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Nearest-Neighbor and Logistic Regression Analyses of Clinical and Heart Rate

Characteristics in the Early Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis

Yuping Xiao, MS, M. Pamela Griffin, MD, Douglas E. Lake, PhD, J. Randall Moorman, MD

Objectives. To test the hypothesis that nearest-neighbor analysis adds to logistic regression in the early diagnosis of late-onset neonatal sepsis. Design. The authors tested meth- ods to make the early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis using con- tinuous physiological monitoring of heart rate characteristics and intermittent measurements of laboratory values. First, the hypothesis that nearest-neighbor analysis makes reasonable predictions about neonatal sepsis with performance compara- ble to an existing logistic regression model was tested. The most parsimonious model was systematically developed by excluding the least efficacious clinical data. Second, the authors tested the hypothesis that a combined nearest-neigh- bor and logistic regression model gives an outcome prediction that is more plausible than either model alone. Training and test data sets of heart rate characteristics and laboratory test results over a 4-y period were used to create and test

predictive models. Measurements. Nearest-neighbor, regres- sion, and combination models were evaluated for discrimina- tion using receiver-operating characteristic areas and for fit using the Wald statistic. Results. Both nearest-neighbor and regression models using heart rate characteristics and avail- able laboratory test results were significantly associated with imminent sepsis, and each kind of model added independent information to the other. The best predictive strategy employed both kinds of models. Conclusion. The authors propose nearest-neighbor analysis in addition to regression in the early diagnosis of subacute, potentially catastrophic ill- nesses such as neonatal sepsis, and they recommend it as an approach to the general problem of predicting a clinical event from a multivariable data set. Key words: nearest-neighbor; logistic regression; heart rate characteristics; sepsis. (Med Decis Making 2010;30:258–266)

The early diagnosis of sepsis in the neonatalintensive care unit should be an excellent appli- cation for data-mining approaches. First, we wished

to tested the hypothesis that nearest-neighbor analy- ses make predictions on neonatal sepsis that are com- parable to the existing regression models that relate heart rate characteristic (HRC) index and laboratory tests to neonatal sepsis. Second, we wished to test the hypothesis that the combined model of nearest- neighbor and regression, not necessarily using the same clinical data, is more accurate than either model by itself.


Neonatal sepsis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in premature infants hospitalized in neo- natal intensive care units (NICUs).1 It is difficult to diagnose in its earliest and most treatable stages because clinical signs and laboratory test abnormali- ties are subtle and nonspecific,2,3 and thus, it com- monly presents in advanced stages as systemic inflammatory response syndrome.4,5 We regard

Received 1 December 2005 from the Departments of Internal Medicine (YX, DEL, JRM) and Statistics (DEL) and Pediatrics (MPG) and the Car- diovascular Research Center (JRM), University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville. We thank W. E. King for suggesting nearest-neighbor analysis to us. Supported by NIGMS-64640; American Heart Associa- tion, Mid-Atlantic Affiliate; Children’s Medical Center Research Fund, University of Virginia; Virginia’s Center for Innovative Technology; and Medical Predictive Science Corporation, Charlottesville, Virginia. Pre- sented in part at the Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting, May 2005. Medical Predictive Science Corporation of Charlottesville, Virginia, has a license to market technology related to heart rate characteristics monitoring of newborn infants and supplied partial funding for this study. Drs. Griffin, Lake, and Moorman have an equity share in this company. Revision accepted for publication 15 February 2007.

Address correspondence to Douglas E. Lake, PhD, Box 800158, UVAHS, Charlottesville, VA 22908; e-mail: dlake@virginia.edu.

DOI: 10.1177/0272989X09337791



neonatal sepsis as an example of many subacute ill- nesses with subclinical phases during which treat- ment should be highly effective in preventing potential catastrophe.

To aid in the early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis, we developed HRC monitoring6�9 based on the observation that reduced variability and transient decelerations of heart rate occur in the hours to days prior to the clinical presentation.10 These abnormal- ities can be quantified using novel time-series measures11�13 incorporated into a predictive model based on logistic regression. The resulting HRC index has a highly significant association with sep- sis in internal and external validation studies.

We know, though, that physicians rely primarily on experience and not regression equations to diag- nose illness and employ pattern recognition to distill complex presenting features into a short list of possi- ble diseases. This invaluable exercise is not usually formalized, and most diagnostic test results arrive independently and without contextual interpreta- tion. Thus, the common clinical discourse of ‘‘when- ever I see x and y, I think of z’’ is not codified for universal use. Formal approaches to statistical pat- tern recognition have been developed in other fields,14 and data mining is a recently coined term for these strategies, which often exploit computer pro- cessing of large databases. Moreover, in general, to achieve optimal prediction of the outcome, we need to know the probability distribution of all the vari- ables. As this is impossible in many practical pro- blems, decision rules that do not need knowledge of distributions are favored. Nearest-neighbor analysis, described below, is one such strategy. It takes advan- tage of a large number of known samples in the train- ing set to compensate for the lack of distributions, and it is reliable for a mixture of continuous and dis- crete variables.15 Specific to clinical medicine is the idea that a single abnormal finding could supersede many normal findings in diagnosing or predicting ill- ness, and all clinicians recall patients in whom dire diagnoses were made based on a single crucial abnor- mal finding in a sea of normal ones.

The current study was motivated by the recent finding that laboratory test results add independent information to HRC monitoring in the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis.16 Our analysis has been based on regression, which recognizes only monotonic rela- tionships between laboratory values and risk. This reasoning fails for tests such as white blood cell count (WBC) or body temperature, which might be abnormally high or low in illness. Thus, for the new study, we have used a pattern-recognition technique

called nearest-neighbor analysis.14 The principle is simple. For a patient with a set of findings, one finds the most similar infants in their experience and lists their diagnoses and outcomes. Nearest-neighbor analysis has been widely used in pattern recognition studies of many kinds but has been relatively under- used in clinical medicine. Haddad and coworkers17

used this approach to detect coronary artery disease using patterns of perfusion scintigraphy in 100 patients in whom the presence or absence of disease was established by angiography.17 Qu and Gotman18

developed a patient-specific seizure detection algo- rithm based on electroencephalogram waveforms in the presence and absence of seizures.18 Most recently, Lutz and coworkers19 were able to forecast effects of psychotherapy based on reference responses of 203 clients.19

A particular strength of nearest-neighbor analysis is independence from assumptions about normal levels of test results or about relationships among test results. The results arise entirely from experi- ence, mimicking at least part of a physician’s thought process. Because sepsis elicits a complex systemic inflammatory response syndrome with dysfunction of multiple organs, it seems sensible to consider as many simultaneous processes as possi- ble. On the other hand, however, some laboratory tests are taken much less frequently than the others, making the database smaller the more processes we take into consideration at the same time. Last but not least, although many variables contribute to a model, some may be more closely related to the model outcome than the others, and before the roles of all variables are understood fully, including as many variables as possible in 1 model may turn out to be impractical and potentially problematic. Thus, we need a model, or a combination of multiple mod- els, that can include many important variables and also deal with the real-world problem of intermit- tent sampling of laboratory measures.

Research Question

Does nearest-neighbor analysis add to existing logistic regression methods for early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis?


Study Population

We studied all admissions to the University of Virginia NICU from July 1999 to July 2003 of



patients who were 7 or more days of age. The clini- cal research protocol was approved by the Human Investigations Committee of the University of Virgi- nia. Laboratory test results were available from an electronic archive. The analysis was limited to the time that HRC data were available, or 92% of the total time. Infants were followed prospectively to identify cases of sepsis, but health care personnel were not aware of the result of the HRC monitoring. We defined sepsis to be present when a physician suspected the diagnosis, obtained a blood culture that grew bacteria not ordinarily considered to be a contaminant, and initiated antibiotic therapy of 5 or more days’ duration. This definition is consistent with the diagnosis of proven sepsis used by the Centers for Disease Control.20 Sepsis was diagnosed in the usual course of care; that is, no cultures were done for study purposes.

Data Sets

Both the nearest-neighbor and logistic regres- sion analyses call for a training data set and a test data set. Each point represents a summary of the past 12 h, and points were calculated every 6 h. The HRC index was available at each point, and laboratory test results were intermittently avail- able. Thus, each data point in the test set could be evaluated for HRC values, and many could be eval- uated for 1 or more individual laboratory test results when they were available. In our analysis, the duration of a test result was 12 h. For this work, HRC and laboratory test data obtained from 1999 to 2003 in the University of Virginia NICU were split randomly and nearly evenly into a train- ing set of patients and a test set of patients. A total of 676 patients (with more than 70,000 records) were included in this study, and among them, 326 patients were in the training set. All were obtained after 7 days of age, and we neglected data during the 7 days after a positive blood culture. The sep- sis event was defined to occur over a 24-h period beginning 6 h before the positive blood culture and ending 18 h after. We justify this selection based on our prior work using regression modeling that shows this is the epoch in which most of the diagnostic test results are available.8,16 Birth weight and days of age were included in all of the models, as we reasoned that clinicians were always aware of these parameters. Cases of sepsis were individually reviewed for data accuracy. Health care personnel were blinded to the results of the HRC monitoring.

Nearest-Neighbor Models

Conceptually, each point from the test set was placed among the points of the training set in a mul- tidimensional space, and its nearest neighbors were identified. For each of the 36,000 points in the train- ing set, the distance from each point in the 35,000- point test set was calculated. The distances were calculated for HRC values, days of age, and birth weight for all of the data, and the process was repeated with additional contributions from each laboratory test individually and in several combina- tions. Self-records were excluded.

A very important aspect of implementing accu- rate nearest-neighbor models is the selection of the distance metric used to measure similarity. The Mahalanobis distance is a robust choice for measur- ing similarity.15 The Mahalanobis distance between 1 records xi, xj is calculated by

di, j = A xi � xj � ��� ��,

where xi = ½xi1, xi2, � � � , xin�T is a vector of available clinical data features of a record and A is an n×n matrix that transforms each feature vector so that xikðk ¼ 1, 2, � � � , nÞ have the same scale and are uncorrelated. The transformation matrix A can be estimated from the training data set by


where S is a diagonal matrix consisting of eigen- values of the covariance matrix of the data set and V is the orthogonal matrix of corresponding eigenvec- tors. The important results of this transformation are that variables with large numerical values (such as WBC) do not dwarf those with small values (such as the ratio of immature to total white blood cell forms [I:T ratio]), and variables that are highly correlated (such as pCO2; pH, and HCO3Þ are uncoupled in the analysis. Mahalanobis distance can be viewed as a simple Euclidean distance following that linear transformation.

For a new test record xi, distances from all records in the training data set to it are sorted in ascending order. The new record is assigned a value between 0 and 1 postulated to represent the chance of illness in the next 24 h. If there are ks records that occurred within 24 h of sepsis among the ki nearest neighbors in the training set, then the probability of the new record also within 24 h of illness is given by

pi = ks ki :



For this work, ks was selected to be 10 to ensure a rea- sonable degree of statistical accuracy of this probabil- ity. Results were similar for values between 5 and 10. There were 220 records near sepsis from 88 episodes of sepsis in the training set. Were they randomly dis- tributed, the size of the neighborhood would be 10/ 220, or less than 5% of the data set. Thus, the strategy allows effective localization of infants with similar clinical features within the large data set.

Each combination of HRC and laboratory values can be thought of as a predictive model and evalu- ated using standard metrics such as ROC area and Wald statistic.

Logistic Regression Models

We used previously described techniques and adjusted for repeated measures.6�8,16,21

Combining Nearest-Neighbor and Logistic Regression Models

Individual nearest-neighbor models with HRC and laboratory values were combined so that if 1 or more laboratory values were available, the maximum of the predictions was made in the final prediction of the combined model. If no laboratory values were avail- able, the final prediction adopted the outcome of the single model with only HRC and other basic variables (such as birth weight and days of age).

Models combining probability estimates from the nearest-neighbor and logistic regression analyses were based on bivariable logistic regression. The sta- tistical significance of added information was calcu- lated using the Wald chi-square test.

HRC Index and Laboratory Results

The HRC index has been previously described.6,8

Briefly, it is an internally and externally validated mul- tivariable regression–based measure that is propor- tional to the risk of acute illness in infants in the NICU. In this analysis, we used individual measure- ments of the standard deviation, sample entropy,12,13,22

and sample asymmetry (R1 and R2 measures),11 the major elements of the HRC index. Laboratory test results were obtained from an electronic archive.

Study Design

The 1st goal was to test the hypothesis that near- est-neighbor analyses alone make effective predic- tions on neonatal sepsis. All models included days

of age and birth weight, as this information is always available to the clinician. We systematically tested nearest-neighbor models that added 1 laboratory test at a time and all combinations of 2 laboratory results. We then added 4-dimensional HRC data (s, 2-sample asymmetry statistics, and sample entropy—the com- ponents of the regression-based HRC index) and repeated the procedure. Receiver-operating charac- teristic area (ROC) and Wald statistic were used to measure model performance.

The 2nd goal was to test the hypothesis that nearest-neighbor and logistic regression models add independent information to each other and that combined models improve prediction of neo- natal sepsis. The approach was to prepare multiple nearest-neighbor models and regression models, eval- uate the predictive performances of each model, and compare them.


Table 1 shows the demographic features and rates of sepsis in the training and overall data sets. Figure 1 shows the method for calculating the proportion of sick neighbors. As an example, a 3-dimensional space is shown, with each axis representing a mea- surement modality—here, birth weight, day of age, and WBC. The complete analysis included higher dimensions. The filled points are measurements from past infants who were within 24 h of the diag- nosis of sepsis. Two populations can be identified

Table 1 Patient Population and Laboratory Test Results

Training Set All Infants

n 327 676 #HRC 36,309 71,254 Birth weight (g)a 1454 (973,2620) 1581 (974,2700) <1500 g 166 (51%) 317 (47%) Gestational age (wk)a 31 (27, 36) 31 (27, 36) Episodes of sepsis 88 (67 infants) 163 (120) Laboratory test results

White blood cell count

6723 13,014

I:T ratio 5616 10,887 Glucose 24,592 48,312 Platelet count 8275 16,144 pH, pCO2 25,865 50,464 HCO3 20,828 40,630

Note: #HRC=number of 6-h heart rate characteristic (HRC) records; I:T ratio= ratio of immature to total white blood cell forms. a. Given as median (25th, 75th percentiles).



with different WBC values, as expected from clinical observation that septic infants might have abnor- mally high or low values.

Table 2 shows modeling results. The major find- ing is that many nearest-neighbor and logistic regression models were significantly associated with upcoming sepsis, with ROC areas as high as 0.71. The nearest-neighbor results validate the general approach of using the similarity of present data to past cases to estimate the risk of imminent illness. Most interestingly, a combined model consisting of the maximum (or the worst) prediction of several performed better, with ROC area 0.85, validating the clinicians’ reasoning that a single clearly abnormal result trumps a number of other normal results.

To determine an optimal model, we tested all 256 possible combinations of HRC index and laboratory tests. The best predictive performance was returned for the combination of HRC index, WBC, I:T ratio, and HCO3, with ROC area 0.86. This is the model that was further evaluated in Figures 4 and 5.

The column of Table 2 titled ‘‘Both’’ shows the results of combined models using both nearest- neighbor analysis and logistic regression. The important result is that the 2 kinds of models often added independent information to each other, as shown in the rightmost columns. This validates the approach of using multiple predictive models, each of them incorporating multiple variables such as laboratory test results and HRC.

Figure 2 shows fit (Wald statistic) as a function of discrimination (ROC area) for bivariable regression models relating sepsis to probability estimates from logistic regression and nearest-neighbor models using the same predictor variables. Strategic combi- nation of multiple models led to improved fit and discrimination.

New data point healthy neighbor

septic neighbor



Day of age

B ir

th w

ei gh


Figure 1 Method of nearest-neighbor analysis. The plot is a styl-

ized representation of a 3-dimensional space in which each point

is a white blood cell count (WBC) value measured on a known day of age in an infant of known birth weight. Filled points

occurred in infants within 24 h of a positive blood culture

obtained for signs of sepsis. There are 2 clusters of filled points, indicating sepsis occurring in infants with low or high WBC

values. The test point is at the center of the shaded sphere. Con-

ceptually, the sphere is enlarged until it contains 10 filled points,

and the proportion of filled to total points is calculated. This probability measure is the nearest-neighbor analysis result of the

likelihood of imminent sepsis.

Table 2 Modeling Results

N-n ROC N-n Wald stat LR ROC N-n Wald stat Both: ROC Both: Wald stat N-n add? LR add?

HRC 0.71 134 0.74 105 0.74 137 * * WBC 0.57 12 0.53 3.1 0.58 15 * I:T ratio 0.67 58 0.69 60 0.70 74 * * Platelet count 0.61 33 0.62 55 0.63 58 * Glucose 0.51 0.4 0.54 3.5 0.54 3.8 pCO2 0.56 5.5 0.58 5.8 0.58 6.9 * pH 0.57 6.3 0.58 6.2 0.59 9.6 * HCO3 0.53 0.9 0.58 9.0 0.60 15 * * Combined model 0.85 317 0.87 311 0.87 472 * * Optimal model 0.86 358 0.87 319 0.88 480 * *

Note: N-n=nearest-neighbor analysis; ROC= receiver-operating characteristic area; Wald stat=Wald statistic; LR= logistic regression; both=bivariable regression model using results of nearest-neighbor analysis and multivariable logistic regression models; HRC=heart rate characteristics; WBC=white blood cell count; I:T ratio= ratio of immature to total white blood cell forms; N-n add *=nearest-neighbor model added significant information to logis- tic regression model (P < 0.05); LR add *= logistic regression model added significant information to nearest-neighbor model (P < 0.05).



Figure 3 shows the proportion of time that each model was applicable (i.e., the appropriate laboratory tests were available) as well as the proportion of time that each model contributed the highest prediction value in the final model. The important result is that all models contributed to the final prediction proba- bility. Because the variables were selected for their relevance to neonatal sepsis, the result is unlikely to be due to outliers from irrelevant data.

As noted above, the optimal model used HRC, WBC, I:T ratio, and HCO3, and Figure 4 shows an evaluation of its performance. The smooth line shows the output of the predictive model using coefficients determined from the training set. The circles are the observed results from the test set, and the boxes describe the 95% confidence limits determined by bootstrap. There is good agreement, with a sharp increase in predicted and observed probability in the top 10%. We defined this as a high-risk group,16 and we similarly defined low-risk (lowest 70%) and inter- mediate-risk (70th-90th percentile) groups.

Figure 5 shows the time dependence of the change in risk stratified by these groupings. Initially,

there is a very large distinction between the low- and high-risk groups. For example, there is a 20-fold increase in the relative risk of sepsis in the high-risk group compared with the low-risk group, from 0.28- fold to 5.5-fold increase in the average risk. Seven days after a measurement, there is still a more than 3-fold increase in the high-risk group compared with the low-risk group, from 0.70-fold to 2.3-fold increase in the average risk.


We studied the use of predictive models based on nearest-neighbor analysis and on logistic regression in the early diagnosis of late-onset neonatal sepsis. Our major finding was that combining nearest- neighbor and logistic regression models, each based on multiple variables, led to improved prediction. We incorporated the reasoning of clinicians that les- sons learned from past cases were valuable.

Neonatal sepsis seems to be a particularly apt clinical problem to use nearest-neighbor analysis in creating predictive models. These infants are con- tinuously monitored and have frequent laboratory testing, but because no single test has extremely high predictive performance, physicians are almost always uncertain of the diagnosis until signs of severe illness are present. The analytical strategy presented here should be useful in quantifying the experience of other physicians with other patients in an observational database. The prediction result,

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0



Discrimination (ROC area)

F it

( W

al d

s ta

ti st

ic )

platelets pCO2


glucose I:T ratio

HRC index

combined model optimal model


Figure 2 Combination of multiple nearest-neighbor models lead to improved prediction of illness. The fit of the predictive models,

calculated as the Wald chi-square statistic of the data given the

model, is plotted as a function of the area under the receiver- operating characteristic area. Of the models using a single vari-

able (in addition to day of age and birth weight), heart rate char-

acteristic index had the best performance and ratio of immature

to total white blood cell forms the next best. Either strategy of model combination had better performance.

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Proportion of time used / available

HRC index pH

pCO2 glucose

HCO3 platelets

WBC I:T ratio

Figure 3 Availability and utilization of predictive variables. The

filled section of each bar is the proportion of the total time for which the model incorporating the specified variable led to the

highest predicted probability of illness, and the open section

is the proportion of time for which the variable was available.

By the study design, heart rate characteristic was available all of the time.



of course, requires further contextual interpretation by the physician.

Nearest-neighbor analysis might find general utility in other clinical situations in which the stakes are high and the data plentiful but unsorted. The combination of nearest-neighbor and logistic regression is especially appealing in multivariate applications in which there are both linear and nonlinear associations. Logistic regression may have superior performance in handling the linear processes, and nearest-neighbor may be more effective in treating the nonlinear components. The challenge to the algorithm developer is optimal handling of continuous and intermittent data with unequal magnitude and variation and unknown corre- lations. To adapt to the general situations that labora- tory measures were taken at irregular times when there might be a need, we developed a highly flexible model that combines individual models associated with those laboratory tests but makes the final estimate based on what is available. Because nearest-neighbor rules are based on the assumption of independently distributed variables,15 we used Mahalanobis dis- tance measure to deal with the problem of different kinds of data with unequal magnitude and unknown correlations.

Limitations of the Study

HRC data were not available for online inspection by physicians, and results are likely to be different when they are. In our hospital, real-time HRC moni- toring has been in use since September 2003 and has

resulted in diagnosis and treatment of bacterial sep- sis with no or only symptoms.9 C-reactive protein (CRP) and newer tests for systemic inflammation are not in routine use at our hospital but are likely to add useful diagnostic information.23 Finally, diag- nosis of the presence or absence of neonatal sepsis is often uncertain. Blood cultures have notoriously poor diagnostic accuracy, especially in this set- ting, where only very small blood samples can be spared.24 Moreover, neurodevelopmental abnormal- ities are the same in infants with clinical sepsis regardless of the blood culture result.25 As a result, the most recent guidelines for diagnosis of blood- stream infection in neonates lean heavily on clinical and laboratory findings other than blood cultures,26

with a preference for multivariable analysis.27

The major limitation of any nearest-neighbor analysis is the database itself. If populated with incorrect or irrelevant data, there is obviously a dete- rioration of predictive performance. A more specific limitation is the nature of the outcome itself, the clinical and laboratory diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. Because blood cultures are a tarnished gold stan- dard, there is irreducible uncertainty in the precise diagnosis of an infant with obvious clinical signs of illness but negative blood cultures. There is increas- ing awareness that many such infants have systemic inflammation and are vulnerable to identical neuro- developmental impairment as infants with the same clinical illness but positive blood cultures.25

Furthermore, the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis is rela- tively rare: an episode per 6 to 12 infant-months, or <1% of the time.1 As a result, most neighbors are



F o

ld -i

n cr

ea se

in r

is k

0 25 50 75 100 Model prediction, as percentile

Figure 4 Internal validation of the nearest-neighbor model of

selected laboratory tests. The plot shows predicted (smooth line)

and observed (circles) rates of sepsis based on the percentile of the predicted probability. The boxes show the 95% confidence

limits of the observed rates.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0








F o

ld -i

n cr

ea se

in r

is k

Time (days)




Figure 5 Relative risks of sepsis in low-, intermediate-, and high-

risk groups based on the model of selected laboratory tests.



‘‘well’’ no matter how abnormal the HRC and clini- cal data. Our training set of 36,000 6-h records held only 220 occurring within 24 h of sepsis. To guard against including inappropriately large search spaces, we found the 10 nearest ‘‘sick’’ neighbors and calcu- lated their proportional frequency. Were the abnormal records scattered randomly, our search space would include less than 5% of the total data set.

In the nearest-neighbor analysis, we used the Mahalanobis distance metric instead of the more straight-forward Euclidean distance because it cor- rects for problems of analyzing correlated data with different scales. This advantage outweighs any theo- retical limitation, but we note that the Mahalanobis distance was designed for multivariate normal data.

We have used only logistic regression and nearest- neighbor analysis to explore how data mining might aid physicians in the early diagnosis of neonatal sep- sis. There are many other kinds of analysis that might be added or substituted, including neural and Bayes- ian networks and decision tree analysis. There are many other possible variables to measure, including continuous ones such as O2 saturation monitoring and intermittent ones such CRP and other new labo- ratory markers of systemic inflammation. There are other disease processes for which this approach would be useful in addition to systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Our targets are subacute, poten- tially catastrophic illnesses or complications. Exam- ples include acute exacerbations of chronic asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumo- nia, urinary tract infection and sepsis after brain or spinal cord injury, cancer recurrence, exacerbation of inflammatory bowel disease, severe hypoglycemia in insulin-requiring diabetes mellitus, complications of nursing home care such as bed sores, relapse of con- gestive heart failure, new or recurrent infection in HIV disease, community outbreaks of influenza or other infection, or effects of bioterrorism agents. For each setting, an observational database that houses continuous and intermittent measures can be devel- oped and predictive models derived.

Future Work

We foresee challenges in the implementation of nearest-neighbor analysis. First, because the major target events are infrequent compared with the test- ing, we can expect many false-positive results. We find this acceptable because the finding of a recent increase in risk of the target illnesses need result in only no-invasive or minimally invasive testing such as imaging or blood sampling. This seems warranted

by the potentially catastrophic outcome of late diag- nosis and late treatment. The goal is an early detec- tion system for increased risk, not a substitute for a physician. Second, as with all predictive models, there is danger of overfitting. Here, we have guarded against this by developing and validating predic- tive algorithms in separate populations and by appropriate adjustments when repeated measures are employed. Third, not all clinical problems are suitable for informatics-monitoring approaches. Truly sudden catastrophes with either no prodrome or ones that are too short to allow intervention are unlikely to be amenable to predictive algorithms. It is possible, for example, that arterial thrombosis leading to acute myocardial infarction or stroke has no prodrome. Finally, the issue of liability must be prospectively addressed. Consider a situation in which a monitored patient’s risk for, say, sepsis in the setting of spinal cord injury increases more than 3-fold in the middle of the night. Is one negli- gent to ignore this until office hours?


Nearest-neighbor analysis adds to existing logistic regression methods for early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. Nearest-neighbor analysis is a novel approach to predicting imminent illness, and both logistic regression and nearest-neighbor analysis models based on HRC and laboratory test results contribute independent information. The best predictions employed both kinds of models and were driven by the single most abnormal finding. This approach to predicting illness may prove useful in other clinical situations.


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