Extreme H2O is a company that specializes in water sports. It is considering adding some new experiences for its customers. In a nearby community there is a small river that can be used for tubing. The management is trying to figure out how much usage it might receive and where to set the price in order to make a profit. The company seeks to make sure the project would at least break even the first year after development costs. Management has tasked you with developing a worksheet to analyze the situation.Extreme H2O Break-even Analysis for River Float Project Revenue Average Number of Guests (per day) Days of Operations per Year Price Gross Revenue Expenses Fixed Costs Site Development Equipment Insurance Total Fixed Costs Variable Costs Labor expense (per day) Transportation (per guest) Total Variable Costs Net Income 20190404074054alfarj_e05ch10_grader_a1_float.xlsx 75 200 $28,000 $3,000 $1,250 $240 $0.75 Number Guests 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Expenses Revenue Net Income Extreme H2O Break-even Analysis for River Float Project Two-Variable Data Table Price 20190404074054alfarj_e05ch10_grader_a1_float.xlsx Extreme H2O Break-even Analysis for River Float Project 20190404074054alfarj_e05ch10_grader_a1_float.xlsx Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project YO16_XL_CH10_GRADER_PS2_AS - Extreme H2O 1.5 Project Description: Extreme H2O is a company that specializes in water sports. It is considering adding some new experiences for its customers. In a nearby community there is a small river that can be used for tubing. The management is trying to figure out how much usage it might receive and where to set the price in order to make a profit. The company seeks to make sure the project would at least break even the first year after development costs. Management has tasked you with developing a worksheet to analyze the situation. Steps to Perform: Points Possible Step Instructions 1 Start Excel. Open the downloaded spreadsheet named e05ch10_grader_a1_Float.xlsx. Save the file with the name e05ch10_grader_a1_Float_LastFirst, using your last and first name. If necessary, enable the content. 0 2 The company would like a break-even analysis completed. On the Break-Even Analysis worksheet, enter the correct formula to calculate the Gross Revenue in cell D7. 5 3 Enter the correct formula to calculate the Total Fixed Costs in D13. 5 4 Enter the correct formula to calculate the Total Variable Costs in D17. 5 5 Enter the correct formula to calculate the Net Income in D18. 5 6 Management thinks an average of 75 guests a day would be a realistic average. Use Goal Seek to find out what the price would need to be to come out exactly even with 75 guests per day and $0 in Net Income. 10 7 Fill in the Expenses, Revenue, and Net Income columns (range G4:I19) using a data table. 10 8 Format the range G4:I19 as Currency. 5 9 Copy the information in range A3:D18 from the Break-Even Analysis worksheet and paste it in range A4:D19 on the worksheet PriceAndGuest. Keep the source column widths. 5 10 Create a data table to compute Net Income in the range F5:N22. The price (row 6) needs to start at $3 and increase to $10 in $1 increments, and the number of guest (column F) needs to start at 25 and increase in increments of 5. 10 11 Format the data in the data table so any net profit under -$5,000 has a light red background and dark red text, data that is above or equal to -$5,000 and below $5,000 will have a light yellow background and dark yellow text, and anything $5,000 or greater will have a light green background and dark green text. 10 12 Format cell F6 to hide the result of the formula in the cell.