History Homework
Why did the ex-slaves’ struggle for land result in the sharecropping system?
Sharecropping is a system of agriculture that had been developed by the Southern States during the civil war. In fact, it was a farm tendency system that is only dedicated to the families’ worker in a farm and they got in return for a share of the crop rather than wages. It can be similar to the barter system which was practiced in the historical perspectives (Reconstruction, 2014). In fact, ex-slaves’ struggle was for food because the croppers need food and they utilize the sharecropping system and got a crop in return. This is the system which replaces the plantation system that has been damaged by the civil war.
At the same time the victorious Federal authorities engaged the southern people with this agriculture field. These planters actively occupied in rebellion. At the same time they did not serve with formal education because they faced that these are not the right persons who get an education. Share cropping is the process that developed the farmers and planters each other.
The major crop of these croppers was the cotton and when they followed the system to continue the large degree of control of lives. Mostly the blacks working in these lands initially. While time passes there are some poor whites were becoming the part of this system and entered the sharecropping system. Sharecropping system has been varied and based on advance credits and expenses. It is the open system that has been considerable as the abuse for cropper (Crofts, 1995). These all croppers mostly illiterate and if anyone have the education they have minimal education, but did not apply in this system and the rate of illiteracy rate was also very high.
Daniel W. Crofts. (1995). From Slavery to Sharecropping. Retrieved November 17 2014 from: http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/reviews_in_american_history/summary/v023/23.3crofts.html
Reconstruction: Sharecropping. (2014). Retrieved November 17, 2014 from: http://histclo.com/essay/war/cwa/recon/rec-share.html