soldiers in general, who thought the honor of the

regiment concerned to revenge those repeated repulses. For this purpose they seem to have formed a combination to

commit some outrage upon the inhabitants of the town indiscriminately; and this was to be done on the evening of the

5th instant or soon after: as appears by the depositions of the following persons, viz.

William Newhall declares, that on Thursday night the first of March instant, he met four soldiers of the 29th

regiment, and that he heard them say, there were a great many that would eat their dinners on Monday next, that

should not eat any on Tuesday.

Daniel Calfe declares, that on Saturday evening the 3d of March a camp-woman, wife to James McDeed a

grenadier of the 29th, came into his father's shop, and the people talking about the affrays at the rope-walks, and

blaming the soldiers for the part they had acted in it, the woman said, the soldiers were in the right; adding, that before

Tuesday or Wednesday night they would wet their swords or bayonets in New England people's blood.

Mary Brailsford declares, that on Sabbath evening the 4th of March instant a Soldier came to the house of

Mr. Amos Thayer where she then was. He desiring to speak with Mr. Thayer was told by Mrs. Mary Thayer, that her

brother was engaged, and could not be spoke with. He said, your brother as you call him, is a man I have a great regard

for, and I came on purpose to tell him to keep in his house, for before Tuesday night next at Twelve o'clock, there will

be a great deal of bloodshed, and a great many lives lost: and added, that he came out of a particular regard to her

brother to advise him to keep in his house, for then he would be out of harm's way. He said, your brother knows me

very well: my name is Charles Malone. He then went away. -- Of the same import, and in confirmation of this

declaration, are the depositions of Mary Thayer and Asa Copeland, who both live with the said Mr. Thayer, and heard

what the soldier said as abovementioned. It is also confirmed by the deposition of Nicholas Ferriter.

Jane Usher declares, that about 9 o'clock on Monday morning the 5th of March current, from a window she

saw two persons in the habit of soldiers, one of whom being on horse back appeared to be an officer's servant. The

person on the horse first spoke to the other, but what he said, she is not able to say, though the window was open, and

she not more than twenty feet distant: the other replied, He hoped he should see blood enough spilt before morning.

Matthew Adams declares, that on monday evening the 5th of March instant between the hours of 7 and 8

o'clock, he went to the house of corporal Pershall of the 29th regiment, near Quaker-lane, where he saw the corporal

and his wife, with one of the fifers of said regiment. When he had got what he went for, and was coming away, the

corporal called him back, and desired him with great earnestness to go home to his master's house as soon as business

was over, and not to be abroad on any account that night in particular, for the soldiers were determined to be revenged

on the ropewalk people; and that much mischief would be done. Upon which the fifer (about 18 or 19 years of age)

said, he hoped in God they would burn the town down. On this he left the house, and the said corporal called after him

again, and begged he would mind what he said to him.

Caleb Swan declares, that on monday night the 5th of March instant, at the time of the bells ringing for fire,

he heard a woman's voice whom he knew to be the supposed wife of one Montgomery, a grenadier of the 29th

regiment, standing at her door, and heard her say, it was not fire; the town was too haughty and too proud; and that

many of their arses would be laid low before the morning.

Margaret Swansborough declares, that a free woman named Black Peg, who has kept much with the soldiers,

on hearing the disturbance on monday evening the 5th instant said, the soldiers were not to be trod upon by the

inhabitants, but would know before morning, whether they or the inhabitants were to be masters.

Joseph Hooton, junr. declares, that coming from the South-end of Boston on Monday evening the 5th of

March instant, against Dr. Sewall's meeting he heard a great noise and tumult, with the cry of murder often repeated.

Proceeding towards the town-house he was passed by several soldiers running that way, with naked cutlasses and

bayonets in their hands. He asked one of them what was the matter, and was answered by him, by God you shall all

know what is the matter soon. Between 9 and 10 o'clock he went into King-street, and was present at the tragical scene

exhibited near the Custom-house; as particularly set forth in his deposition.

Mrs. Mary Russell declares, that John Brailsford a private soldier of the fourteenth regiment, who had

frequently been employed by her (when he was ordered with his company to the Castle, in consequence of the murders

committed by the soldiers on the evening of the 5th of March) coming to the deponent's house declared, that THEIR

regiment were ORDERED to hold themselves in readiness, and accordingly was ready THAT EVENING, upon the

inhabitants firing on the soldiery, to come to the assistance of the soldiery. On which she asked him, if he would have

fired upon any of the inhabitants of this town. To which he replied, yes, if he had orders: but that if he saw Mr. Russell,

he would have fired wide of him. He also said, it's well there was no gun fired by the Inhabitants, for had there been,

WE should have come to the soldiers assistance.

By the foregoing depositions it appears very clearly, there was a general combination among the soldiers of

the 29th regiment at least, to commit some extraordinary act of violence upon the town ; that if the inhabitants

attempted to repel it by firing even one gun upon those soldiers, the 14th regiment were ordered to be in readiness to

assist them ; and that on the late butchery in King-street they actually were ready for that purpose, had a single gun

been fired on the perpetrators of it.

It appears by a variety of depositions, that on the same evening between the hours of six and half after nine

(at which time the firing began) many persons, without the least provocation, were in various parts of the town, insulted

and abused by parties of armed soldiers patrolling the streets: particularly --

Mr. Robert Pierpont declares, that between the hours of 7 & 8 in the same evening, 3 armed soldiers passing

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