INTRODUCTION Architectural Curvilinearity: The Folded, the Pliant
and the Supple / Greg Lynn
In 1993, Greg Lynn guest-edited an issue of Architectural Design
dedicated to an emerging movement in architecture: folding.
Lynn, a Los Angeles-based architect/educator with a background
in philosophy and an attraction to computer-aided design, was
the ideal person to organize this publication and, in effect, define
the fold in architecture, a concept that generated intense interest
during the remainder of the decade.
In his contributory essay, ''l\rchitectural Curvilinearity: The
Folded, the Pliant and the Supple," Lynn ties together a variety
of sources-including the work of Gilles Deleuze, Rene Thom,
cooking theory, and geology-to present an alternative to
existing architectural theory and practice. He states that since
the mid-1960s architecture has been guided by the notion of
contradiction, whether through attempts to formally embody
heterogeneity or its opposite; in short, postmodernism and decon
structivism can be understood as two sides of the same coin. Yet,
for Lynn, "neither the reactionary call for unity nor the avant-garde
dismantling of it through the identification of internal contradic
tions seems adequate as a model for contemporary architecture
and urbanism." Rather, he offers a smooth architecture (in both a
visual and a mathematic sense) composed of combined yet dis
crete elements that are shaped by forces outside the architectural
discipline, much as diverse ingredients are folded into a smooth
mixture by a discerning chef. This new architecture, what Lynn
calls a pliant, flexible orchitecture, exploits connections between
elements within a design instead of emphasizing contradictions
or attempting to erase them all together. Of equal importance
is that this architecture is inextricably entwined with external
forces, both cultural and contextual. Architects deploy various
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,j'"'ngies-including a reliance on topological geometry and
"'u"al software and technologies-in the creation of their designs,
II,,' Ihe resulting works tend to be curvilinear in form and inflected ....Ih the particulars of the project and its environment.
In addition to Lynn's essay, Folding in Architecture, as the
A/. hitectural Design issue was titled, included other texts by fig
,,·os such as Deleuze, Jeffrey Kipnis, and John Rajchman, and
'''presentative projects by architects like Peter Eisenman, Frank
( inhry, and Philip Johnson. This list of distinguished collaborators
("fl' weight to the publication, intimating that the phenomenon
"I the fold was already entrenched within architectural design.
If Indeed it was, Folding in Architecture cemented the shift in
(lfchitectural thought by identifying and highlighting this new
mchitecture of smoothness. The importance of Lynn's special
.,sue of Architectural Design was underscored by its reprinting in
2004 as "a historical document,"1 complete with new introductory
nssays analyzing and situating the original publication as a guid
Ing force within twenty-first-century architectural discourse.2