•The place or part where two things or parts are joined or united.•The union of two or more smooth or even surfaces admitting of a close-fitting or junction.DEFINITION•Joineryis a part of woodworking that involves joining together pieces of wood, to produce more complex items.
TYPES OF JOINT•Halved Joints•Bridled Joints•Moticeand TenonJoints•Wedge Morticeand Tenon•Dove tail Joints•Finger or Comb Joints•Shoulder/Rebate/Lapped Joints
Halved JointsAhalved jointis awoodworkingjoint in which the two members are joined by removing material from each at the point of intersection so that they overlap. In this type of joint, one place crosses over the other.Bridled JointsThese two bridle joints are used when a light frame is needed. For example, a picture frame. One part of the joint fits into the other part and is glued permanently in position.