During the course of your educational journey, you will encounter students who exhibit behavior that impedes the teaching/learning process. After trying unsuccessful strategies, a functional behavior assessment may be necessary. The primary goal of the FBA is to identify the purpose of the inappropriate or impeding behavior. One important data collection tool used in the FBA process is the Functional Assessment Interview (FAI).
For this assignment candidates will gather data from a provided student scenario or through student observations in the field to complete the provided Functional Assessment Interview (FAI) form. If you choose to use a student observation for this assignment instead of the scenario provided, please include a one page description of the student or the observation that you completed in module 3. Candidates MUST use the provided FAI Interview Form for this assignment. Each section of the form must be thoroughly completed using professional terminology and address the student data provided or collected.
If candidates are gathering data from a field observation, the observed student must have diverse learning needs and specific behavior difficulties.
Student Description
If the candidate is using data collected from student observations in the field, a thorough description of the observed student must be provided on the FAI Interview Form. Candidates will include a description of the student’s social interactions, overall academic performance, gender, and other relevant data. If the student has a documented disability, the description of the student should depict a clear understanding of the student’s disability, the criteria/characteristic for having a disability, and how this disability impacts their academic achievement and functional performance in the learning environment. The student description is not required if candidates are using a provided scenario to complete the assignment.
PART 2: Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Once difficult behaviors have been identified through the FBA, a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) will be created in an attempt to decrease those behaviors and increase (i.e., reinforce) replacement behaviors. For this part of the assignment candidates will create a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) for the student identified in Part 1 of the assignment. Candidates must use the provided BIP form to complete this portion of the assignment.