I don’t understand this Communications question and need help to study.
Title Page
Section 1: Lesson Information
Grade level (specify age/grade)
Estimated level of developmental stage for this age/grade
Number of students
Fundamental skill to be taught
State standard (see the list of PE standards (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.and indicate which state)
Section 2: Lesson Introduction
Provide a brief description of the lesson
Create a student learning objective (e.g. “As result of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate _________”)
Describe your system for classroom management and student grouping (e.g. class rules, consequences, rewards, and organization of the class during the activity)
Describe the equipment needed and the environment (e.g. classroom, gym, outdoors, etc.)
Section 3: Lesson Procedure
Create a script for what the teacher would say while teaching the lesson and describe the following:
Introducing the lesson
Safety concerns, rules, and protocols to follow during the lesson
Teaching the skill and the method of assessment (refer to the lesson objective; how will you assess mastery of this skill?)
Section 4: Home-School Connection