When you have completed your RACI Chart in Excel format you will copy and paste it into this document replacing the example below. Follow these steps to complete.
1) Hover your cursor over the blank template below. You will see a small square with crossed arrows inside appear above the upper left-hand corner of the chart. Right click on this square and click Delete Table on the menu that will appear.
2) Go to your Excel file and highlight the full area of the complete RACI Chart. Right click within the selected area and click Copy in the menu.
3) Return to this template. Click the top line of page two previously occupied by the blank template. Then, right click to get the action menu. Under Paste Options you will see several icons. Hover your cursor over the second icon (which should appear as a clipboard) and you should see the words Use Destination Styles (S) appear. Click on this icon to paste your RACI Chart into this document.
4) Make any additional formatting edits needed to ensure that the entire RACI Chart is visible and that the text is legible. This may require manual adjustment of cell, row or text sizes. Table may span several pages if necessary.
Select one (1) of your Key Deliverables and Associated Activities. Provide an explanation of why you assigned the roles that you did for each of the Stakeholders within the three (3) Activities.
RACI Chart