Below are the questions based on the
Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes Video.
Please answer all of them.
(You may wish to print out these questions for quick reference for when you go to write your paper)
Students: please read all of the following questions. Think about what is being asked in each question. Then formulate in your mind what your answers to those questions would be.
ER/SR Evaluate the significance of how Elliott used this exercise to teach the meaning of brotherhood and moral/ethical reasoning for overcoming stereotypes and relating to people who are different.
CT/TR Discuss your overall reaction to “A Class Divided.” Respond to this thinking routine:
Before viewing “A Class Divided” I Used to Think . . .
After viewing “But Now I think . . . “
This change of mind is because? . . .
SD Have you ever personally experienced discrimination? If so, what were the circumstances? How did you cope with stress?
SR If not, what will you do in the future when you see or experience discrimination in action?
ER/SR Notice about how quickly the children fell into their assigned roles. What does this say about the ease of learning to become prejudice?
CT/ER Participants in this exercise are only exposed to discrimination for a relatively short amount of time. Relate their attitudes and behavior after just a short amount of time to that of minority group members in our society who are exposed to a lifetime of discrimination.
CT/ER Select a marginalized, disenfranchised or minority group of people and identify the parallels between the comments and actions made by the brown eyed children on the first day and the comments and actions of the marginalized, disenfranchised or minority group you selected.
Jane Elliot in her famous exercise that people practice based on the eye colour and skin colour to treat others differently. She wanted to prove that how difficult it would be for someone to be in a place where everyone ill-treat them and bully them in order to show the world that racism hurts. It was a time that blue eyed people were promoting that they were the superior race both physically and intellectually but she wanted to prove otherwise. So she chose people and made them sit according to their eye colour such as blue, brown. She deliberately allowed others to bully the blue eyed people and made them cry and frustrated. She did it to make the world understand how hard it is to be racially abused and bullied.
Today this video or the exercise itself has a lot of implications as the world has become a village where people from different races and ethnicities live together in harmony. We also witness occasional disturbances in terms of racism but there is also an institutionalized racism that is practised by the white patriots who run the governments in some countries. Equality is the only word that should govern not just humanity but the entire earth and its creations.
1,414 answers
1. Th actions from an ethical perspective were not fair as they would impact psyche of children who were at a young an impressionable age, such habits and actions and their consequent affects are generally internalized for the long run.
2. One of the main privileges that was taken away was going an drinki