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Effective group discussion 14th edition ebook

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F o u r t e e n t h E d i t i o n

Essentials of Organizational Behavior

Stephen P. Robbins San Diego State University

Timothy A. Judge The Ohio State University

New York, NY

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Robbins, Stephen P., author. | Judge, Tim, author. Title: Essentials of organizational behavior / Stephen P. Robbins, San Diego State University, Timothy A. Judge, University of Notre Dame. Description: Fourteen edition. | Boston : Pearson Education, [2016] | Includes index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016022886 (print) | LCCN 2016034760 (ebook) | ISBN 9780134523859 (pbk. : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780134527314 Subjects: LCSH: Organizational behavior. Classification: LCC HD58.7 .R6 2017 (print) | LCC HD58.7 (ebook) | DDC 658.3––dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016022886

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN 10: 0-13-452385-7 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-452385-9

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This book is dedicated to our friends and colleagues in The Organizational Behavior Teaching Society

who, through their teaching, research and commitment to the leading process, have significantly

improved the ability of students to understand and apply OB concepts.

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PART 1 Understanding Yourself and Others 1

Chapter 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 1 Chapter 2 Diversity in Organizations 17 Chapter 3 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 34 Chapter 4 Emotions and Moods 47 Chapter 5 Personality and Values 64

PART 2 Making and Implementing Decisions 82

Chapter 6 Perception and Individual Decision Making 82 Chapter 7 Motivation Concepts 100 Chapter 8 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 120

PART 3 Communicating in Groups and Teams 136

Chapter 9 Foundations of Group Behavior 136 Chapter 10 Understanding Work Teams 154 Chapter 11 Communication 170

PART 4 Negotiating Power and Politics 186

Chapter 12 Leadership 186 Chapter 13 Power and Politics 207 Chapter 14 Conflict and Negotiation 226

PART 5 Leading, Understanding, and Transforming the Organization System 245

Chapter 15 Foundations of Organization Structure 245 Chapter 16 Organizational Culture 265 Chapter 17 Organizational Change and Stress Management 285


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Preface xxii

Acknowledgments xxix

About the Authors xxx

PART 1 Understanding Yourself and Others 1

Chapter 1 WHAT IS ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR? 1 Chapter Warm-up 1

Management and Organizational Behavior 2

Organizational Behavior (OB) Defined 3 Effective versus Successful Managerial Activities 3

Watch It—Herman Miller: Organizational Behavior 4

Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study 4

Big Data 5 Disciplines That Contribute to the OB Field 6

Psychology 6 Social Psychology 6 Sociology 7 Anthropology 7

There Are Few Absolutes in OB 7

Challenges and Opportunities for OB 8

Continuing Globalization 8 Workforce Demographics 10 Workforce Diversity 10 Social Media 10 Employee Well-Being at Work 11 Positive Work Environment 11 Ethical Behavior 12

Coming Attractions: Developing an OB Model 12

Overview 12 Inputs 13 Processes 13 Outcomes 14

Summary 15 Implications for Managers 15 Personal Inventory Assessments: Multicultural Awareness Scale 16

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viii Contents

Chapter 2 DIVERSITY IN ORGANIZATIONS 17 Chapter Warm-up 17

Diversity 17

Demographic Characteristics 18 Levels of Diversity 18

Discrimination 19

Stereotype Threat 19 Discrimination in the Workplace 20

Biographical Characteristics 21

Age 21 Sex 22 Race and Ethnicity 23 Disabilities 23 Hidden Disabilities 24

Other Differentiating Characteristics 25

Religion 25 Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 25 Cultural Identity 27

Watch It—Verizon: Diversity 27 Ability 27

Intellectual Abilities 27 Physical Abilities 29

Implementing Diversity Management Strategies 29

Attracting, Selecting, Developing, and Retaining Diverse Employees 30 Diversity in Groups 31 Diversity Programs 32

Summary 32 Implications for Managers 33 Try It—Simulation: Human Resources 33 Personal Inventory Assessments: Intercultural Sensitivity Scale 33

Chapter 3 ATTITUDES AND JOB SATISFACTION 34 Chapter Warm-up 34

Attitudes 34

Watch It—Gawker Media: Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 36 Attitudes and Behavior 36

Job Attitudes 37

Job Satisfaction and Job Involvement 37

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Organizational Commitment 37 Perceived Organizational Support 37 Employee Engagement 38

Measuring Job Satisfaction 38

Approaches to Measurement 39 Measured Job Satisfaction Levels 39

What Causes Job Satisfaction? 39

Job Conditions 40 Personality 41 Pay 41 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 41

Outcomes of Job Satisfaction 42

Job Performance 42 Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) 42 Customer Satisfaction 42 Life Satisfaction 43

The Impact of Job Dissatisfaction 43

Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB) 43 Understanding the Impact 45

Summary 46 Implications for Managers 46 Try It—Simulation: Attitudes & Job Satisfaction 46 Personal Inventory Assessments: Core Self-Evaluation (CSE) Scale 46

Chapter 4 EMOTIONS AND MOODS 47 Chapter Warm-up 47

What Are Emotions and Moods? 47

The Basic Emotions 48 Moral Emotions 49 The Basic Moods: Positive and Negative Affect 49 Experiencing Moods and Emotions 50 The Function of Emotions 50

Sources of Emotions and Moods 51

Personality 52 Time of Day 52 Day of the Week 52 Weather 52 Stress 54 Sleep 54

Contents ix

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Exercise 54 Age 54 Sex 54

Emotional Labor 55

Controlling Emotional Displays 55 Emotional Dissonance and Mindfulness 56

Affective Events Theory 56

Emotional Intelligence 56

Emotion Regulation 58

Emotion Regulation Influences and Outcomes 58 Emotion Regulation Techniques 58 Ethics of Emotion Regulation 59

Watch It—East Haven Fire Department: Emotions and Moods 59

OB Applications of Emotions and Moods 59

Selection 59 Decision Making 60 Creativity 60 Motivation 60 Leadership 60 Customer Service 61 Job Attitudes 61 Deviant Workplace Behaviors 61 Safety and Injury at Work 62

Summary 62 Implications for Managers 62 Try It—Simulation: Emotions & Moods 63 Personal Inventory Assessments: Emotional Intelligence Assessment 63

Chapter 5 PERSONALITY AND VALUES 64 Chapter Warm-up 64

Personality 64

What Is Personality? 65 Personality Frameworks 66

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 66 The Big Five Personality Model 67 How Do the Big Five Traits Predict Behavior at Work? 68 The Dark Triad 69

Other Personality Attributes Relevant to OB 71

Core Self-Evaluation (CSE) 71

x Contents

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Self-Monitoring 72 Proactive Personality 72

Personality and Situations 72

Situation Strength Theory 73 Trait Activation Theory 74

Values 75

Watch It—Honest Tea: Ethics–Company Mission and Values 75

Terminal versus Instrumental Values 75 Generational Values 76

Linking an Individual’s Personality and Values to the Workplace 76

Person–Job Fit 76 Person–Organization Fit 77 Other Dimensions of Fit 77

Cultural Values 78

Hofstede’s Framework 78 The GLOBE Framework 79 Comparison of Hofstede’s Framework and the Globe Framework 79

Summary 81 Implications for Managers 81 Personal Inventory Assessments: Personality Style Indicator 81

PART 2 Making and Implementing Decisions 82


What Is Perception? 82

Factors That Influence Perception 83 Watch It—Orpheus Group Casting: Social Perception and Attribution 84

Person Perception: Making Judgments about Others 84

Attribution Theory 84 Common Shortcuts in Judging Others 86

The Link between Perception and Individual Decision Making 87

Decision Making in Organizations 87

The Rational Model, Bounded Rationality, and Intuition 87

Contents xi

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Common Biases and Errors in Decision Making 89 Influences on Decision Making: Individual Differences and Organizational Constraints 91

Individual Differences 92 Organizational Constraints 93

What about Ethics in Decision Making? 93

Three Ethical Decision Criteria 94 Choosing between Criteria 94 Behavioral Ethics 95 Lying 95

Creativity, Creative Decision Making, and Innovation in Organizations 95

Creative Behavior 96 Causes of Creative Behavior 96 Creative Outcomes (Innovation) 98

Summary 98 Implications for Managers 98 Try It—Simulation: Perception & Individual Decision Making 99 Personal Inventory Assessments: How Creative Are You? 99

Chapter 7 Motivation ConCepts 100 Chapter Warm-up 100

Motivation 100

Watch It—Motivation (TWZ Role Play) 101

Early Theories of Motivation 101

Hierarchy of Needs Theory 101 Two-Factor Theory 102 McClelland’s Theory of Needs 102

Contemporary Theories of Motivation 104

Self-Determination Theory 104 Goal-Setting Theory 105

Other Contemporary Theories of Motivation 108

Self-Efficacy Theory 108 Reinforcement Theory 110 Equity Theory/Organizational Justice 111 Expectancy Theory 115

Job Engagement 116

Integrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation 116

xii Contents

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Summary 118 Implications for Managers 118 Try It—Simulation: Motivation 118 Personal Inventory Assessments: Work Motivation Indicator 119


Motivating by Job Design: The Job Characteristics Model (JCM) 121

Elements of the JCM 121 Efficacy of the JCM 121 Motivating Potential Score (MPS) 122 Cultural Generalizability of the JCM 123

Using Job Redesign to Motivate Employees 123

Job Rotation 123 Relational Job Design 124

Using Alternative Work Arrangements to Motivate Employees 124

Flextime 125 Job Sharing 126 Telecommuting 127

Using Employee Involvement and Participation (EIP) to Motivate Employees 127

Cultural EIP 128 Forms of Employee Involvement Programs 128

Using Extrinsic Rewards to Motivate Employees 129

What to Pay: Establishing a Pay Structure 129 How to Pay: Rewarding Individual Employees through Variable-Pay Programs 129

Using Benefits to Motivate Employees 133

Using Intrinsic Rewards to Motivate Employees 133

Watch It—ZAPPOS: Motivating Employees through Company Culture 134

Summary 134 Implications for Managers 135 Try It—Simulation: Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivation 135 Personal Inventory Assessments: Diagnosing the Need for Team Building 135

Contents xiii

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xiv Contents

PART 3 Communicating in Groups and Teams 136

Chapter 9 FOUNDATIONS OF GROUP BEHAVIOR 136 Chapter Warm-up 136

Groups and Group Identity 137

Social Identity 137 Ingroups and Outgroups 137

Stages of Group Development 138

Watch It—Witness.org: Managing Groups & Teams 138

Group Property 1: Roles 139

Role Perception 140 Role Expectations 140 Role Conflict 140

Group Property 2: Norms 140

Norms and Emotions 141 Norms and Conformity 141 Norms and Behavior 142 Positive Norms and Group Outcomes 142 Negative Norms and Group Outcomes 143 Norms and Culture 144

Group Property 3: Status, and Group Property 4: Size 144

Group Property 3: Status 144 Group Property 4: Size 146

Group Property 5: Cohesiveness, and Group Property 6: Diversity 146

Group Property 5: Cohesiveness 147 Group Property 6: Diversity 147

Group Decision Making 149

Groups versus the Individual 149 Groupthink 150 Groupshift or Group Polarization 151 Group Decision-Making Techniques 151

Summary 152 Implications for Managers 153 Try It—Simulation: Group Behavior 153 Personal Inventory Assessments: Communicating Supportively 153

Chapter 10 UNDERSTANDING WORK TEAMS 154 Chapter Warm-up 154

Why Have Teams Become so Popular? 154

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Differences between Groups and Teams 155

Types of Teams 156

Problem-Solving Teams 156 Self-Managed Work Teams 156 Cross-Functional Teams 157 Virtual Teams 158 Multiteam Systems 158

Watch It—Teams (TWZ Role Play) 159

Creating Effective Teams 159

Team Context: What Factors Determine Whether Teams Are Successful? 160 Team Composition 161 Team Processes 164

Turning Individuals into Team Players 166

Selecting: Hiring Team Players 167 Training: Creating Team Players 167 Rewarding: Providing Incentives to Be a Good Team Player 167

Beware! Teams Aren’t Always the Answer 168 Summary 168 Implications for Managers 168 Try It—Simulation: Teams 169 Personal Inventory Assessments: Team Development Behaviors 169

Chapter 11 COMMUNICATION 170 Chapter Warm-up 170

Communication 171

Functions of Communication 171 The Communication Process 172

Direction of Communication 172

Downward Communication 173 Upward Communication 173 Lateral Communication 173 Formal Small-Group Networks 174 The Grapevine 174

Modes of Communication 175

Oral Communication 175 Written Communication 176 Nonverbal Communication 176

Contents xv

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xvi Contents

Choice of Communication Channel 176

Channel Richness 176 Choosing Communication Methods 177 Information Security 178

Persuasive Communication 178

Automatic and Controlled Processing 178 Tailoring the Message 179

Barriers to Effective Communication 180

Filtering 180 Selective Perception 180 Information Overload 180 Emotions 181 Language 181 Silence 181 Communication Apprehension 181 Lying 182

Cultural Factors 182

Cultural Barriers 182 Cultural Context 183 A Cultural Guide 183

Watch It—Communication (TWZ Role Play) 184 Summary 184 Implications for Managers 185 Try It—Simulation: Communication 185 Personal Inventory Assessments: Communication Styles 185

PART 4 Negotiating Power and Politics 186

Chapter 12 LEADERSHIP 186 Chapter Warm-up 186

Watch It—Leadership (TWZ Role Play) 186

Trait Theories of Leadership 187

Personality Traits and Leadership 187 Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Leadership 188

Behavioral Theories 188

Initiating Structure 188 Consideration 189 Cultural Differences 189

Contingency Theories 189

The Fiedler Model 189

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Situational Leadership Theory 191 Path–Goal Theory 191 Leader–Participation Model 192

Contemporary Theories of Leadership 192

Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) Theory 192 Charismatic Leadership 194 Transactional and Transformational Leadership 196

Responsible Leadership 199

Authentic Leadership 199 Ethical Leadership 200 Servant Leadership 200

Positive Leadership 201

Trust 201 Mentoring 203

Challenges to Our Understanding of Leadership 203

Leadership as an Attribution 203 Substitutes for and Neutralizers of Leadership 204 Online Leadership 205

Summary 205 Implications for Managers 205 Try It—Simulation: Leadership 206 Personal Inventory Assessments: Ethical Leadership Assessment 206

Chapter 13 POWER AND POLITICS 207 Chapter Warm-up 207

Watch It—Power and Political Behavior 207

Power and Leadership 208

Bases of Power 208

Formal Power 208 Personal Power 209 Which Bases of Power Are Most Effective? 210

Dependence: The Key to Power 210

The General Dependence Postulate 210 What Creates Dependence? 210 Social Network Analysis: A Tool for Assessing Resources 211

Power Tactics 212

Using Power Tactics 212

Contents xvii

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xviii Contents

Cultural Preferences for Power Tactics 213 Applying Power Tactics 214

How Power Affects People 214

Power Variables 214 Sexual Harassment: Unequal Power in the Workplace 215

Politics: Power in Action 216

Definition of Organizational Politics 216 The Reality of Politics 216

Causes and Consequences of Political Behavior 217

Factors Contributing to Political Behavior 217 How Do People Respond to Organizational Politics? 219 Impression Management 220 The Ethics of Behaving Politically 222 Mapping Your Political Career 223

Summary 224 Implications for Managers 225 Try It—Simulation: Power & Politics 225 Personal Inventory Assessments: Gaining Power and Influence 225

Chapter 14 ConfliCt and negotiation 226 Chapter Warm-up 226

A Definition of Conflict 226

Types of Conflict 228 Loci of Conflict 229

The Conflict Process 229

Stage I: Potential Opposition or Incompatibility 230 Stage II: Cognition and Personalization 231 Stage III: Intentions 231 Stage IV: Behavior 232 Stage V: Outcomes 233

Watch It—Gordon Law Group: Conflict and Negotiation 235

Negotiation 235

Bargaining Strategies 235 The Negotiation Process 237

Individual Differences in Negotiation Effectiveness 239

Negotiating in a Social Context 241

Reputation 241 Relationships 242

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Third-Party Negotiations 242 Summary 243 Implications for Managers 243 Personal Inventory Assessments: Strategies for Handling Conflict 244

PART 5 Leading, Understanding, and Transforming the Organization System 245

Chapter 15 FOUndATiOnS OF ORgAnizATiOn STRUCTURe 245 Chapter Warm-up 245 What Is Organizational Structure? 246

Work Specialization 246 Departmentalization 247 Chain of Command 248 Span of Control 249 Centralization and Decentralization 250 Formalization 251 Boundary Spanning 251

Common Organizational Frameworks and Structures 252

The Simple Structure 252 The Bureaucracy 253 The Matrix Structure 254

Alternate Design Options 255

The Virtual Structure 255 The Team Structure 256 The Circular Structure 257

The Leaner Organization: Downsizing 257 Why Do Structures Differ? 258

Organizational Strategies 258 Organization Size 260 Technology 260 Environment 260 Institutions 261

Organizational Designs and Employee Behavior 262 Work Specialization 262 Span of Control 262 Centralization 263 Predictability versus Autonomy 263 National Culture 263

Watch It—ZipCar: Organizational Structure 263

Contents xix

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xx Contents

Summary 263 Implications for Managers 264 Try It—Simulation: Organizational Structure 264 Personal Inventory Assessments: Organizational Structure Assessment 264

Chapter 16 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE 265 Chapter Warm-up 265

Watch It—Organizational Culture (TWZ Role Play) 265

What Is Organizational Culture? 266

A Definition of Organizational Culture 266 Do Organizations Have Uniform Cultures? 266 Strong versus Weak Cultures 267 Culture versus Formalization 268

What Do Cultures Do? 268

The Functions of Culture 268 Culture Creates Climate 269 The Ethical Dimension of Culture 269 Culture and Sustainability 270 Culture and Innovation 271 Culture as an Asset 271 Culture as a Liability 272

Creating and Sustaining Culture 273

How a Culture Begins 273 Keeping a Culture Alive 274 Summary: How Organizational Cultures Form 276

How Employees Learn Culture 276

Stories 277 Rituals 277 Symbols 277 Language 278

Influencing an Organizational Culture 278

An Ethical Culture 278 A Positive Culture 279 A Spiritual Culture 280

The Global Context 282 Summary 283 Implications for Managers 283 Try It—Simulation: Organizational Culture 283 Personal Inventory Assessments: Organizational Structure Assessment 284

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Change 285

Forces for Change 286 Reactionary versus Planned Change 286

Resistance to Change 287

Overcoming Resistance to Change 287 The Politics of Change 289

Approaches to Managing Organizational Change 290

Lewin’s Three-Step Model 290 Kotter’s Eight-Step Plan 290 Action Research 291 Organizational Development 291

Creating a Culture for Change 293

Managing Paradox 293 Stimulating a Culture of Innovation 294 Creating a Learning Organization 295 Organizational Change and Stress 296

Watch It—East Haven Fire Department: Managing Stress 296

Stress at Work 296

What Is Stress? 297 Potential Sources of Stress at Work 298 Individual Differences in Stress 300 Cultural Differences 301

Consequences of Stress at Work 301

Managing Stress 302

Individual Approaches 302 Organizational Approaches 303

Summary 304 Implications for Managers 305 Try It—Simulation: Change 305 Personal Inventory Assessments: Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale 305

Epilogue 306 Endnotes 307 Glossary 354 Index 363

Contents xxi

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This book was created as an alternative to the 600- or 700-page comprehensive text in organizational behavior (OB). It attempts to provide balanced coverage of all the key elements comprising the discipline of OB in a style that readers will find both informa- tive and interesting. We’re pleased to say that this text has achieved a wide following in short courses and executive programs as well as in traditional courses as a companion volume to experiential, skill development, case, and readings books. It is currently used at more than 500 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. It’s also been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Danish, and Bahasa Indonesian.


• Increased content coverage was added to include updated research, relevant discus- sion, and new exhibits on current issues of all aspects of organizational behavior.

• Increased integration of contemporary global issues was added into topic discussions.

• Extensive reorganization of all chapters with new headings and subsections to make navigating the print and digital versions of the text easier and bring important content to the fore.

• Increased cross-references between chapters to link themes and concepts for the student’s quick access and to provide a more in-depth understanding of topics.

• New assisted and auto-graded questions that students can complete and submit via MyManagementLab are provided for each chapter.

• A new feature, Try It, has been added to 14 chapters to direct the student’s attention to MyManagementLab simulations specific to the content in the text.


What do people like about this book? Surveys of users have found general agree- ment about the following features. Needless to say, they’ve all been retained in this edition.

• Length. Since its inception in 1984, we’ve tried diligently to keep this book in the range of 325 to 400 pages. Users tell us this length allows them considerable flex- ibility in assigning supporting materials and projects.

• Balanced topic coverage. Although short in length, this book continues to provide balanced coverage of all the key concepts in OB. This includes not only traditional topics such as personality, motivation, and leadership but also cutting-edge issues such as emotions, diversity, negotiation, and teamwork.

• Writing style. This book is frequently singled out for its fluid writing style and extensive use of examples. Users regularly tell us that they find this book “conversational,” “interesting,” “student friendly,” and “very clear and understandable.”


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• Practicality. This book has never been solely about theory. It’s about using theory to better explain and predict the behavior of people in organizations. In each edi- tion of this book, we have focused on making sure that readers see the link between OB theories, research, and implications for practice.

• Absence of pedagogy. Part of the reason we’ve been able to keep this book short in length is that it doesn’t include review questions, cases, exercises, or similar teach- ing/learning aids. It continues to provide only the basic core of OB knowledge, al- lowing instructors the maximum flexibility in designing and shaping their courses.

• Integration of globalization, diversity, and ethics. The topics of globalization and cross-cultural differences, diversity, and ethics are discussed throughout this book. Rather than being presented only in separate chapters, these topics have been wo- ven into the context of relevant issues. Users tell us they find that this integrative approach makes these topics more fully part of OB and reinforces their importance.

• Comprehensive supplements. Although this book may be short in length, it’s not short on supplements. It comes with a complete, high-tech support package for both faculty and students. Instructors are provided with a comprehensive Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank, TestGenerator, and PowerPoint slides. The MyManagement- Lab course provides both instructors and students with various types of assessments, video exercises, decision-making simulations, and Personal Inventory Assessments.


Chapter 1: What Is Organizational Behavior?

• New content: Effective versus Successful Managerial Activities; Current Usage of, New Trends in, and Limitations of Big Data; Workforce Demographics; Social Media; and Inputs, Processes, and Outcomes of our General Model of Organiza- tional Behavior

• Newly revised sections: Management and Organizational Behavior • New research incorporated in the following areas: Introduction to Organiza-

tional Behavior, Big Data, Adapting to Differing Cultural and Regulatory Norms, Positive Work Environments, and Ethical Behavior

• New features: Watch It (Herman Miller: Organizational Behavior) and Personal Inventory Assessments (Multicultural Awareness Scale)

Chapter 2: Diversity in Organizations

• New content: Stereotype Threat and Hidden Disabilities • Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives, Demographic Characteristics,

Discrimination, Implementing Diversity Management Strategies, and Implications for Managers

• New research incorporated in the following areas: Discrimination in the Workplace; Biographical Characteristics, including Age, Sex, Race, and Ethnic- ity; Disabilities; the Wonderlic Intellectual Ability Test; Diversity in Groups; and International Research on Religion, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Physical Abilities

Preface xxiii

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• New features: Personal Inventory Assessments (Intercultural Sensitivity Scale), Watch It (Verizon: Diversity), and Try It (Simulation: Human Resources)

Chapter 3: Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

• New content: The Causes of Job Satisfaction, including Job Conditions, Personal- ity, Pay, and Corporate Social Responsibility; Life Satisfaction as an Outcome of Job Satisfaction; and Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB) as an Outcome of Job Dissatisfaction

• Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives and Implications for Managers • New research incorporated in the following areas: Attitudes and Behavior, Em-

ployee Engagement, Measured Job Satisfaction Levels, How Satisfied Are People in Their Jobs, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as an Outcome of Job Satisfaction

• New features: Watch It (Gawker Media: Attitudes and Job Satisfaction), Personal Inventory Assessments [Core Self-Evaluation (CSE) Scale], and Try It (Simulation: Attitudes & Job Satisfaction)

Chapter 4: Emotions and Moods

• New content: Moral Emotions; the Functions of Emotions, including Whether or Not Emotions Make Us Ethical; Emotion Regulation Influences, Outcomes, and Techniques; and the Ethics of Emotion Regulation

• Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives, Time of the Day as a Source of Emotions and Moods, Implications for Managers

• New research incorporated in the following areas: Stress, Sleep, Age, and Sex as Sources of Emotions and Moods; Controlling Emotional Displays; Emotional Intelligence; Safety and Injury at Work as Outcomes of Emotions and Moods; and International Research on the Basic Emotions, Experiencing Moods, and Emo- tions, as well as on the Day of the Week and Weather as Sources of Emotions and Moods

• New features: Personal Inventory Assessments (Emotional Intelligence Assess- ment) and Try It (Simulation: Emotions & Moods)

Chapter 5: Personality and Values

• New content: Whether or Not the Big Five Personality Traits Predict Behavior at Work, Other Dark-Side Traits, and Other Dimensions of Fit

• Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives, Personality Frameworks, the Myers- Briggs Type Indicator, Cultural Values, Summary, and Implications for Managers

• New research incorporated in the following areas: Describing Personality; the Big Five Personality Model; the Dark Triad, Proactive Personality; Organiza- tional Situations, Generational Values; Person–Organization Fit; and International Research on Measuring Personality, Narcissism, and Person–Job Fit

• New features: Watch It (Honest Tea: Ethics—Company Mission and Values), and Personality Inventory Assessment (Personality Style Indicator)

xxiv Preface

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Chapter 6: Perception and Individual Decision Making

• New content: The Perceiver, Target, and Context as Factors That Influence Percep- tion, Randomness Error; Nudging as an Influence on Decision Making; Choosing between the Three Ethical Decision Criteria; Lying and Ethical Decision Making; and Ethics and Creativity

• Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives, the Halo Effect, Escalation of Com- mitment, Creative Potential, and Implications for Managers

• New research incorporated in the following areas: Person Perception: Making Judg- ments about Others; Attribution Theory; the Link between Perception and Individual Decision Making; Gender as an Influence on Decision Making; Creative Behavior; Intelligence, Personality, and Expertise as Causes of Creative Behavior; the Creative Environment; and International Research on the Three Ethical Decision Criteria

• New features: Watch It (Orpheus Group Casting: Social Perception and Attribu- tion), Try It (Simulation: Perception & Individual Decision Making), and Personal Inventory Assessments (How Creative Are You?)

Chapter 7: Motivation Concepts

• New content: Goal-Setting and Ethics, Reinforcement Theory, Influencing Self- Efficacy in Others, Ensuring Justice, and Culture and Justice

• Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives, Goal-Setting Theory, and Equity Theory/Organizational Justice

• New research incorporated in the following areas: Hierarchy of Needs Theory as well as International Research on McClelland’s Theory of Needs, Goal-Setting Theory, Self-Determination Theory, Self-Efficacy Theory, and Equity Theory/ Organizational Justice

• New features: Watch It [Motivation (TWZ Role Play)], Try It (Simulation: Moti- vation), and Personal Inventory Assessments (Work Motivation Indicator)

Chapter 8: Motivation: From Concepts to Applications

• Newly revised sections: The Job Characteristics Model, Job Rotation, Reward- ing Individual Employees through Variable-Pay Programs, and Using Benefits to Motivate Employees

• New research incorporated in the following areas: Job Rotation; Relational Job Design; Flextime; Job Sharing; Participative Management; Establishing a Pay Structure; Merit-Based Pay; Employee Stock Ownership Plans; Using Intrinsic Rewards; and International Research on the Job Characteristics Model, Telecom- muting, Cultural Employee Involvement Programs, Representative Participation, Rewarding Individual Employees through Variable-Pay Programs, Piece-Rate Pay, Bonuses, and Profit-Sharing Plans

• New features: Personal Inventory Assessments (Diagnosing the Need for Team Building), Watch It (Zappos: Motivating Employees through Company Culture), and Try It (Simulation: Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivation)

Preface xxv

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Chapter 9: Foundations of Group Behavior

• New content: Social Identity, Ingroups and Outgroups, Norms and Emotions, Pos- itive and Negative Norms and Group Outcomes, Norms and Culture, Group Status Inequity, and Group Status and Stigmatization

• Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives; Role Expectations; Role Conflict; Group Status, Group Size, and Dynamics, Group Cohesiveness; Group Diversity; and Implications for Managers

• New research incorporated in the following areas: Group Norms, Group Status and Norms, Group Status and Group Interaction, Group Size and Dynamics, Chal- lenges of Group Diversity, Group Effectiveness and Efficiency, and International Research in Group Diversity

• New features: Watch It (Witness.org: Managing Groups & Teams), Personal Inventory Assessments (Communicating Supportively), and Try It (Simulation: Group Behavior)

Chapter 10: Understanding Work Teams

• New content: Cultural Differences in Work Teams, Team Identity, Team Cohe- sion, and Shared Mental Models

• Newly revised sections: Problem-Solving Teams, Summary, and Implications for Managers

• New research incorporated in the following areas: The Popularity of Teams, Cross-Functional Teams, Virtual Teams, Multiteam Systems, Creating Effective Teams, Team Composition, Personality of Team Members, Size of Teams, and International Research on Climate of Trust

• New features: Watch It [Teams (TWZ Role Play)], Personal Inventory Assess- ments (Team Development Behaviors), and Try It (Simulation: Teams)

Chapter 11: Communication

• New content: Managing Behavior, Feedback, Emotional Feedback, Emotional Sharing, Persuasion, and Information Exchange

• Newly revised sections: Downward and Upward Communication, The Grapevine, Oral Communication, and Telephone

• New research incorporated in the following areas: Functions of Communication and Information Overload

• New features: Watch It [Communication (TWZ Role Play)], Personal Inventory Assessments (Communication Styles), and Try It (Simulation: Communication)

Chapter 12: Leadership

• New content: Dark Side Traits, Leader–Member Exchange Theory, How Transforma- tional Leadership Works, Transformational versus Charismatic Leadership, Emotional Intelligence and Leadership, Leader-Participation Model, and Trust and Culture

• Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives, Trait Theories of Leadership, Con- temporary Theories of Leadership, Behavioral Theories, Responsible Leadership, and Authentic Leadership

xxvi Preface

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• New research incorporated in the following areas: Big Five Traits, Transac- tional and Transformational Leadership, Path–Goal Theory, Servant Leadership, and International Research on Charismatic Leadership and the Evaluation of Transformational Leadership

• New features: Watch It [Leadership (TWZ Role Play)], Personal Inven- tory Assessments (Ethical Leadership Assessment), and Try It (Simulation: Leadership)

Chapter 13: Power and Politics

• New content: The General Dependence Postulate, Social Network Analysis, Sex- ual Harassment, Inter-Organizational Factors Contributing to Political Behavior, Interviews and Impression Management, Scarcity, and Nonsubstitutability

• Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives and Individual Factors Contributing to Political Behavior

• New research incorporated in the following areas: Impression Management, Performance Evaluations and Impression Management, Organizational Factors, and Contributing to Political Behavior

• New features: Watch It (Power and Political Behavior), Personal Inventory Assessments (Gaining Power and Influence), and Try It (Simulation: Power & Politics)

Chapter 14: Conflict and Negotiation

• New content: Negotiating in a Social Context, Reputation and Relationships in Negotiations, and Third-Party Negotiations

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