- HOOK: Start with the attention-grabbing story: Capture your listeners’ attention right away with a detailed story, an anecdote about the problem. You will explain that if this happened, there must be a problem that should be solved. Remember, your goal is to show us that we have a LOCAL problem. We can’t solve huge issues around the food industry, but we can definitely do something about what happens in our own city and county. Focus on the information and background we need as a local audience. Hook us by making us realize that we have a problem in our own backyards.
- GENERAL BACKGROUND: Be sure that you identify the topic: This idea lets your readers know what your proposal is about in general terms. Express the purpose: This idea allows readers to understand the purpose of the paper. Emphasize why the topic is important: Few readers will care about a topic unless you make them care. Give us enough background to understand why we need to do something. You will give us much more detail about the background of the problem later in the paper, but tempt us from the beginning. Briefly identify effects and indirect effects that you will develop in the second section.
- THESIS: End with your thesis statement. Be clear and concise about your stand on the problem. You will want us to DO or BELIEVE something about this issue. Your thesis is the place to tell us in ONE sentence that the problem is real. Remember, you are not merely giving us an expository essay or trying to “bring awareness” to the problem. You are trying to convince us that we need to do so something or believe something about the problem. You will inevitably face much opposition to your opinion. The act of simply getting us to agree with you is a huge thing to do. Therefore, consider your paper an argumentative research paper. Essay Four will allow you to say that YOUR solution is the best one. Essay Three is designed to simply get us to believe there is a problem at all. Consider whether you will include your counterarguments here (see information above).
You will write multiple paragraphs for each section. There is no definitive number. You will write enough to cover all of the major points listed below. Use the PIE Technique to help guide you from one major point to the next.
Step One: Problem Analysis: This section details the definitions of all terms, the history, and the background of the problem along with all of the causes and effects. I have not listed these items in a particular order, but your essay should covers all of these things at some point in this section of the essay.
- DEFINITIONS: Give us definitions that we might need to understand the problem – but be sure they are your definitions. We don’t need you to quote the dictionary. Give us your own, original definitions.
- BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Offer enough information about the background that people will understand why we need to solve this problem. The best information is to give us the background information that will put your topic into a broader You will detail how and when the problem began and continued to be a problem. This section also details the history of the problem. Offer enough information about the background of the issue so that people will understand why we need to solve this problem. The best information is to give us the historical or background information will put your topic into a broader context. You will detail how and when the problem began and continued to be a problem. Your research should cover enough history to be significant (7 to 10- year overviews are typically safe, but you may consider 5-10 years if the problem has only recently begun. Give enough years of history to fully understand where we were, how the problem came to exist, and what we need to know to acknowledge there is a problem in the first place. Be sure to use academic sources to back up your statements. Paraphrasing is the best route to go here. Use the PIE Technique. Give us any other background and/or contextual information we might need to know why this problem must be solved.
- CAUSES AND EFFECTS: Research at least one or two causes and effects the problem has on the world around you today that makes it important enough to need solving. You will want to conduct enough research to help us to see what caused the problem and how it is affecting us locally. Again, your goal here is to make us understand that this situation affects us personally. You want to convince us that this problem is serious, and we need to come to your way of thinking.
- What caused the problem to exist? Imagine that we are writing an essay trying to end veteran suicide. (NOTE: We aren’t. You are dealing with the food issue!). If that were our topic, we might decide after doing some academic research that the causes of that problem stem from a veteran's desire to end intense emotional distress, substance abuse, financial distress, and relationship problems. Of course, there are many other causes, but for the purposes of this essay, you would focus on those causes and how they affect veterans in detail.
- So how do we begin to determine the effects of the problem? As you write this section, consider answering the following questions in this section of the essay. You are NOT required to answer all of them!!!
- Describe unchanging facts about the topic/problem. For many years, people have debated about _______________. ________ has been controversial because _________________. _____________ has dominated discussions of ______________.
- Discuss the Status Quo: State common but incorrect or incomplete assumptions. Many people think ____. At first glance, it may seem like ___. Before you discovered the claim, what incorrect or incomplete opinion did you hold about the topic?
- Describe the Destabilizing Moment - that moment when things changed and the problem grew. Describe something that reveals the status quo assumptions to be incomplete or inaccurate. What specific fact/concept/reading/etc. helped you to discover the claim? This initial perception fails to take into account _________________________________ This theory can't explain ____________. People have failed to notice, however, _______________.
- Discuss the Consequences of NOT trying to solve the problem. Show readers why they should care: What bad things will happen if people continue to believe the status quo? What good things will happen once they stop believing it? Why do you think the claim is interesting or important? What bigger questions has it helped you answer? What problems has it helped you to understand or solve? If we continue to believe _______________, we'll never understand the larger question of ___. Unless we change _________, we will continue to have trouble with _________. Once we understand _________, we'll begin to see the answer to the problem is _____. By rethinking our approach to _________, we can fix__________.
BODY SECTION NUMBER TWO: ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS: Research and discuss at least three (3) alternative solutions to the problem that we should consider. You will discuss the positive and negative attributes of these two solution. Convince us that they are realistic. We cannot end all of the problems with industrial food in 5-6 pages, for instance, but we can consider a couple of things we could do at the local level to help us eat better food.
CONCLUSION: This section is a simple repetition of earlier information. It will be a fully developed conclusion that gives us (your audience) a solid call to action. End with memorable ideas and details, including a call to action; use persuasive ideas that sell the solution to the reader. Give us a CALL TO ACTION – what should we do about this problem? Make us want to implement your solution! Also indicate what the next steps would be for the audience. Remember, you must write a compelling conclusion that helps to understand that the issue is serious and needs addressing immediately. Help us to understand why we must act to change the situation and help us to understand why it is important.
NOTE: You are required to overcome any opposition to your argument. Learning about how to refute your opposition is a critical part of the assignment. Please be sure to read about refutation in the section below. Failure to provide us with refutation will result in a failing grade.
Be sure that you list ALL of your sources for your research paper in proper MLA format. The list should include the required sources and any additional sources that you may have used. Be sure that you give proper in-text citations within the body of the essay!
Why is it important to recognize an opposing viewpoint? Aren't I supposed to be providing my point of view? This question is often the first thing to come to mind when we think of counterarguments, but acknowledging other viewpoints doesn't necessarily have to undercut your point of view. Rather, recognizing the opposing view shows a reader that you're informed on viewpoints other than the one you believe to be the strongest. In college and in your career, you are seldom contemplating issues that only have one right answer. Good communicators can acknowledge that there is more than one way to look at an issue. Further, these communicators can even concede a point to someone with whom they disagree. In the process of acknowledging the opposing view, a writer or speaker can convey a sense of fairness to an audience. A fair-minded writer is more likely to have an influence on the audience because he or she cannot be dismissed as overly biased.
In Daniel H. Cohen's TED Talk "For Argument's Sake (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)," Cohen shows that there are three main styles of argument.
- Argument as war
- Argument as proof
- Argument as performance
In Cohen's view, the argument as war style has become much too prevalent. Cohen feels that this style of argument creates winners and losers and precludes the possibility of arguers learning from one another. Instead, Cohen suggests we should consider the argument as performance style, in which we take audience into account.
As you view Cohen's TED Talk, please consider the following questions.
- Does every argument need to have a winner and a loser?
- Cohen suggests that argument should emphasize learning from one another. Do you agree? Why, or why not?
- How can you apply Cohen's ideas about argument in the academic or career context?
LEARN: How to Construct Counterarguments
Incorporating Counterargument
Thesis Statements: Before you start to incorporate counterargument into your body paragraphs, you may want to consider how you will include a mention or hint of it in your thesis statement. You want to include a hint of your counterargument in your thesis statement in order to let the reader know you will be answering objections in your essay. There are several ways to incorporate counterargument in your thesis statement. However, the “Although…because” thesis format method can be particularly useful especially if you’ve never included counterargument in your thesis statements before.
- The “Although….because” Thesis Format: The “Although…because” thesis helps students begin to structure their thesis with a hint of counterargument. Here’s an example from a student’s essay of how to use the “Although…because” thesis method. The topic of the thesis is how social networks change the way we build communities and identity.
- Sample Thesis: Although some people argue that social networks such as Twitter portray a false sense of community and an inaccurate depiction of an individual’s image, the “shallow” relationships formed via 140-character tweets are all extremely important because they can solve a vast number of problems with the help of friends and followers, they afford beneficial possibilities such as the promotion of charities, and they improve our modern technologically driven society.
- If you do not want to start with your counterargument, you can move it to the end of your thesis. Like this: The “shallow” relationships formed via 140-character tweets are all extremely important because they can solve a vast number of problems with the help of friends and followers, they afford beneficial possibilities such as the promotion of charities, and they improve our modern technologically driven society. Although, some people argue that social networks such as Twitter portray a false sense of community and an inaccurate depiction of an individual’s image.
- Note: You don’t always have to use “Although”; you can use other transitional words like: however, even though, or yet. You can also omit the “because” if you don’t need it. As long as you include specific and clear main points, you can omit the “because” or exchange it for something like therefore or thus.
Choosing Types of Counterarguments
- When you are thinking about all the possible counterarguments your opposition may bring up and considering which of the counterarguments to include (you’re not going to include EVERY possible counterargument – that would be overwhelming and ineffective), consider the most important or perhaps the most pressing counterarguments your opposition will bring up.
- Ask Yourself: What would be the first argument my opposition would mention?
- Example: If my thesis argued that social media should be celebrated because it allows people to communicate more efficiently and effectively for free, my opposition (a group of people who may disagree with this point of view) would probably first argue that social media communication is often shallow and impersonal. Even though it may be free and efficient, it’s not “effective” because it’s less meaningful than face-to-face communication.
Incorporating Counterargument Into Your Essay
- There are several ways to incorporate counterargument into your essays; however, these are two methods that are fairly common. Choose the method that suits your writing style best.
- Method 1: Centralizing Counterargument into One Body Paragraph: Include a focused paragraph of counterargument somewhere in your essay. You address the opposition’s points all at once instead of weaving it throughout your essay.
- Example: One of the most commonly recurring arguments against social networks is that they provide a false sense of community amongst people who utilize them as a means of building relationships. A good example of this can be found in Clive Thompson’s article “I’m So Totally, Digitally Close to You”, in which he addresses this issue when he says, “She was now following 677 people on Twitter and another 442 on Facebook. How in God’s name, I wondered, could she follow so many people?” (Thompson 299). The author’s question expresses the belief that such a large number of social connections cannot be maintained as genuine relationships. As a result, the majority of the people who contact one another through social networking sites like Twitter can be accurately described as acquaintances as opposed to friends. Critics opposed to social networks also typically argue that many of the people that “know” one another on Twitter, for example, have never actually met in person and only know of one another through mutual friends or acquaintances. In many instances, people will follow complete and total strangers simply because they wish to increase their number of supposed friends. These shallow relationships created on social networks may be seen as undesirable, but in reality they are extremely beneficial for those who wish to stay connected to others.
- Notes:
- The writer decided that the paragraph above would be his first body paragraph (the paragraph after his introduction). He also chose to include all the arguments the opposition may mention against the positive aspects of Twitter.
- In his essay, the paragraph after the paragraph above, answers the objections he includes here. You can tell this by reading the last sentence of the paragraph which serves as a transition to the next paragraph.
- Some students find that the best place to put their counterargument is the paragraph before their conclusion. That way they express and argument their main argument first and then address the opposition.
- Method 2: Weaving Counterargument in Body Paragraphs:
- Option 1: You can create a topic sentence that refers to counterargument and your main argument.
- Example: One of the most commonly recurring arguments against social networks is that they provide a false sense of community amongst people who utilize them as a means of building relationships; however, Twitter users help solve a vast number of problems with the help of friends and followers.
- The rest of the paragraph would include an example of why social networks “provide a false sense of community”, but also a response to that argument with something about how it helps users solve problems.
- This paragraph would also include brief quotes that not only support the counterargument, but also reinforce the main argument.
- Option 2: Insert counterargument after introducing your main argument in your topic sentence.
- Example: Twitter users help solve a vast number of problems with the help of friends and followers; however, there are some that say social networks provide a false sense of community amongst people who utilize them as a means of building relationships
- This construction allows you to start with your main argument and then address your counterargument. Some students feel that introducing their main argument first can help them persuade their reader of their point of view before addressing the opposition’s ideas.
- This paragraph would also include brief quotes that not only support the counterargument, but also reinforce the main argument.
- Final Notes:
- One method of incorporating counterargument is not favored over another. Pick the one that you think is best for your argument and style.
- Counterarguments should include quotes because you want to show your reader you’ve done your research and thoroughly understand both sides of the argument.
Now that you've learned how to construct counterarguments, you must remember to refute them in your argumentative research essay. You do not want a counterargument left un-refuted because it could potentially undermine your essay.
Here are some tips on how to acknowledge and rebut counterarguments:
- You might ask yourself: "What are the strengths of the opposition? Is there anything about the oppositions point of view that you agree with? If so, state this--it is called a concession. Stating a concession may help to bring those who hold the opposing point of view around to acknowledging your argument as valid.
- After you state any concessions you might have, ask yourself the following questions:
- What are the limitations of the other position(s)?
- What might you want to question or challenge?
- Now think of a way to write those challenges to the opposition into your argument. You might use research such as facts, statistics, testimony, observations, or other evidence to show why the oppositions claims are weak, only partially true, misguided, or just plain wrong.
Note: You always want to keep your language respectful in tone, even when you are in disagreement with a point of view. Using disrespectful or incendiary language could potentially cause your readers to stop reading your essay.
- You may choose to include your refutation of counterargument(s) in the same paragraph where you introduce them, or if your refutation responds to several oppositional points, you may choose to present a paragraph of counterarguments and follow it with a paragraph of refutations of those counterarguments. The style choice is up to you (the writer).