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Godmen of india peter brent pdf

26/10/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day

Religion Writing Assignment Paper

Instructions for Final REL 103 Paper

P.S. For my writer. I'm a 22 years Old Sunni, Muslim and I don't have any prejudice against any kind of religion nor do I have anything agains non-belivers. You can side with Muslims and Islam but please do not be racist or have any prejudice. Also please use the uploaded pdf book in your writing for quoting. Also, you can use the Quran, Bible, and Toarah in the writing as will.

· Paper is due no later than 5pm of Final’s week

· Paper should be no longer than 5 pages, double-spaced, printed out, etc.


(1) Essentially this paper is a revision of your first paper, “Religion to me is…”

(2) What you need to do on this final paper is ask yourself if your views on religion have changed since spending a semester studying the great religions of the world.

(3) You will need to answer the following questions:

a. Have my views changed?

b. How have they changed?

c. If they haven’t changed, why haven’t they changed? If they have changed, why have they changed?

(4) Next, you will need to say something about which religion you liked the most out of the ones we studied.

(5) Finally, you will need to say whether or not this course has helped you better understand the function of religion in the world. Has it helped you see religion in a more positive way or a more negative way?


(1) Do not simply tell me things like, “Religion to me is Jesus…” or “Religion to me is Islam…” and then quote from your own religious tradition for 5 pages. That is unacceptable.

(2) Though this is a reflection paper, you should back up anything you say by using quotes from the textbook. You may note your citations using MLA, APA, Turabian, etc. Just be consistent!

(3) Good grammar, spelling, etc. count.


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ROBERT E. VAN VOORST Western Theological Seminary

Holland, Michigan



Anthology of World Scriptures, Sixth Edition Robert E. Van Voorst

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g To James and Genevieve Bos

My parents-in-law In gratitude for your friendship

gC O N T E N T S


1 Scripture Among the World’s Religions 1 A Brief History of Scripture Scholarship 2

The Nature and Definition of Scripture 4

The Uses of Scripture 8

Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Religions Through their Scriptures 10

World Scriptures and Modern Scholarship 13

Scriptures and the World Wide Web 16

The Plan of This Book 16

Suggestions on How To Read Scriptures 17

Glossary 19

Questions for Study and Discussion 19

Suggestions for Further Reading 20

Companion Website 20

2 Hinduism 21 Introduction 22

Overview of Structure 22

Contemporary Use 25

Historical Origin and Development 26


Aditi and the Birth of the Gods (Rig-Veda 10.72) 28

Two Philosophical Views of Creation (Rig-Veda 10.129; Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad 1.4.1–7) 29

The God Indra (Rig-Veda 2.12) 30

Rudra and Shiva (Shvetashvatara Upanishad 3.1–13) 31

‘‘That You Are’’ (Chandogya Upanishad 6.1–2, 9–11) 32

– vi –


Sin and Forgiveness (Rig-Veda 7.86) 34

The Three Da’s (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 5.2) 34

The Way of Asceticism (Mundaka Upanishad 2.1–3, 5–8, 10–13) 35

Stages of Life for a Twice-Born Man (Laws of Manu 2.69–74, 191–201; 3.1–19; 6.1–9, 33–49) 36

The Life of Women (Laws of Manu 3.55–60; 5.147–165) 39


Creation and the Caste System (Rig-Veda 10.90) 40

The Four Castes (Institutes of Vishnu 2–1.17) 41

The Outcastes (Laws of Manu 10.51–57) 42


The Gayatri Mantra (Rig-Veda 3.62.10) 43

Devotion to Agni in Prayer and Sacrifice (Rig-Veda 1.1; Agni-Brahmana 1.1–19) 43

Soma (Rig-Veda 8.48) 44

Marriage (Rig-Veda 10.85.20–47) 45

Cremation (Rig-Veda 10.16) 47

Charms and Spells (Atharva-Veda 6.20; 7.70; 6.9; 3.16) 48

Chanting of Om (Chandogya Upanishad 1.1.1–10) 49

The Practice of Yoga (Shvetashvatara Upanishad 2.8–15) 49



[Appar:] Confession of Sin 60

The Presence of God 60

[Tukaram:] Waiting 61

The Burden of the Past 61

Glossary 62

Questions for Study and Discussion 62

Scriptures in Film 62

Suggestions for Further Reading 63

Companion Website 64

3 Buddhism 65 Introduction 66

Overview of Structure 67

Contemporary Use 71

Historical Origin and Development 72

Contents vii


The Past Lives of Siddhartha Gotama (Jataka 190, Birth-Story of the Blessing of the Commandments) 73

The Life of Siddhartha Gotama (Buddhacarita 1.1–2, 9–10, 15–17, 19–21, 23–25, 34, 54, 59, 62, 72–74, 83; 2.24–26, 28–32; 3.1–8, 26–33, 40–44, 53–61; 5.7–20; 12.88–104; 14.1–9, 35–37, 64–68, 79–81) 74

The Death of Gotama Buddha (Mahaparinibbana Sutta 6.1–12, 33–35, 45–48) 79


The Sermon on the Four Noble Truths (Dhammacakkapparattana Sutta 1–8) 80

The Noble Eightfold Path (Dhammacakkapparattana Sutta 9–20) 82

The Skandhas and the Chain of Causation (Buddhacarita 16.1, 28–50) 83

The Essence of Buddhism (The Heart Sutra) 84

A Mahayana View of the Buddha (Saddharma-Pundarika Sutra 2.36; 10.1) 85

The Blessings of the Pure Land (Array of the Joyous Land Sutra) 86


Conduct of the Monk (Dhammapada 25, 360–382) 88

Admonition to Laity (Cullavagga, Dammikasutta 18–27) 89

The Wisdom of the Buddha (Dhammapada 1–20) 89


Founding of the Monastic Order (Mahavagga 1.6.10, 11–16, 27–30, 32, 34, 37) 91

Founding of the Order of Nuns (Cullavagga 10.1.1–6) 92

The Rules of Defeat for Monks and Nuns (Patimokkha, Parajika Dhamma 1–4) 94

Rules Requiring Formal Meetings of Monks (Patimokkha, Samghadisesa Dhamma 1–13) 96


The Relics of the Buddha (Mahaparinibbana Sutta 6.58–60) 97

Mindfulness in Meditation (Majjhima-nikaya, Satipatthanasutta 10.1–9) 98

A Mahayana View of the Merit of Making Images (Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo 16.694) 100

Tibetan Scripture to Guide the Soul after Death (Bardo Thodol 1.1–2) 102

A Zen Koan, ‘‘What Is Extraordinary?’’ (The Blue Cliff Record 26) 103

viii Contents

The Main Characteristics of the Falun Gong Movement (Li Hongzhi, Zhuan Falun, Lecture 1, Conclusion) 104

Glossary 106

Questions for Study and Discussion 107

Scriptures in Film 107

Suggestions for Further Reading 107

Companion Website 108

4 Jainism 109 Introduction 110

Overview of Structure 110

Contemporary Use, Historical Origin, and Development 111


The Life of Mahavira (Acaranga Sutra 2.15.6–9, 14, 16–20, 22–25, 27) 112


The Causes of Sin (Acaranga Sutra 1.1–2) 114

The Road to Final Deliverance (Uttaradhyayana Sutra 28) 115


Ahimsa (Sutrakritanga 1.7.1–9) 117

Rules for Monastic Life (Uttaradhyayana Sutra 35) 117


The Five Great Vows (Acaranga Sutra 2.15.i–v) 118

Glossary 119

Questions for Study and Discussion 119

Suggestions for Further Reading 120

Companion Website 120

5 Sikhism 121 Introduction 122

Overview of Structure 122

Contemporary Use 123

Historical Origin and Development 124


Selections from the Japji (Japji 1–3, 5–6, 9, 12–13, 15, 17–18, 20–22, Epilogue) 125

Remembering God (Gauri Sukhmani, Mahala 5) 127

Dancing for Krishna (Rag Gurji, Mahala 3) 128

The Hindu Thread (Asa Ki Var, Mahala 1) 129

Contents ix


Prayer for Forgiveness (Rag Bihagra, Mahala 5) 130

Against the Use of Wine (Rag Bihagra, Mahala 1) 131


The Guru (Rag Gauri, Mahala 3) 131

God’s Power in the Sikh Community (Rag Gauri, Mahala 5) 132


Hymn for the Installation of the Guru Granth (Rag Devgandhari, Mahala 5) 133

A Marriage Hymn (Rag Asa, Mahala 5) 133


Guru Gobind Singh’s Story (Dasam Granth, Vichitar Natak 6) 134

God as the Holy Sword (Dasam Granth, Vichitar Natak 6) 135

Glossary 136

Questions for Study and Discussion 137

Suggestions for Further Reading 137

Companion Website 137

6 Confucianism 138 Introduction 139

Overview of Structure 139

Contemporary Use 141

Historical Origin and Development 142


The Character of Confucius (Analects 2.4; 7.1–9, 19–24; 10.1–3, 8–12) 143


The Way (Analects 16.2) 145

The Goodness of Human Nature (Mencius 6.1.1–4, 6) 145


The Virtues of the Superior Man (Analects 1.1–4, 6–9, 14; 15.17–23) 147

Benevolence (Analects 4.1–6) 148

The Actions and Attitudes of Filiality (Classic of Rites 10.1, 4, 7, 10–11, 13–15; Analects 2.5–7; 4.18–21; 13.18) 149

Propriety (Analects 3.3–4, 8, 12–14, 17–19) 151

The Love of Learning (Analects 17.8–9) 152

The Basis of Good Government (Great Learning 1, 3–7; 9.1, 3–5) 152

Confidence and Prosperity in Government (Mencius 4.3, 9; 1.6.20–24) 153

x Contents


Divination (Classic of Changes 1, 47, 54) 154

Songs for Sacrifice (Classic of Poetry: Kau 7; Minor Odes 10.1, 3; Minor Odes 5) 156

Music and Morality (Classic of Rites 17.2.10–11, 15–16, 18) 158

Attack on Buddhism (Ch’ang-li hsien-sheng wen-chi 39.2b–42) 159

Glossary 160

Questions for Study and Discussion 160

Scriptures in Film 160

Suggestions for Further Reading 161

Companion Website 161

7 Taoism 162 Introduction 163

Overview of Structure 163

Contemporary Use, Historical Origin, and Development 164


The Nature of the Tao (Tao Te Ching 1, 6, 25, 34; Chuang-tzu 29) 166

The World (Tao Te Ching 7, 42, 52) 168

The Relationship of Taoism to Confucianism (Pao-p’u Tzu 7.5a) 169


Nonaction (Chuang-tzu 7) 170

Individual Life in Harmony with the Tao (Tao Te Ching 16, 22, 33, 44) 171

The Superior Man (Chuang-tzu 12) 172

Government (Tao Te Ching 3, 18, 57, 64) 173

On Death (Chuang-tzu 18) 174

Reward and Retribution (T’ai-Shang 1) 175


Methods of Prolonging Life (Pao-p’u tzu 15.6b–7a; 19.6b–7a) 176

The Origins of Feng Shui (Zang Shu 1.1–4, 7–25, 30–43) 177

Glossary 179

Questions for Study and Discussion 179

Scriptures in Film 180

Suggestions for Further Reading 180

Companion Website 180

Contents xi

8 Shinto 181 Introduction 182


Preface to the Kojiki 183

The Creation of Japan (Kojiki 1–5, 33) 185

The Story of Emperor Yuryaku and the Woman Akawi-ko (Kojiki 154) 188

Glossary 188

Questions for Study and Discussion 189

Scriptures in Film 189

Suggestions for Further Reading 189

Companion Website 189

9 Zoroastrianism 190 Introduction 191

Overview of Structure 192

Contemporary Use 193

Historical Origin and Development 193


The Call of Zarathushtra (Yasna 29) 194

A Hymn of Praise to Zarathushtra (Yasht 24:87b–94) 195


Hymn to Ahura and the Purifying Fire (Yasna 36) 196

Hymn to Ahura Mazda the Creator (Yasna 37:1–5) 197

The Choice Between Good and Evil (Yasna 30) 197

Judgment of the Soul on Chinvat Bridge (Menok I Khrat 2.110–195) 198


The Place of the Gathas (Yasna 55:1–3) 200

The Zoroastrian Confession (Yasna 12) 201

The Four Great Prayers (From the Yasna) 202

Disposal of the Dead (Vendidad, Fargard 65, 44–51) 203

Glossary 203

Questions for Study and Discussion 204

Suggestions for Further Reading 204

Companion Website 204

xii Contents

10 Judaism 205 Introduction 206

Names 207

Overview of Structure 207

Contemporary Use 210

Historical Origin and Development 213


The Call of Abraham (Genesis 12:1–9) 214

The Call of Moses (Exodus 3:1–20) 215

Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 14:1–31) 216

The Covenant with Israel (Exodus 19:1–8) 217

A Psalm for David (Psalm 132) 218

Ezra’s Enforcement of Torah Observance (Ezra 9:1–7, 13–15; 10:1–12) 219


The Oneness of God (Deuteronomy 6:1–9) 220

God’s Creation of the World (Genesis 1:1–31; 2:1–9, 15–25) 221

The Revolt of Humanity (Genesis 3:1–24) 223

Prayer for Divine Deliverance (Psalm 5) 224

The Messianic King (Isaiah 11:1–9) 225

The Final Judgment of the World (Daniel 7:1–14) 225

Resurrection of the Dead (Daniel 12:1–3) 226


The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1–14) 227

Laws on Slaves, Violence, and Property (Exodus 21:1–36; 22:15–26) 228

Justice for All (Exodus 23:1–9) 230

Holy War (Deuteronomy 20:1–20) 230

Sexual Love (Song of Songs 1:1–2:17) 231

God’s Call to an Unfaithful People (Amos 4:1–13) 233

Two Views of Wisdom (Proverbs 1:1–9, 20–33; Ecclesiastes 1:1–9) 234

The Virtuous Wife (Proverbs 31:10–31) 235


Sacrifice at the Ordination of Priests (Exodus 29:1–37) 236

A Call to Be a Prophet (Isaiah 6:1–13) 237

Women as Judges and Prophets (Judges 4:4–10, 12–16; II Kings 22:11–20) 238

Contents xiii


The Establishment of Circumcision (Genesis 17:9–14, 23–27) 239

The Establishment of the Passover (Exodus 12:1–19, 24–27) 240

The Observance of the Sabbath (Exodus 31:12–17) 241

The Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:1–5, 11–19, 29–34) 242

Kosher and Nonkosher Foods (Leviticus 11:1–31, 41–45) 243


The Chain of Rabbinic Tradition: ‘‘The Sayings of the Fathers’’ (Mishnah, Aboth 1.1–18) 244

An Example of Rabbinic Debate: The Duty to Marry and Have Children (Babylonian Talmud, Yebamoth 61b–63) 246

Glossary 247

Questions for Study and Discussion 248

Scriptures in Film 248

Suggestions for Further Reading 248

Companion Website 249

11 Christianity 250 Introduction 251

Names 251

Overview of Structure 252

Contemporary Use 253

Historical Origin and Development 255


The Birth of Jesus the Messiah (Matthew 1:18–25) 257

Jesus’ Miracles (Luke 8:26–56) 258

The Arrest, Trial, and Death of Jesus (Mark 14:43–50, 53–65; 15:1–41) 259

The Resurrection of Jesus (Mark 16:1–8) 261

The Ascension of Jesus (Acts 1:6–11) 262

The Coming of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1–21) 262

Persecution of the Apostles (Acts 5:27–42) 263

The Council at Jerusalem (Acts 15:1–21) 264


The Parables of Jesus (Mark 4:1–34) 265

The Divine Word Became Human (John 1:1–18) 266

Nicodemus Visits Jesus (John 3:1–21) 267

A Sinful Woman Forgiven (Luke 7:36–50) 268

xiv Contents

Results of Justification (Romans 5:1–11) 269

The End of Time (Matthew 25:31–46; Revelation 20:1–21:4) 269


The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7) 271

Directions Concerning Marriage (I Corinthians 7:1–16, 25–40) 274

Love (I Corinthians 13:1–13) 276

Ethics in the Christian Household (Ephesians 5:21–6:9) 276

Being Subject to Authorities (Romans 13:1–10) 277

The Fall of Rome (Revelation 17:1–18:5) 278


The Twelve Apostles and their Mission (Matthew 10:1–15) 279

Matthew’s Church Order (Matthew 18:1–10, 15–22) 280

Peter as the Rock (Matthew 16:13–20) 281

Qualifications of Bishops and Deacons (I Timothy 3:1–13) 281

Women in the Early Church (Luke 10:38–42; I Corinthians 11:2–16; Galatians 3:25–28; I Timothy 2:8–15) 282


Baptism (Matthew 28:16–20; Romans 6:1–14) 283

The Eucharist (Matthew 26:17–19, 26–29; John 6:25–40, 52–59) 284

Confession and Anointing (James 5:13–18) 285


The Gospel of Thomas (Gospel of Thomas 1–2, 13–14, 18, 22, 29, 49–50, 53, 83–84, 99, 101) 286

Glossary 287

Questions for Study and Discussion 287

Scriptures in Film 288

Suggestions for Further Reading 288

Companion Website 288

12 Islam 289 Introduction 290

Name 290

Overview of Structure 291

Contemporary Use 293

Historical Origin and Development 294


The Call of Muhammad (Qur’an 96:1–19; 53:1–18) 295

The Mission of Muhammad (Qur’an 11:1–16; 93) 296

Contents xv

Opposition to Muhammad (Qur’an 52:30–49; 63) 297

The Night Journey (Qur’an 17:1–2) 298

The Flight to Medina (Qur’an 9:40) 299

The Wives of Muhammad (Qur’an 33:28–33, 37–40, 48–49) 299

The Death of Muhammad (Qur’an 21:34–36) 300


God’s Absolute Oneness (Qur’an 6:100–103; 112) 301

God’s Names (Qur’an 59:22–24) 301

God’s Power (Qur’an 24:41–46; 6:95–99) 302

Predestination (Qur’an 42:8–13; 7:177–179) 302

Jinn (Qur’an 72:1–15) 303

Creation (Qur’an 15:16–48) 304

Adam, Eve, and the Fall (Qur’an 2:29–37) 305

The Holy Qur’an (Qur’an 42:50–53; 46:1–13; 2:87–91) 305

On Unbelievers, Jews, and Christians (Qur’an 9:1–7, 3:38–50; 2:111–121, 132–137) 307

Resurrection and Judgment (Qur’an 75:1–15; 69:14–35) 309

Heaven and Hell (Qur’an 76:1–22; 56:1–39; 77:1–39) 310


The Conduct of Believers (Qur’an 17:23–38) 311

Women (Qur’an 4:19–22, 34–39; 2:220–223, 227–233) 312

Against Evil Magic (Qur’an 113; 114) 314

The Different Dimensions of Struggle (Jihad ) (Qur’an 6:16, 19–20; 48:11–21; 2:190–194, 216–218) 314

Law Codes (Qur’an 4:1–10) 316


The Opening of the Qur’an (Qur’an 1) 317

Confession of Faith (Qur’an 57:1–7; 37:32–39) 317

Prayer (Qur’an 2:142–149) 318

Alms (Qur’an 107; 9:53–60) 319

The Fast (Qur’an 2:183–186) 319

Pilgrimage (Qur’an 2:125–129; 106; 2:196–199) 320

The Mosque (Qur’an 24:36–38; 9:15–18) 321


On Innovations 322

On Ritual Washings 322

On Prayer 323

xvi Contents

On Alms 323

On God 323

On the Power of Reading the Qur’an 324

On the Martyr in Jihad 324

On Plunder in Jihad 324

On Women and Children in Jihad 324

On the Steps for Jihad Against Enemies 324

Glossary 325

Questions for Study and Discussion 325

Scriptures in Film 326

Suggestions for Further Reading 326

Companion Website 326

13 New Religious Movements 327 Introduction 328

Names 329

Overview of Structure 330

Contemporary Use 332

Historical Origins and Development 332


The Essence of Baha’i Teaching and a Sketch of the Life of Baha’u’llah (Shoghi Effendi, The Promised Day Is Come, Preface) 334

Baha’i, Islam, and Christianity (The Bab, Qayyumu’l-Asma 1, 61–62) 335

Baha’i Laws (Baha’u’llah, Kitab-I-Aqdas 1–2, 12–14, 16, 30–34, 45, 49, 56, 63–65, 149–150, 189) 336

Baha’i Prayers (Short Obligatory Prayer, Medium Obligatory Prayer, Prayer for America) 338


Joseph Smith’s Story (Pearl of Great Price, ‘‘Joseph Smith—History 1’’ 1–22, 25–35, 40–47, 59–62, 67–74) 340

The First Description of the Book of Mormon (Book of Mormon, original title page) 343

The Coming of Jesus Christ in 34 C.E. to the New World (Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi 11.1–41) 344

Destruction of the Nephites and Burial of the Golden Plates (Book of Mormon, ‘‘Mormon’’ 6:1–3, 6–11, 16–22) 345

Contents xvii

Preparations for the Trek to Utah (Doctrine and Covenants 136.1–11, 17–24, 30–42) 346

The Essence of Latter-day Saint Teaching (Pearl of Great Price, ‘‘Articles of Faith’’ 1–13) 347

Church Pronouncements on Polygamy and Men of African Descent (Doctrine and Covenants, Official Declarations of 1890 and 1978) 348


Introduction to Christian Science Scripture and to the Work of Mary Baker Eddy (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Preface) 351

The Essence of Christian Science Teaching (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, ‘‘Recapitulation’’) 352

Prayer and Its Role (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, ‘‘Prayer’’) 353

Interpretation of Genesis 1 (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, ‘‘Genesis’’) 354

Two Testimonials to Healing (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, ‘‘Fruitage’’) 354


Dual Characteristics of the Universe and of Human Beings (Divine Principle 356

The Purpose of the Creation of the Universe (Divine Principle 357

The Spiritual and Physical Falls of Adam and Eve (Divine Principle–2) 358

The Restoration of Humanity (Divine Principle 1.3, Introduction) 359

Salvation Through the Second Messiah, the True Parent (Divine Principle 2, Introduction) 360

The Advent of the Second Messiah as a Korean (Divine Principle 2.6, Introduction;–3) 361

Glossary 362

Questions for Study and Discussion 362

Scriptures in Film 362

Suggestions for Further Reading 362

Companion Website 363


xviii Contents

gP R E F A C E

The major living religions of the world have all expressed their teachings and practices in writing. Over the course of time, some of these writings gained unique standing in their traditions and became scriptures. As scriptures, they continue to influence the course of their religions. To read the scriptures of the world, therefore, is to encoun- ter world religions in a direct and meaningful way.

This book is designed to facilitate this encounter for the general reader and espe- cially for the student of religion. Its pages contain the most notable and instructive sacred texts of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and four new religious move- ments: Baha’i, the Christian Science Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints, and the Unification Church.

This anthology not only presents scripture readings but also sets them in the context of their application in the traditions themselves, taking into account recent scholarship on the role of scriptures in religion. Moreover, it does this in one volume and in one format. Designed to be used as a secondary textbook, the anthol- ogy has an organization that is easily adaptable to a range of primary textbooks and most of the current methods of teaching comparative religion.

This sixth edition incorporates, in addition to dozens of smaller changes, the fol- lowing significant revisions:

� Many opening vignettes and the closing sections on ‘‘Scriptures in Film’’ have been revised and updated to keep them fully contemporary. A new section on film has been added to the chapter on Taoism.

� About a dozen new scripture readings have been added on the recommenda- tion of adopters and peer reviewers. Included in these new readings, for exam- ple, are treatments of ‘‘outcastes’’ in Hinduism; Buddhist teachings on the Pure Land, Zen, and Falun Gong; a Confucian critique of Buddhism; Taoist teachings on feng shui; Zoroastrian views of the last judgment; and the early noncanonical Jesus tradition in the Gospel of Thomas.

– xix –

� The organization of the scripture readings has been made more consistent. Each chapter now follows as fully as possible the same order of history, teach- ing, ethics, organization, and ritual.

� All scholarship is updated throughout.

Anthology of World Scriptures is organized as follows: The first chapter examines the general phenomenon of scripture in the world’s religions, its nature, use, and place in modern scholarship. Chapter 1 also introduces the reader to the art of reading scrip- ture with practical suggestions.

Chapters 2 through 12 present the scripture of a single religion and are organized as follows: Vignettes about scripture and its usage draw the reader’s interest and imag- ination. Then an introduction sets the context by explaining the overall structure, use, origin, and development of the scripture in its religion. (If the name of the scripture poses a problem for students, this is given a brief treatment before Overall Structure.) The first grouping of scripture passages concerns the history of the religion, especially the founder (if any) and early history of the tradition. The second grouping covers main doctrinal teachings, including divine or ultimate reality, creation and the environ- ment, human nature, and human fulfillment. The third grouping deals with ethical sys- tems, both personal and social; topics such as war and peace, justice, and the role of women are anthologized as fully as possible here. The fourth grouping focuses on or- ganization, both the ways that religion orders itself and seeks to order its wider culture. The fifth grouping includes worship, devotion, ritual, and meditation. Chapters 8 (Shinto) and 13 (New Religious Movements) have a different internal order that is explained at the beginning of these chapters. As stated earlier, the final grouping deals with later, postscriptural developments of scriptural themes. Each chapter has full pedagogical aids, such as concise introductions to each passage, tables listing scrip- ture canons, full annotations in footnotes to explain difficult items in the readings, questions for study and discussion, a glossary with pronunciations, a brief treatment of recent films that deal with scriptures, and suggestions for further reading. On the website for this book, students and professors will find interactive resources for learning and teaching, such as glossary lists, flashcards of glossary terms, tutorial quizzes, Inter- net exercises, and Microsoft PowerPoint1 slides for lecture and review.

The translations used here have been selected for their accuracy and readability. I have been fortunate to receive permission to reprint many of the finest and most current English translations of many world scriptures. Where recent English transla- tions are incomplete or too technical for undergraduate students, I have relied on a few older translations that have proven their worth over time. I have edited these to update vocabulary, spelling, and occasionally, syntax.

The scriptures presented here come from the religions commonly understood to be the major living world religions, both old and new. By ‘‘world religion,’’ scholars generally mean those religions that have had an impact on the world’s leading cul- tures, not necessarily religions that are spread throughout the world. But why not include here the writings of other important contemporary religions, such as those of Africa or North America or the ancient religions of Egypt, Greece, or Central America? The main reason is that, with a few possible exceptions (e.g., the Mayan Popol Vuh), these religions do not have scriptures as this term is commonly defined today. Ancient religions had comparatively little writing, and this writing was not used in religious practice in a way that qualifies it as scriptural. The tribal/primal

xx Preface

religions of Africa and North America rely on oral traditions, which, though powerful and important, are not written scriptural traditions. Those that are written down have been compiled and used as texts mainly by anthropologists, not by the believers themselves. That these religions do not have scriptures does not, of course, imply that they are any the less religious.

I am very grateful for the strong reception this book has received. I trust that this edition will continue to stimulate its readers to explore the world of religion more deeply.

Acknowledgments The editorial staff at Wadsworth continues to be a fine partner in developing and pro- ducing this book. I especially want to thank religion editor Worth Hawes and assistant editor Patrick Stockstill, as well as Aaron Downey of Matrix Productions and my copyeditor, Frank Hubert.

Scholars at numerous institutions offered detailed, insightful critiques at many points along the way. I thank those who reviewed the content of these chapters in earlier editions of this book: David W. Aiken, Ferris State University; Vivodh J. Z. Anand, Montclair State University; Paul Bernadicou, University of San Francisco; Anne Birdwhistell, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey; James Cook, Oakland Community College, Orchard Ridge; Dell deChant, University of South Florida; Marianne Ferguson, Buffalo State College; Roger Keller, Brigham Young University; Richard Mahon, Riverside Community College; William K. Mahony, Davidson Col- lege; Michael McKale, Saint Francis College; Anne Monius, University of Virginia; Vivian-Lee Nyitray, University of California at Riverside; Patrick S. O’Donnell, Santa Barbara City College; Richard Penaskovic, Auburn University; Christopher Queen, Harvard University; Stephen J. Reno, Southern Oregon State College; Philip Riley, Santa Clara University; Roger L. Schmidt, San Bernardino Valley Col- lege; Philip Schmitz, Eastern Michigan University; Daniel Sheridan, Loyola Univer- sity of New Orleans; Robert Smith, Trenton State College; Gail Hinich Sutherland, Louisiana State University; Donald Swearer, Swarthmore College; James Whitehill, Stephens College; Boyd Wilson, Hope College; and Glenn Yocum, Whittier College. For their careful review for this new edition, I thank William Harman, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; Harry Hight, Virginia Highlands Community College; Keith Kendall, Northern Michigan University; Frank Klapak, Seton Hall University; Tori Lockler, University of South Florida; Richard Mahon, Riverside Community College; Rebecca Norris, Merrimack College; Bryan Polk, Pennsylvania State Uni- versity at Abington; and Alban Urbanas, Wesley College.

All those people made this a better book, but any errors that remain are mine alone. I would be most grateful if users of this book and its Wadsworth website resources would send me comments and suggestions for improvements. You can reach me at my postal address (Western Theological Seminary, 101 East 13th Street, Holland, MI 49423-3622) or by e-mail (bob.vanvoorst@westernsem.edu).

Finally, this sixth edition gives me the happy opportunity to renew my expression of gratitude to my family: to my wonderfully supportive wife, Mary; to our son Nich- olas; and to our son Richard and the newest member of our family, his wife, Bonnie.

Preface xxi

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gC H A P T E R O N E Scripture Among

the World’s Religions

� In North Carolina, a controversy brews over a book about Muslim scripture selected for the freshman orientation seminar at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill—Michael Sells’s Approaching the Qur’an: The Early Rev- elations. In the shadow of September 11, 2001, some North Carolina citizens charge that ‘‘impressionable freshmen’’ will think that Islam is a harmless faith and perhaps be drawn to it. Even the American Civil Liberties Union enters the controversy, warning that teaching this book might be a violation of the con- stitutional separation of church and state.

� In an Indian city, Hindu priests and Sanskrit-language scholars call a news con- ference to criticize a song, ‘‘Shanti,’’ by American pop singer Madonna. The crit- icism focuses on Madonna’s pronunciation of that ancient divine name. Reflecting Hindu spoken use of scripture, the priests and scholars state that the spiritual power of this name is not effective unless it is pronounced correctly.

� Near the federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, demonstrators gather at the ex- ecution of Timothy McVeigh. He is being punished for the 1995 bombing of the federal office building in Oklahoma City in which 169 people died. Some people protest his execution by carrying signs with words from the Bible of both Judaism and Christianity: ‘‘You shall not kill.’’ Counterprotesters also carry signs with biblical words: ‘‘You shall not allow a murderer to live.’’ In 2004, similar scenes played out at the state trial of Terry McNichols, who was convicted of participating with McVeigh in this crime but did not receive the death penalty.

� Outside a movie theater in Utah, crowds gather, waiting for the director, pro- ducers, and actors of a film to arrive for the premiere. Although the scene is similar to most premieres, this film is not like most movies. It is a feature- film adaptation of the Book of Mormon, officially sanctioned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Besides its general release to theaters and

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then to video-rental outlets, it will be used in the missionary activities of the church.

The influence of world scripture is felt throughout the world in ways both ex- traordinary and commonplace. Not all contemporary examples of scripture usage are as dramatic or controversial as these vignettes suggest. They do indicate, though, that the scriptures of world religions have a continuing profound impact on life and culture. This anthology introduces these scriptures and encourages a deep encounter with them in all their variety. Scriptures of the world are so vast in size that some sort of sampling is necessary for all but the most expert specialist. This anthology thus offers excerpts from each tradition that faithfully reflect the his- tory and continuing life of the tradition.

A BRIEF HISTORY OF SCRIPTURE SCHOLARSHIP In the last 150 years, the scholarly study of world scriptures has passed through three distinct stages that have strongly influenced how we read scriptures.1 In the first stage, at the middle of the nineteenth century, European scholars began a vast enter- prise of making critically reliable translations. They focused on the little-translated sacred literature of Asia and the scriptures of Islam and Zoroastrianism. Their con- cern was to translate individual texts, not to examine the general religious features of scripture. They treated scripture as a mine out of which to dig the history and doc- trine of religions, with little regard for the different ways scripture functioned in religious communities.2

The academic movement known as the ‘‘History of Religions school’’ domi- nated religious studies in the second stage but led to neglect of scriptures. This school, which continues to exert a strong influence today, analyzes the development of each religion using historical and social-scientific methods.3 Perhaps in reaction to the earlier methodological reliance on world scriptures, scholars like Joachim Wach and Mircea Eliade relied on the study of ritual, myth, symbols, and other nontextual elements of religion. Scripture, both Eastern and Western, was largely neglected at this stage. Such a respected treatment of comparative religion as Gerardus van der Leeuw’s Religion in Essence and Manifestation contains only a brief discussion of

1For an excellent comprehensive discussion of the history of the academic study of world religions, with some detailed comments on scripture study, see E. Sharpe, Comparative Religion: A History, 2d ed. (LaSalle, IL: Open Court Press, 1987). The best succinct presentation of this topic is by S. Cain, ‘‘History of the Study of Religion,’’ in M. Eliade, ed., Encyclopedia of Religion (New York: Macmillan, 1987), vol. 14, pp. 64–83. 2A continuing feature of this first stage is a number of popular anthologies of world scriptures that use world scriptures as a mine for enlightenment and pay little or no attention to how scripture functions in world religious communities. For example, Robert Ballou’s The Bible of the World (New York: Viking, 1939) and its abridgment in World Bible (New York: Viking, 1944) have remained in print con- tinually, although never revised. Selwyn Gurney Champion and Dorothy Short compiled Readings from World Religions (Boston: Beacon, 1952; reprinted most recently as The World’s Great Religions: An Anthology of Sacred Texts (Mineola, NY: Dover, 2003). The Unification Church has publishedWorld Scrip- ture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts, ed. Andrew Wilson (New York: Paragon House, 1991). Philip Novak has edited The World’s Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World’s Religions (San Francisco: Harper- SanFrancisco, 1994). 3The German name of this movement, ‘‘Religionswissenschaft,’’ means ‘‘science/scholarship of religion,’’ indicating a wider method of study than simply historical scholarship.

2 CHAPTER 1 � Scripture Among the World’s Religions

scripture as a feature of world religions.4 Also, as social-scientific methods increas- ingly entered the field of religious scholarship in this second stage, researchers turned away from studying literary sources from the past in favor of the study of present-day living communities of faith.5

Although this second stage is still very influential, a third stage has emerged in which scholars have rediscovered the value of scripture. The overreliance on scripture characteristic of the first stage and the neglect of scripture in the second stage are now being corrected as scholars increasingly view scripture as an important feature among the religions of the world. Now scripture is correctly seen as one religious facet among many and therefore not to be isolated from the others. Another new element is an emphasis on the actual ways in which scripture is viewed and used in world religions. To understand scripture, according to this view, we must know not just the scriptural text but also how it comes alive in the total life of the religion.

Recent research gives evidence of this emerging third stage. Large-scale studies such as Geo Widengren’s Phenomenology of Religion and Friedrich Heiler’s Manifes- tations and Essence of Religion deal extensively with the nature and use of scripture among the world’s religions.6 Ninian Smart’s Sacred Texts of the World uses scripture to approach several different religious phenomena in each world religion.7 Five recent books deal with scripture and its role in religion: The Holy Book in Compara- tive Perspective, by Frederick Denny and Roderick Taylor; Sacred Word and Sacred Text, by Harold Coward; Rethinking Scripture: Essays from a Comparative Perspec- tive, by Miriam Levering; Sacred Texts and Authority, by Jacob Neusner; and What Is Scripture? A Comparative Approach, by Wilfred Cantwell Smith.8 As a result of the research in this stage, the comparative study of scripture is today one of the leading features in the study of world religions. Smith, of Harvard University, and some of his students have had a strong influence on current scripture study. They argue for scripture study centered on the actual reception and use of scriptures. The work of William Graham on the oral dimensions of scripture has been especially in- fluential.9 A measure of the strength of this stage is that it is now appearing in text- books, and several works are notable.10 As a representative of this third stage of

4Gerardus van der Leeuw, Religion in Essence and Manifestation (London: Allen & Unwin, 1938; German original, 1933). One short chapter, 64, deals almost exclusively with scripture. 5For example, the widely used Reader in Comparative Religion: An Anthropological Approach, ed. W. A. Lessa and E. Z. Vogt, 4th ed. (New York: Harper & Row, 1997), has excellent readings in all the basic topics in the cultural-anthropological study of religion—symbol, myth, ritual, shamanism, magic—but not one essay on scripture and its uses. 6Geo Widengren, Religionsphänomenologie (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1969); Friedrich Heiler, Erscheinungsformen und Wesen der Religion, 2d ed. (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1979). 7Ninian Smart, Sacred Texts of the World (London: Macmillan, 1982). 8F. M. Denny and R. L. Taylor, eds., The Holy Book in Comparative Perspective (Charleston: University of South Carolina Press, 1985); Harold Coward, Sacred Word and Sacred Text (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1988); Miriam Levering, ed., Rethinking Scripture (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989); Jacob Neusner, ed., Sacred Texts and Authority (Cleveland: Pilgrim, 1998); Wilfred Cantwell Smith, What Is Scripture? A Comparative Approach (Philadelphia: Augsburg Fortress, 1993). 9See especially William Graham’s Beyond the Written Word: Oral Aspects of Scripture in the History of Religion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983). 10T. W. Hall, R. B. Pilgrim, and R. R. Cavanagh, Religion: An Introduction (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985); Kenneth Kramer, World Scriptures: An Introduction to Comparative Religion (New York: Paulist, 1986); Roger Schmidt, Exploring Religion, 2d ed. (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1988); Jean Holm and John Bower, Sacred Writings (London: Pinter, 1994); Richard Viladesau and Mark Massa, World Religions: A Sourcebook for the Student of Christian Theology (New York: Paulist,

A Brief History of Scripture Scholarship 3

scripture study, this text offers a wide range of scripture selections from the religions of the world, with introductions and annotations to set the readings in the context of their actual usage.

THE NATURE AND DEFINITION OF SCRIPTURE At first glance, defining scripture seems easy enough. We think of scripture as the holy writing, the sacred text of a religion. All religions seem to have scriptures, and all appear to use them in the same way. As a phenomenon among religions, scrip- ture seems on the surface to be a constant. On closer examination, however, these simple notions vanish.

Books that are traditionally regarded as scriptures vary in several important aspects. The first variation among scriptures is in literary form. People who come from religious traditions that include scriptures tend naturally to assume that the sacred texts of other religions look and function exactly like theirs. Scriptures, how- ever, are as varied as the religions and cultures from which they come.

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