Discussion Board Forums Discussion boards are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be approximately 600 words (due by Wednesday of each week) and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Please see the grading rubric for assignment requirements, which includes additional guidance on word counts. Discussion Board Forum Grading Rubric Criteria Thread Content Levels of Achievement Advanced 16 to 17 points Proficient 13 to 15 points Developing 1 to 12 points Not Present 0 points Did not submit All key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread. Some key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread. Minimal key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread. Major points are supported by all of the following: Reading & Study materials; Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples; Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); Two peer-reviewed source citations in current APA format, the text and the integration of one (1) biblical principle; and Post word count is up to +/- 10% of requirement Major points are supported by some of the following): Reading & Study materials; Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples; Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); Two peer-reviewed source citations in current APA format, the text and the integration of one (1) biblical principle; and Major points are supported by few/none of the following: Reading & Study materials; Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples; Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); Two peer-reviewed source citations in current APA format, the text and the integration of one (1) biblical principle; and Post word count is more than +/- 15% of requirement Replies Content 10 to 11 points Contribution made to discussion with each reply expounding on the thread. Major points are supported by all of the following: Reading & Study materials; Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples; Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); and One peer-reviewed source citation in current APA format, the text and the integration of one (1) biblical principle. Response word count is up to +/- 10% of requirement. Thread: Grammar, Spelling, APA formatting, word count 7 to 8 points No notable spelling and/or grammar errors; format is easy to follow; proper APA format Post word count is between +/- 10-15% of requirement 8 to 9 points 1 to 7 points 0 points Marginal contribution made to discussion with each reply slightly expounding on the thread. Minimal contribution made to discussion with each reply slightly expounding on the thread. Did not submit Major points are generally supported by some of the following): Reading & Study materials; Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples; Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); and One peer-reviewed source citation in current APA format, the text and the integration of one (1) biblical principle. Response word count is between +/- 10-15% of requirement. 5 to 6 points Major points are minimally supported by none of the following: Reading & Study materials; Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples; Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions,