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Grossman and valiga leadership characteristics and skills assessment tool

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Nursing: Leadership Health Care Organizations Practicum

Topic: Servant Leadership from a Christian Perspective: The Issue of Serving

Leadership Journal: Serving


Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to "connect the dots" and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes.

Unlike a personal journal of thoughts and feelings, this Leadership Journal is a record of your activities, assessments, and learning related to this academic experience.

Journal entries should include a record of the number of hours spent with your nurse leader each week.

Write a journal entry of 1,000-1,500 words on the subject of serving, including the following:

1. Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in Weeks 9-10.

2. Would your co-workers or those you "serve" consider you responsible for some aspect of their success? Describe a situation where you were able to assist another nurse with achieving a professional goal.

3. Reflect on at least two things you learned from the "Issue of Servant" video.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Servant leaders must be internally consistent with their words and actions. Describe a mentor that you have had that displayed this kind of credibility. Share an example of what you witnessed from this person. Based on the text, contrast your response to the secular view of power.


A mentor who demonstrated servant leadership is the former CEO of General Electric; Jack Welch. Welch believes that a good leader creates a vision and shares it with his team members and steers the employees in order to achieve this vision (Riggio & Tan, n.d.). He also believed that a good leader has to energize his employees with positive energy in order to accomplish the set goals and objectives. Jack Welch put these terms into practice. Firstly, Welch created the vision of making General Electric a global competitor, shared this vision with all stakeholders, and inspired them in achieving this vision. Secondly, he led by example by energizing his teams with positive energy towards achieving the defined goals. He energized his employees and increased their cohesion and productivity.

According to the secular view of power, personal visions, values, and perceptions should not affect authority and activities in the workplace. This is contrary to what Welch believed and put into practice, sharing personal perceptions regarding changes and vision of his organization. If Welch had not shared his feelings for the need to transform the organization, the company would not have achieved the great increase in profits and revenue.


Riggio, R. E., & Tan, S. J. (n.d.). Leader interpersonal and influence skills: the soft skills of leadership.


Topic: Servant Leadership from a Christian Perspective: The Issue of Example

Leadership Journal: Provision


Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to "connect the dots" and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes.

Unlike a personal journal of thoughts and feelings, this Leadership Journal is a record of your activities, assessments, and learning related to this academic experience.

Journal entries should include a record of the number of hours spent with your nurse leader each week.

Write a journal entry of 750-1,500 words on the subject of provision, including the following:

1. Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in Weeks 7-8.

2. Describe how your nurse leader influences the work environment. Consider how influence protects and values others in the work environment.

3. Identify two or more ways your own leadership could promote a feeling of protection and honor in your work environment.

4. Reflect on at least two things you learned from the "Issue of Headship" video.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.


Electronic Resource

1. Issue of Servant

View the "Issue of Servant" video.



Leadership is an ability that justifies continuous research. A few reasons add to this affirmation. Above all else, with regards to wellbeing administrations, this is because of the idea of the talks which have been about the enhancement of assets with the most noteworthy nature of administrations advertised. Furthermore, this is because of the desires for associations on the job of the pioneer in dealing with his group in the quest for regular targets. Moreover, as an outcome of the above, there is a need to fulfill the client to guarantee a reasonable framework.

The Head Nurse is exceedingly associated with these means. As a pioneer, he should try to create individuals so the association of which they are a section will have the capacity to give a decent level of administration (Jennings.et.al, 2017).

Patients admitted to units that have nursing groups which have: adequate number of staff and an authoritative structure which encourages great relations among specialists and attendants, brought about abnormal amounts of fulfillment with reference to the consideration got and low levels of burnout rates among representatives. This positive evaluation from the customer was additionally identified with the earth of employment hones and with the administration of nursing.

In light of this outcome, the connection between the workplace and administration ought to be examined further. This is because of the way that, at work, medical attendants are actuated to utilize their abilities in view of their own goals and on what the association expects of their execution.

Presently, there is a lack of medical caretakers in clinical consideration, and great pioneers can encourage any weakening. Besides, the initiative abilities of medical caretaker overseers can add to the achievement of their association (Lockwood, 2013). The administration is of expanding significance in clinical nursing. Despite the fact that initiative and hierarchical culture builds have been very much contemplated, the connection between them has not been set up in the field of nursing. This examination investigates the connection between authoritative culture and administration conduct.

Administration demonstrates tests have been a zone of enthusiasm for scientists. Truth be told, researching how a specific authority style bolsters the activity of administration and the correlation with the mediating factors involve an approach to make the activity of initiative more merged and organized (Small.et.al, 2014).

Impact of administration style on the workplace is outstanding. Its effects can advance cooperative energy or the crumbling of the group. In this way, it is up to pioneers to reconsider the manner in which they lead their groups. Their states of mind are basic to the expert vocations of their subordinates and furthermore to the association to which they have a place.

The Occupational Health and Safety Act and controls set out clear prerequisites for making a sheltered and sound physical workplace. Pioneers go past gathering their lawful commitments and look for rather meet the soul of the law - realizing that authoritative execution relies upon solid, protected, drew in workers.

Supporting inside their organizations for representative wellbeing and security is a key, achievable and basic job for official pioneers that resounds capably at both a corporate and social level. The business case for wellbeing and security reverberates whether the association is persuaded by its primary concern, notoriety, or corporate social duty.

The administration can exhibit an expert yet inviting a state of mind in the work environment. Change must be normal by workers when administration actualizes it first. As indicated by the attribute hypothesis of the initiative, one must be very much furnished with a specific arrangement of individual characteristics and qualities, for example, insight, practical insight, conclusiveness and so forth for the general population to tail him. With a specific end goal to fortify this conduct, it must be granted and acknowledged when followed up on. The law of impact and fortification hypothesis can be used, which says that an ideal delayed consequence fortifies the activity that delivered it. This implies activities taken after by fulfillment will turn out to be solidly joined to the circumstance and hence will probably happen.

Pioneers outstandingly affect authoritative culture. Representatives have a tendency to take after pioneers in proficient and social courses prompting an expansive effect on the association, all in all, Leadership is normally characterized as building up a reasonable vision, correspondence it and settling the quick clashes among the workers or confronting the association all in all. Pioneers are entrusted with proficiently managing authoritative objective accomplishment while considering colleague abilities basic to deliver the coveted profitability. Since authority is a part of the administration, it is important to build up that the administration is all around outfitted with initiative aptitudes. Successful administration can impact the hierarchical qualities, for example, trustworthiness, regard, morals and resilience and so on by showing a perfect demeanor in the working environment, setting up a dream among the representatives, fortifying responsibility, spurring the workers, making a dream arrangement for the way of life and values and by training the associates (Pearson.et.al, 2017).

Being straightforward is an intense thing on the off chance that you can confide in yourself and be trusted by others. The reason most pioneers are not straightforward is that they trust they will be seen as less legitimate; that the certifications they worked so difficult to accomplish will lose their capacity, use, and gravitas. This is the issue with most pioneers, they don't know about the truth that exists around them. Individuals need to identify with its pioneers. Individuals need to realize that their pioneers have encountered similar issues as well as how they have defeated individual hardships (Scoble & Russel, 2014).

The computerized age has enabled individuals to take in more about their pioneers. In that capacity, online networking has all of a sudden gives individual the consent to enter a pioneer's close to home space; a place they were already disallowed from entering. The advanced age has changed the levels of straightforwardness that we anticipate from individuals as well.

“Issue of Headship” video


Jennings, B. M., Scalzi, C. C., Rodgers III, J. D., & Keane, A. (2017). Differentiating nursing leadership and management competencies. Nursing Outlook, 55(4), 169-175.

Lockwood-Rayermann, S. (2013). Preceptor leadership style and the nursing practicum. Journal of Professional Nursing, 19(1), 32-37.

Melnyk, B. M., Fineout‐Overholt, E., Fischbeck Feinstein, N., Li, H., Small, L., Wilcox, L., & Kraus, R. (2014). Nurses' perceived knowledge, beliefs, skills, and needs regarding evidence‐based practice: Implications for accelerating the paradigm shift. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 1(3), 185-193.

Pearson, A., Laschinger, H., Porritt, K., Jordan, Z., Tucker, D., & Long, L. (2017). Comprehensive systematic review of evidence on the developing and sustaining the nursing leadership that fosters a healthy work environment in healthcare. International Journal of Evidence‐Based Healthcare, 5(2), 208-253.

Scoble, K. B., & Russell, G. (2013). Vision 2020, part I: Profile of the future nurse leader. Journal of Nursing Administration, 33(6), 324-330.


A credible person will do what they say. Describe a time when you felt free in displaying your integrity at work. Describe a time when you felt fearful displaying your integrity at work. What was the determining factor(s) that allowed you to lead by example versus going against your heart? If you never felt free in displaying your integrity at work, describe what conditions would need to exist for you to do so?


I was working as an intern in one health organization in my previous summer vacation and witnessed something such that I felt to display my integrity at work. I had worked for two months when a new albino lady joined the organization as an intern as well. She was given a supervisor who delegated all her work to her and merely did anything especially when our manager was not in the office. I felt she discriminated against the intern and I felt the need to tell our manager about the situation and reported her since she could not compromise me in my work.

In another situation, my supervisor used to prescribe patients with medication and told them to buy from a certain pharmacy which turned out to be his, even when the healthcare facility had cheaper medication. I feared to report him to the higher management since he was my supervisor and could have terminated my internship at the facility. If I was guaranteed to continue with the internship and not harshness between me and my supervisor, I would have displayed integrity and reported him.


Barrett, R. (2010). The new leadership paradigm: leadership development textbook for the twenty-first century leader. Lulu.com. Retrieved from http://www.worldcat.org/title/new-leadership-paradigm-a-leadership-development-textbook-for-the-twenty-first-century-leader/oclc/1015250776


Topic: Servant Leadership from a Christian Perspective: The Issue of Example (continued)

Nurse Leader Interviews Paper


Identify three nursing leaders you would like to interview for this paper. The nursing leaders may have a variety of leadership styles, but they must all currently hold positions of leadership.

Write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that describes the results of the interviews and addresses the following:

1. Ask the leaders what they believe is their preferred leadership style and ask them to describe how that style has helped them achieve success.

2. Explain why you chose each individual leader.

3. Identify, compare, and contrast their styles and note any examples of servant or transformational leadership.

4. Identify missed opportunities or questions you wish you had asked during the interviews.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


2. Issue of Servant

View the "Issue of Servant" video.



Nurse Leader Interview Session

It is important that as an individual who is taking the nursing leaders in this interview session to really get to understand who they really are and what is their role while in the healthcare unit. A nurse leader is an individual who is interested in ensuring that he or she is able to excel in his or her career path, he or she is a leader within a healthcare organization who is in a position to represent the interests of the nursing profession. It is important that you are able to realize that not everyone has the capability of becoming a nurse leader (Grossman & Valiga, 2016). The nurse leader has by all means to be unique outstanding and has additional skills that not everyone else can have it. There are different leadership styles can be used in nursing especially while dealing with the patients and even your fellow nurses while in the healthcare unit.

By nature, nurses are taught to be leaders while working in their profession which means that they are to be in charge of leading the other colleagues who belong to the other ancillary groups, ensuring that they have been able to oversee the care teams and also be accountable for the outcomes as a result of patient care (Fleiszer et al., 2016). I was able to get a unique opportunity to interview the upper level nurse leader, the nurse manager and the nurse in charge of patient care. It was not a very easy thing having an opportunity to interact with them and get to know about the leadership styles that they are using but I was able to get this rare opportunity.

The leaders I had an interaction with told me that transformational leadership has been the best method of leadership that they have been using for the longest time that they have been in their current position and that it has been working in the best way especially when it comes to the patients because for any given healthcare unit the patient is the center of concentration for all the nurses. Transformational leadership is the type of leadership in which the behavior of the leader inspires and transforms the followers to be in a better position to perform very well beyond what is expected of them, leaving their own self-interest behind for the sake of ensuring that the organization is in a position to work in the way it is required and to eun smoothly without having any challenge at all. A transformational leader in most of the cases usually possesses inspirational motivation which in most of the cases involves being able to provide a vision of the future especially to the people who are looking up to you. This will really help them to be able to perform exceedingly well than is expected by other people. When the leader is more concerned about needs and skills of his or her followers then everything will be in a position to run smoothly.

This kind of leadership has been really of great help and importance especially when it comes to the patients because the use of transformational leadership has been associated with the reduction of the medication errors according to the studies that have been carried out which means that the patients will always be in a position to access the best kind of services and care too. It also means that there will be satisfaction among the patients especially when it comes to home health care and acute care. according to the current evidence that I was able to come across on how the leaders were using this kind of leadership, I was able to come into a conclusion that relationships that exist between positive relational leadership styles and the higher patient satisfaction are in a position to lower the mortality rate that exists among the patients, decrease the restraint use and fewer medical are experienced and also the hospital-acquired infections are rare and to a great extent do not exist at all (Huber, 2017). This is because of the order that is present in the healthcare unit. Transformational leadership is really a great contributor to a safer and quite conducive environment while the patient is not in a position to do everything on his or her own.

I decided to choose these types of leaders that I interviewed because they are the center of concentration when it comes to the services that are being offered in the hospital. For instance, the manager and the manager and the nurse leader are really important when it comes to ensuring that everything in the hospital is run in the way it is required. The way they direct or govern the people who are under them is really crucial. A leader at all times is always the servant. I wanted to really get a more understanding as to how they were able to manage their positions and how they were also able to lead their employees and make their health care unit become among the best and the most preferred by all most of the patients and people who live around them (Cheng et al., 2016). Determination and hardwork and motivation by them and other employees who are present have always been their aim and goal. This is the reason why they have been in a position to be at the top always.

The method that is used by almost all the leaders in the hospital is the transformational leadership which means that I cannot really get a picture as to why I am to compare it with other forms of leadership because it has worked well for them as leaders and the outcome is really clear. Servant leadership gives the individual who is involved in itself satisfaction. This is because he or she is able to individually go down to the level of the patient and get to interact with him or her personally and meet his or her need directly. For example meeting the spiritual need of the patient and getting to come up with a solution on how to help them be able to achieve their spiritual need. When this is done then it means that the patient will be comfortable and fully satisfied despite the fact that he or she might not be in good health (Robertson, 2017).

I missed the opportunity to see how they are really doing and interacting with the patients this is because I concentrated so much on interviewing them and asking them a lot of questions rather than taking a consideration that the time I had was very limited. How I wished that I was able to have an opportunity to do how they are really doing what they were talking about.


Grossman, S., & Valiga, T. M. (2016). The new leadership challenge: Creating the future of nursing. FA Davis.

Fleiszer, A. R., Semenic, S. E., Ritchie, J. A., Richer, M. C., & Denis, J. L. (2016). Nursing unit leaders' influence on the long‐term sustainability of evidence‐based practice improvements. Journal of nursing management, 24(3), 309-318.

Huber, D. (2017). Leadership and Nursing Care Management-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Cheng, C., Bartram, T., Karimi, L., & Leggat, S. (2016). Transformational leadership and social identity as predictors of team climate, perceived quality of care, burnout and turnover intention among nurses. Personnel Review, 45(6), 1200-1216.

Robertson, D. (2017). A Theological Perspective on Heroic Leadership in the Context of Followership and Servant Leadership. Heroism Science: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(1), 3.

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