You are asked to create a personal leadership reflection that will capture both your leadership goals and your leadership experiences. Your reflection will be used as the foundation for building your development plan that is the capstone activity of the program. Each week you will add an entry that is related to this personal leadership reflection series.
Every week you will have a prompt on which to base your reflection. In addition, each week you should reflect on what you’ve learned and done that week has contributed to your growth in the area of leadership. What did you feel comfortable with? What do you think is an area of growth.
This week, talk about the purpose of entering this program. Why are you here? What do you hope to gain through this experience? What do you feel is your current comfort level with leadership?
This reflection will be graded on how well you reflect on the topics of the week and apply to you as a leader, not on whether or not you agree with the topics or feel they are areas of strengths or weakness. This is an opportunity to be open with yourself about where you currently are with leadership skills, your strengths, and areas in which you see that you need to improve.
You will never be graded down for admitting there is an area in which you are not as competent as you would like to be, as finding our weaknesses is an important part of growing and improving.