Ensuring Future Success: Reference Guide-Online
Topic 7 Ensuring Future Success: Reference Guide
This reference guide is designed to help you be successful after the end of this course. Once you fill in the missing spaces, you will be able to use this information to access resources in the future.
Directions: Provide the appropriate information in the blank spaces for each resource, for all three guides below. You may want to reference materials or assignments from previous topics to help you fill in the information. The use of www.gcu.edu website will also be helpful in filling out the information.
Academic Reference Guide
Resources What does this resource do for you?
Where do you find this resource? (Provide link, contact info, etc.)
Math Center
Writing Center
ACE Center/ Learning Lounge
Tech Support
Academic Catalog/Policy
Title IX
Emergency/Active Shooter
Student Success Center
Writing Style Guides
End of course survey (EOCS)
Provides students with the opportunity to give feedback to the university about the course, faculty, and student advisor. Feedback is confidential and provides valuable insight that is used to improve the overall university experience.
The EOCS is available only through the student portal and can be accessed one week before the end of class until one week after the end of class.
Student Portal https://newportal.gcu.edu/#/dashboard
Resources What does this resource do for you?
Where do you find this resource? (Provide link, contact info, etc.)
Math Center
Writing Center
ACE Center/ Learning Lounge
Tech Support
Academic Catalog/Policy
Title IX
Emergency/Active Shooter
Student Success Center
Writing Style Guides
End of course survey (EOCS)
Provides students with the opportunity to give feedback to the university about the course, faculty, and student advisor. Feedback is confidential and provides valuable insight that is used to improve the overall university experience.
The EOCS is available only through the student portal and can be accessed one week before the end of class until one week after the end of class.
Student Portal https://newportal.gcu.edu/#/dashboard
Part 2: Spiritual Reference Guide
Resources What does this resource do for you?
Where do you find this resource? (Provide link, contact info, etc)
Spiritual Life Page
The Department of Spiritual Life helps the GCU community grow in a personal relationship with God through an active faith in Jesus Christ.
http://students.gcu.edu/ student-life/spiritual-life.php
Spiritual Life Blog http://blogs.gcu.edu/spiritual-life/
Contact Spiritual Life 602-639-6750 SpiritualLife@gcu.edu
Prayer Requests Students may submit request to be prayed over by prayer team
Compilation of Bible Verses Verses organized based on topics and life circumstances
http://students.gcu.edu/ Documents/passages-of- comfort.pdf
Chapels and Trending Faith videos
http://gcutv.gcu.edu/# Chapels – Click Events > Chapel Trending Faith – Click Shows > Trending Faith
Part 3: Career Reference Guide
Resources What does this resource do for you?
Where do you find this resource? (Provide link, contact info, etc)
Career IMPACT Center
Career IMPACT Center provides you with the resources, professional knowledge, and support you need to successfully transition from academics into a purposeful career and satisfying employment.
https://students.gcu.edu/ student-resources/career- impact-center.php
Career connections
Career Compass
It is good to revisit assessments such as this one every so often to reevaluate your goals, focus, and direction.
Resources What does this resource do for you?
Where do you find this resource? (Provide link, contact info, etc)
Career IMPACT Center
Career IMPACT Center provides you with the resources, professional knowledge, and support you need to successfully transition from academics into a purposeful career and satisfying employment.
https://students.gcu.edu/ student-resources/career- impact-center.php
Career connections
Career Compass
It is good to revisit assessments such as this one every so often to reevaluate your goals, focus, and direction.