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Eng 111 writing and inquiry

27/10/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day

Writing And Inquiry

Fayetteville Technical Community College

Summer 2020
Course Title: Writing and Inquiry

Prefix and Section Number: ENG 011.1D04 and ENG 111.1D04

Day(s) and Time(s): MTWTF

Delivery Method: Online

Class Begins: May 26, 2020 Class Ends: July 21, 2020

Class Hours: 4 Lab Hours: 1 Clinic Hours: 0 Credit Hours: 5
To Contact the Instructor:
Instructor: Debra Chapa

Office Location: CUH 378H

Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 10:00 to 11:00

Thursday 10:00-12:00

Phone: 910-678-9764

Email: chapad@faytechcc.edu

Course Description:
ENG 011 This course is designed to support students in the development of skills necessary for success in ENG 111 by complementing, supporting, and reinforcing ENG 111 Student Learning Outcomes. Emphasis is placed on developing a growth mindset, expanding skills for use in active reading and writing processes, recognizing organizational relationships within texts from a variety of genres and formats, and employing appropriate technology when reading and composing texts. Upon completion, students should be able to apply active reading strategies to college-level texts and produce unified, well-developed writing using standard written English. ENG 111 This course is designed to develop the ability to produce clear writing in a variety of genres and formats using a recursive process. Emphasis includes inquiry, analysis, effective use of rhetorical strategies, thesis development, audience awareness, and revision. Upon completion, students should be able to produce unified, coherent, well-developed essays using standard written English. This course has been approved for transfer under the CAA as a general education course in English Composition. This course has been approved for transfer under the ICAA as a general education course in English Composition. This is a Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) course.

Course Prerequisites:
Credit for DRE 096 and DRE 097 or for RED/ENG 070 and RED/ENG 080 or Unweighted High School GPA of 2.2+ or Rise Placement Score of 75

Course Co-requisites:
ENG 011 is a co-requisite for ENG 111.

Course Objectives:
At the completion of this course, the student will have:

ENG 011: Demonstrated the growth mindset by using academic habits and learning strategies that will enhance success in ENG 111 coursework. Practiced and reflected on reading and writing as recursive processes. Demonstrated active reading strategies. Recognized the organizational relationships within texts from a variety of genres and formats. Created unified, well-developed texts. Applied conventions of standard written English. Employed appropriate technology when reading and composing texts. ENG 111: at the end of the course the student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate writing as a recursive process. 2. Demonstrate writing and inquiry in context using different rhetorical strategies to reflect, analyze, explain, and persuade in a variety of genres and formats. 3. Students will reflect upon and explain their writing strategies. 4. Demonstrate the critical use and examination of printed, digital, and visual materials. 5. Locate, evaluate, and incorporate relevant sources with proper documentation. 6. Compose texts incorporating rhetorically effective and conventional use of language. 7. Collaborate actively in a writing community. Program Course Objectives Objective 1: Students will be able to use information to analyze problems and make logical decisions in order to produce a focused multi-paragraph essay that utilizes a reasonable and appropriate organizational structure. Objective 2: Students will be able to produce a well-developed essay by using relevant, logical, and appropriate information to support a thesis statement. Objective 3: Students will be able to produce clear and coherent expository prose by utilizing the proper mechanical conventions of standard written English. Objective 4: Students will be able to communicate effectively within a professional and academic environment by producing responsibly researched and written compositions.

Required Textbook and Companion Homework Site:
Information about the FTCC Bookstore (opens in new window) [URL: https://bookstore.faytechcc.edu/] is available on the FTCC college website. To make textbook purchases online, select “Textbook Lookup” on the FTCC Bookstore web page.

Choose One of the following: THE LITTLE SEAGULL (TEXTBOOK + ACCESS CODE) 3 Edition(9780393646313) Buy New $27.00 THE LITTLE SEAGULL - ETEXT & INQUIZATIVE **CODE ONLY** 3 Edition(9780393643589) Buy New $19.50

Other Required Materials/Software:
The recommended browsers are Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari in the most updated version.

Microsoft Office 365 (Office 2016) is available to currently enrolled students at FTCC. The Microsoft Office 2016 app is available for download on up to five (5) computers and/or mobile devices. Direct link to download Office 365: https://login.microsoftonline.com (opens in new window).

Username: FTCCWebadvisorLogin@ad.faytechcc.edu (example: Smithj1234@ad.faytechcc.edu). Password: Active Directory (WebAdvisor) password (if you have not created an Active Directory password, you will need to do this first).

Blackboard Technical Support is available at any time, seven days a week by calling 1-888-829-9660. Assistance on specific trouble-shooting topics are found at Blackboard Help Online (opens in new window) [URL: https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Student].

List other materials/software required for the course or delete this section if none is required. To delete this section, select the fill-in area staying within the end bracket of the fill-in field.

Grading Scale:
Courses numbered below 100 are pre-curriculum courses and are graded on a pass/fail grading scale: Co-requisite Courses: MAT 010, MAT 043, MAT 052, MAT 071, and ENG 011 use the following grade scheme: Grade Interpretation of Grade Numerical Grade S Successful completion 70-100 F Re-enroll – not successful 0-69 Pre-curriculum course grades are not counted as credit towards graduation, and they are not calculated into the student’s cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA). Curriculum Grading Scale: Numerical Grade Letter Grade Equivalent Grade Point Equivalent 90-100 A-Excellent 4 grade points per credit hour 80-89 B-Good 3 grade points per credit hour 70-79 C-Average 2 grade points per credit hour 60-69 D-Below Average 1 grade point per credit hour 0-59 F-Failure 0 grade point The complete grading scale description may be found in the current FTCC Student Handbook under “Academic Information.” For assistance with calculating GPA, use the GPA Calculator (opens in new window) [URL: http://forms.faytechcc.edu/calculators/index.html].

Course Requirements/Methods of Evaluation:
Categories Weight Low Stakes Assignments: (less than 10% of course grade) Orientation Assignments: Email: 2% and Student Coffeehouse DB: 2% Quizzes (3): 6% Understanding Audience DB: 4% Rethinking Audience DB:4% Prewriting: 2% Outlines (2): 5% First Drafts (2): 8% Topic Proposal: 3% Research Log: 4% Peer Reviews (2): 5% Bonus 40% High Stakes Assignments: (10% or more of the course grade) Essay One: 15% Essay Two: 15% Public Piece: 15% Course Reflection: 15% 60% Total 105% Course Policies:

Student Responsibilities:
1. Required enrollment assignment. I will complete the enrollment activity (not applicable for face-to-face courses). Failure to complete this activity will result in being dropped from the course.

2. I will ask questions directly and immediately if I do not understand the instructions or due dates for an assignment.

3. I will organize my time in a way that allows me to thoughtfully and thoroughly complete assignments.

4. I will be responsible for keeping up with when assignments are due and submitting them on time or before they are due.

5. I understand that technical problems related to computer connections or equipment cannot be used as an excuse for failure to complete assignments or to participate online.

6. I understand that technical problems with email require that I contact the FTCC Help Desk at 910-678-8502 for technical support.

7. I understand that technical problems with Blackboard require that I contact Blackboard Technical Support, which is available at any time, seven days a week by calling 1-866-829-9660.

8. I will fully participate in course activities by being prepared and interacting respectfully with my classmates and instructor. I understand that participation in all course components is a requirement of this course and that it counts toward my grade.

Instructor Responsibilities:

1. Instructors will respond to emails and phone calls within 24 hours, Monday through Friday; within 48 hours on weekends and holidays.

2. Instructors will lead and participate in all discussion assignments.

3. Instructors will post grades and provide feedback within 7 days.

4. Instructors will observe regularly scheduled office hours.

Attendance–Time Commitment:

Attendance is essential for maintaining the best learning environment in all course formats. Attendance may be taken separately in each portion of a course (i.e., class, lab, clinic, online). Missing 20% of any portion of a course may result in administrative withdrawal. Special attendance policies are in effect for certain programs (refer to the current FTCC Student Handbook).

Academic Integrity-Plagiarism:
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following:

1. Obtaining test information, research papers, notes, and other academic material without authorization.

2. Receiving or giving help on tests, projects, or assignments submitted for a grade unless specifically authorized by the instructor.

3. Plagiarism, which is taking credit for another’s ideas or works as if they were your own.

4. Self-plagiarism is reusing an assignment or a portion of an assignment that has already been submitted for a grade in another class. This includes a first attempt at an English course.

Penalties for plagiarism and cheating that may be imposed by the instructor include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Rewriting the assignment.

2. Receiving a “0” on the assignment.

3. Failing the course in which the assignment was submitted.

Penalties for plagiarism and cheating that may be recommended include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Academic probation.

2. Academic suspension.

3. Expulsion from the college.

Make-up Policy:
Late academic work submission procedures are as follows:

1. Academic assignments and projects are due by the scheduled/published dates.

2. In general, there is a 10 percent penalty for each business day that an assignment or project is late. Assignments may be submitted no more than one week late without prior approval from your instructor.

3. No late work will be accepted after the 90 percent date of the term without an incomplete grade approval from your instructor.

4. Certain course activities may not be eligible for late submission after the conclusion of the week, module, or unit. These include, but are not limited to, discussion boards, quizzes, and exams.

5. We know that extenuating circumstances can sometime interfere with timely submission of your work. Be sure to tell your instructor right away if you are going to be late with a submission.

6. Extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to, personal/family member hospitalization, family member death, a severe weather event, a natural disaster, and an active military situation that prevents timely submission of work. Computer-related issues, internet connectivity, and account blocks are generally not considered extenuating circumstances.

7. You may request an extension or alternative arrangement, preferably prior to the due date, but your request does not automatically result in a waiver of the due date or of the penalties for late submissions. Your instructor may also require you to provide documentation of the reason. If your instructor determines that an extension is warranted, they will provide you with the expectations for your submission.

Course Concerns/Grade Appeals:
Students have the right to inquire about academic issues or other concerns related to the classroom environment. Inquiries should be directed to the following persons in the following order:

Course Instructor:
Name: Debra Chapa

Phone: 678-9764

Email: chapad@faytechcc.edu

Program Coordinators:
Name: Penny Jacobs

Phone: 910-678-9820

Email: jacobsp@faytechcc.edu

Name: Sarah Bruton

Phone: 910 678-9823

Email: brutons@faytechcc.edu

Name: Antonio Jackson

Phone: 910-678-0058

Email: jacksonal@faytechcc.edu

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
FTCC facilitates the implementation of reasonable academic accommodations, including resources and services for students with disabilities, chronic medical conditions, a temporary disability, or other health related conditions resulting in difficulties with accessing learning opportunities. All accommodations are coordinated through the Disability Support Services Office located in the Tony Rand Student Center, Room 127, or call 910-678-8349 or 910-678-8559. Please contact the Disability Support Services Office (opens in new window) [URL: https://www.faytechcc.edu/campus-life/accessibility/] as early in the semester as possible.

Title VI, VII, and IX Non-Discrimination Statement:
FTCC does not practice or condone discrimination in any form against students, employees, or applicants on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or political affiliation. FTCC commits itself to positive action to secure equal opportunity regardless of those characteristics.

FTCC supports the protection available to members of its community under all applicable federal laws, including Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1991, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Sections 799A and 845 of the Public Health Service Act, the Equal Pay and Age Discrimination Acts, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Executive Order 11375. For more information, please visit the Title IX and Equal Opportunity (opens in new window) [URL: https://www.faytechcc.edu/title-ix-equal-opportunity/] page on the FTCC website.

Syllabus/Schedule Changes:
This syllabus may be changed at the instructor’s discretion, with proper notification to students. Any changes will be promptly noted in Announcements and emailed to the student’s FTCC student email account.

FTCC Form S-19 Page 13 Revised 7/1/2019

Outline of Instruction
Module Topic Activities and Assignments Due Dates Module One: 1) Reading and Writing Processes 2) Rhetorical Situation: topic, author, purpose, and audience 1) How Course Works Orientation Assignments; 2) Syllabus Quiz; 3) Understanding Audience Discussion Board assignment; 4) Rhetorical Analysis Essay Assignments Email to Instructor, Student Coffeehouse Discussion Board, and Syllabus Quiz due May 29. Understanding Audience Discussion Board due Jun. 1. On Jun. 2 read Essay One Assignment Instructions and link to and read the news article and the academic journal articles that will be used for the essay. Prewriting for Essay One: Rhetorical Analysis—due Jun. 4. Outline for Essay One: Rhetorical Analysis due Jun. 5. First Draft Rhetorical Analysis Essay due Jun. 8. Peer Review for Rhetorical Analysis draft due Jun. 9. Final Draft Rhetorical Analysis Essay due Jun. 12. Module Two: The Research Process 1) Topic Selection Proposal, 2)Research and Source Documentation Quiz, 3)Research Log Topic Selection Proposal due Jun. 15. Research and Source Documentation Quiz due Jun. 17. Research Log due Jun. 22. Module Three: Research Essay 1) Academic Essay Quiz, 2) Outline, 3) First Draft, 4) Final Draft Academic Essay Quiz due Jun. 24. Research Essay Outline due Jun. 29. First Draft Research Essay due Jul. 3. Peer Review for Research Essay due Jul. 7. Final Draft Research Essay due Jul.10.      Module Four: 1) Public Piece Adaptation of the research essay 2) Course Reflection Essay. 1) Rethinking Audience Discussion Board, 2) Public Piece Discussion Board 3) Reflection Essay Rethinking Audience Discussion Board due Jul. 13. Public Piece Discussion Board due Jul. 17. Reflection due Jul. 20.

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