Prepare A Brief For The Hamer V. Sidway Case - FIRAC Format
Prepare a brief for the Hamer v. Sidway case, found in the link below. Use the FIRAC format. Include the court information and date at the top of your paper.
Case: Hamer v. Sidway
Grading and Points
This Assignment is due at the end of Module 3 and is worth 80 points. The grading rubric is found below.
Submitting Your Assignment
When you are ready to submit your Assignment, select the Assignment menu at the top of the screen and choose the Module 3 Assignment Dropbox.
This Assignment addresses the following module learning outcome:
Explain and illustrate the components of a case brief.
It also addresses the following course outcomes:
CL600-2: Write briefs of appellate opinions using FIRAC format.
CL600-5: Identify governing rules & principles that apply to fact scenarios.
CL600-8: Use IRAC format to write in a clear, organized manner.
The student does not identify facts or some relevant facts.
The student identifies most relevant facts.
The student identifies all relevant facts.
11 Points
0 - 3
4 - 7
8 - 11
The student does not frame an issue, or frames an issue that is incorrect or partially correct.
The student frames an issue that is mostly correct.
The student frames the correct issue.
15 Points
0 - 4
5 - 9
10 - 15
The student does not articulate a rule or articulates an incorrect or partial rule.
The student articulates a rule that is mostly correct.
The student articulates the correct rule of law.
20 Points
0 - 5
6 - 12
13 - 20
The student does not provide analysis or provides inadequate analysis
The student provides most of the required analysis
The student provides a thorough analysis
15 Points
0 - 4
5 - 9
10 - 15
The student does not provide a conclusion or provides a conclusion that does not answer the issue.
The student provides a conclusion that is mostly correct.
The student provides a correct conclusion that directly answers the issue.
15 Points
0 - 4
5 - 9
10 - 15
Mechanics: spelling,
grammar, punctuation
Student’s work as a number of mechanical errors.
Student’s work has some mechanical errors.
Student’s work is mostly error-free.
4 Points
0 - 1
2 - 3
Total Points