Don't Blame the Eater
Question Description
"Don't Blame the Eater"
1)David Zinnczenko starts off his essay with a comparison between people suing fast food companies and sports car drivers suing when they get tickets. Why is Zinczenko using this writing strategy to start off his essay?
2)How do paragraphs two and three contradict the first paragraph? What is the goal of paragraphs two and three?
3)What are the health concerns of obesity that Zinczenko identifies?
4)What criticisms does Zinczenko make of the fast food industry?
5)What would Zinczenko say about the argument that it's the eater's responsibility?
"What You Eat Is Your Business"
1) What's the "They Say" that Radley Balko presents at the beginning of his essay?
2) What is Balko's main argument in his essay?
3) What are some of the specific concerns that Balko has with government intervention?
4) What relationship does Balko see between government regulations and personal responsibility?
5) Balko argues that people's bad choices are costing us all more and that people should be financially responsible for those choices. What do you think about this idea?