Think about the characteristics of Elizabeth and Darcy at the beginning of the novel and at the end. How do they change throughout the course of the novel? What do you think the author is saying through the development of these characters? In your response, describe the primary features of the characters at the beginning of the novel, the basic process by which they change, and their characteristics at the end of the novel. Then, explain what you think the author is trying to say through the changes in Elizabeth and Darcy.Graded Assignment ENG403B/404B: British and World Literature | Pride and Prejudice Graded Assignment Pride and Prejudice Literary Essay This document provides an overview of the tasks and a time line for completing this assignment. Student Assignment Instructions Respond to the following in the form of a short essay. Your essay should consist of at least five paragraphs. Think about the characteristics of Elizabeth and Darcy at the beginning of the novel and at the end. How do they change throughout the course of the novel? What do you think the author is saying through the development of these characters? In your response, describe the primary features of the characters at the beginning of the novel, the basic process by which they change, and their characteristics at the end of the novel. Then, explain what you think the author is trying to say through the changes in Elizabeth and Darcy. Cite specific examples from the novel in your response. Use the notes you take and the questions you answer in the Student Guide to help you formulate your response. You will hand in your completed response on the final day of this unit. Process You should always use a process for your writing that includes planning and drafting. To complete this assignment, you will do the following: • Review the assignment instructions and grading criteria thoroughly. The writing assignment you complete in this unit will be graded against a rubric that assesses the essay in a number of categories. These categories focus both on the essay’s contents and its clarity. o Read the rubric on the last page of this document. Keep the criteria listed on the rubric in mind as you complete the writing assignment. o Remember to write in standard formal English and use the third person (no personal opinions) and the present tense. • Complete a plan for your essay. • Begin drafting your paper, using your plan as a guide. • Review and revise your first draft. You should try to have another person read your work and give you feedback as part of your revision process. • Write the final draft of your project. Be sure to follow these requirements and recommendations when completing your draft: Open a new Microsoft Word document. Type your name, your teacher’s name, your school name, and the date at the top of your document. To help your teacher know from whom the project came, save the file as: ENG403B/ENG404B_NC_02_01_Pride_and_Prejudice_Literary_Essay_FirstInitial_ LastName.doc Example: ENG403B/ENG404B_NC_02_01_Pride_and_Prejudice_Literary_Essay_M_Smith.doc Type your essay in the document you create. © 2009 K12 Inc. All rights reserved. Copying or distributing without K12’s written consent is prohibited. Page 1 of 5 Graded Assignment ENG403B/404B: British and World Literature | Pride and Prejudice Student Time Line You will complete this project over the course of this unit. Task Start Complete Print and review assignment instructions.