Case Study
Weighting: 40%
Word count: There is a word limit of 1500 words.
Due date: Monday 11th May at 1200hrs
Submission details: via Blackboard> Assessments>Turnitin link.
Aim of assessment
The purpose for this case study is to enable students to produce a nurse-led case management plan,
using evidence-based information relevant to nurses and up-to-date Australian statistics, for
improving the health and quality of life for an older adult who have suffered a myocardial infarction.
Content should include discussion on pathophysiological treatment options, based on national
guidelines and implications for nursing practice.
Patient profile
Kath Harris is a 65-year old lady who lives alone. Kath was doing light cleaning around the house,
prior to the onset of her pain. Mrs. Harris has a history of unstable angina, hypertension and
diabetes mellitus type 2. She is a cigarette smoker, smoking two packets of cigarettes a day, for
approximately 40 years. A recent history of indigestion suggests an active peptic ulcer. She is also
obese (her body mass index is 32). She has had a history of head trauma due to an incident a few
months ago, where she fell down a set of stairs. Mrs Harris’ current medication includes; GTN,
carvedilol, and metformin.
Subjective data
• She had taken three glyceryl trinitrate tablets, which had little effect on reducing her chest
• Has an 6/10 chest pain
• Pt is nauseated
• Appears distressed
Objective data
Physical examination
• GCS 15
• BP 92/58mmHg, HR 92 bpm, Temp 370Celsius, Resp 28 bpm, SaO2 91% RA,
• Skin was pale
• Peripheries were cool
Diagnostic studies
Lipid Studies
• Total lipid 9.2
• Triglycerides 6.5
• Total cholesterol 7.95
HDL cholesterol 2.1
LDL cholesterol 5.97
Sodium 138
Potassium 4.9
Chloride 97
Bicarbonate 21
Glucose 11.2
Iron 5.4
HbA1c 7.9
Your assignment is to produce a written piece of work addressing the following areas;
Briefly explain the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction in this patient. In your answer
identify the clinical manifestations of an MI demonstrated by Kath Harris and why these are
occurring. Identify the risk factors evident within this case study. How would you manage
Mrs Harris’ care?
Outline the immediate nursing and medical management Mrs Harris requires in the
treatment of an acute MI. In your answer include the pharmacological management
required by a patient with an acute coronary syndrome.
Identify three medications that would be used in the treatment of an MI and outline the
indication for use, mechanism of action, administration method, side effects, and nursing
care required for these medications (No tables).
Important details about your assessment
This essay requires a standard essay introduction and conclusion.
There is a word limit of 1500 words (+/- 10% as per SNM Presentation and Assignment
Marks will be allocated as per SNM Assessment Rubric & the essay specific criteria below.
Submission instructions and the link is accessible under the ‘assessments’ tab.
Students should refer to the SNM Presentation and Assignment Guide, ECU APA
Referencing Guide, and the SNM Marking Assessment Rubric.
Graphs, tables and flow charts to support the statistical data will not be accepted.
Marking criteria:
Below you will find two tables: The first is the SNM generic marking rubric, the second is an
interpretation of that rubric to help you recognise which areas are important (it shows you what
elements you need to address in order to get full marks). The points in brackets show you how those
elements are weighted, e.g. the introduction can get up to 2 points etc. Elements with more points
would be expected to require more words/paragraphs.
Table 1: Marking rubric
Well Below Average (<25%) Below Average (26-49%) Pass/Average (50-59%) Credit (60-69%) Distinction (70-79%) High Distinction (>80%)
C o
n te
n t
Does not address assessment item. No evidence to support main ideas. Unable to demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas or concepts. No credible sources used to support main ideas.
Does not or poorly addresses assessment item. Insufficient evidence to support main ideas. Unable to or poorly demonstrates an understanding of the main ideas or concepts. Ideas are not relevant to
the topic. Limited referencing to support ideas.
Assessment item addressed at a superficial level. Minimal evidence to support main ideas. Able to demonstrate an understanding of the main concepts at a basic level. Some ideas presented have relevance to
the topic.
Most parts of the assessment item addressed at a satisfactory level and supported by adequate evidence. Able to demonstrate an understanding of the main concepts. Most ideas presented have relevance to the topic.
All parts of the assessment item addressed at a good level and supported by quality evidence. Able to demonstrate a solid understanding of the main concepts. Most ideas presented have relevance to the topic.
Content fully addresses all parts of the assessment item. Thorough exploration of concepts and well-formed ideas, supported by high quality evidence. Able to demonstrate an in- depth understanding of the main concepts. All ideas presented have relevance to the topic.
0-10 11-19 20-23 24-27 28-31 32-40
A p
p li
c a ti
o n
o f
C ri
ti c a l
T h
in k in
Does not demonstrate critical thinking appropriate to required level. No application of professional practice and/or evidence based thinking to assessment item.
Poorly demonstrates critical thinking appropriate to required level. Poor application of professional practice and/or evidence based thinking to assessment item.
Limited demonstration of critical thinking appropriate to level of education. Limited application of professional practice and/or evidence based thinking to assessment item.
Demonstration of critical thinking appropriate to level of education. Application of professional practice and/or evidence based thinking to assessment item.
Very good demonstration of critical thinking appropriate to level of education. Very good application of professional practice and/or evidence based thinking to assessment item.
Excellent demonstration of critical thinking appropriate to level of education. Excellent application of professional practice and/or evidence base to practice in assessment.
0-7 8-14 15-16 17-19 20-23 24-30
S tr
u c tu
re a
n d
P re
s e n
ta ti
o n
The assignment does not conform to the structure of the assessment item. No introduction to the assessment. Poor or non-existent paragraphing. No logical/cohesive development of ideas. No summation of key points in conclusion. Does not comply with ECU SNM Assignment W riting Guidelines.
Limited aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Poor introduction to the assessment. Limited paragraphing. Omits or poor summation of key points in conclusion.
Poorly complies with ECU SNM Assignment W riting Guidelines. Does not follow specific assignment instructions as per Unit Semester Plan
Some aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Limited introduction of topic and summation of key points in conclusion. Minimal paragraphing, and logical/cohesive development of ideas.
Most aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Introduction adequately introduces topic and summarises key points in conclusion. Paragraphing is evident, and there is a logical/cohesive development of ideas in some of the assessment item.
Complies with ECU SNM Assignment W riting Guidelines. Follows specific assignment instructions as per Unit Semester Plan
Most aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Very good introduction of topic and summation of key points in the conclusion that reflects the student’s position and provides clear insights into the issue. Very good paragraphing, and logical/cohesive development of ideas. Complies with ECU SNM Assignment W riting Guidelines to a very high standard. Follows specific assignment instructions as per Unit Semester Plan completely.
All aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Excellent introduction of topic and strong summation of key points in the conclusion that reflects the student’s position and provides clear insights into the issue. Excellent paragraphing and logical/cohesive development of ideas throughout Complies with ECU SNM Assignment W riting Guidelines to an excellent standard. Follows all specific assignment instructions as per Unit Semester Plan
0-2 3-4 5 6-7 8-9 10
R e fe
re n
c in
g Referencing does not follow
instructions in the ECU Referencing Guide. In text and/or end-text referencing has multiple errors. Includes references in conclusion.
Referencing poorly follows instruction in the ECU Referencing Guide. In text and/or end-text referencing has many errors. Includes references in conclusion.
Mainly adheres to instruction in the ECU Referencing Guide. In text and/or end-text referencing has some errors.
Adheres to instruction in the ECU Referencing Guide. In text and/or end-text referencing has few errors.
Adheres to instruction in the ECU Referencing Guide. In text and/or end-text referencing has very few errors.
Completely adheres to all instruction in the ECU Referencing Guide. In text and/or end-text referencing has no errors.
0-2 3-4 5 6-7 8-9 10
Low Proficiency Developing Proficiency Moderate Proficiency High Proficiency
E n
g li
s h
L a n
g u
a g
P ro
fi c
ie n
c y
Multiple grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors were present throughout. Sentence structure poor making it difficult to determine meaning.
Many grammatical spelling and punctuation errors were present and needs improvement. Sentence structure needs improvement.
Mostly correct grammar, spelling and punctuation evident throughout. Sentence structure acceptable but needs improvement.
Mainly correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. Very few errors. Sentence structure was of a good standard.
Grammar, spelling and punctuation were error free. Sentence structure of a high standard. Effective use of all sentence and paragraph writing conventions were clearly demonstrated. Logical application of arguments throughout paper.
Grammar, spelling and punctuation were error free. Sophisticated use of all sentence and paragraph writing conventions were clearly demonstrated. Logical application of arguments throughout paper.
0-2 3-4 5
6 7-8 9-10
Table 2: Elements required in case study essay to meet marking rubric criteria
Case study specific criteria to be considered in conjunction with the SNM Assessment rubric:
Points Available
Rubric Points Available
Definition; objectives; scope & structure
Getting the reader’s interest
(2) Structure/Presentation 10
Formatting and Presentation
Submitted via TurnItIn
Title page
Page numbers
Use double-spacing throughout the entire paper
Spacing MUST be consistent between the headings/subheadings and the text
Times New Roman 12-point font, in black colour and same size font throughout
Paragraphing & Logic
Logical arguments and logical connection between ideas.
Well-developed paragraphs.
Use of third person
Appropriate professional language
Summary of key points
Do not introduce new topics
No references in the conclusion
Explanation of pathophysiology of an MI.
Clinical manifestations
(15) Content 40
Indication for use, mechanism of action, administration method, side effects, risk factors and nursing care required for these medications,
Identify link between pathophysiology, clinical symptoms and nursing care
Providing rationales for care based on evidence-based research and best practice guidelines (Australia)
(30) Application of Critical Thinking
Referencing & APA
Strict APA 7th ed. is required in-text and in the reference section
Marks will not be awarded if in-text citations are not clear
You should use a minimum of 10 references of which at least 7 are journal articles. You can also use Government and organisational reports but make sure the sources are credible and that you understand the statistical data that is presented. All resources are up to 5 years old.
Wikipedia and will not be accepted as a reference source!
(10) Referencing 10
English Language Grammar, spelling and punctuation were error free. Sophisticated use of all sentence and paragraph writing conventions were clearly demonstrated. Logical application of arguments throughout paper.