I’m studying for my Social Science class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
In this course, we will explore how critically looking at an issue or event of wellness can enhance the way you understand the world around you. We’ll take a closer look at what wellness is and how it is created, along with the impact of all of this on your personal and professional life.
Together, we’ll explore the interconnectedness of wellness and society to explore questions such as the following:
What is the impact of cultural practices that promote or detract from wellness?
How can history help us understand the relationship between music and wellness?
How can the interaction of different cultures and backgrounds and their approaches to wellness impact the economy?
As part of this process, you will work on a course project. You will use the information you gather in the first part of the project to help you complete the second. Throughout the course, you will have opportunities to work directly on different elements of the project.
In Final Project Part One, due in Module Seven, you will create a critical analysis portfolio that documents your analysis of an issue or event of wellness through the four lenses: history, the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural and applied sciences. By viewing the issue or event through these lenses, you will gain insight into how the interconnected nature of wellness affects society. You will also learn how both your own individual framework of perception and the choices, attitudes, and behaviors of others in the world around you are affected by wellness.
Along the way, you will work on specific elements of the projects. You will receive feedback to make sure you are on the right track.
Milestone One: In Milestone One, due in Module Two, you will select an issue or event of wellness to analyze through the four lenses. You will explain the issue or event and its relationship to society, and you will also describe its connection to the four lenses. In addition to choosing your topic, you will be starting to conduct research in order to gather sources that you will use as evidence to support your responses. It is important for you to start your research early, as at least two sources are required for each lens. Please note that you may use the same source for more than one lens if applicable, but it is critical to identify these potential sources early so that your instructor can provide you with feedback that you can incorporate into future milestones, as well as your final project.