Task: Complete your 3-5-page essay in which you have analyzed your chosen article.
Revise it focusing on both MUGS (Mechanics, Usage, Grammar, and Spelling), as well as the material covered in Chapter 8.4: Revising and Editing.
Make sure that you have an introduction and thesis (perhaps a revised thesis).
Each of the body paragraphs should be devoted to a single argument with 2-3 pieces of supporting evidence/quotes.
Write a conclusion which summarizes your argument and reminds your reader of your thesis statement.
Check the More About the Rhetorical Analysis Essay Assignment page to make sure you've addressed the points there.
You MUST have a Works Cited page listing the essay that you are quoting from in order to avoid plagiarism. The Works Cited page is notconsidered one of the pages of your required text and must be at the end of the paper, not in a separate file.
Make sure to leave time to run it by Free Tutoring for feedback - this step is likely to improve your grade.
Submit your final paper in Turnitin, OR in the assignment dropbox, according to your instructor's preference. Should you use Turnitin, make sure to take a screenshot of the confirmation screen once you upload your paper.
Criteria on which you will be graded: Earning a good grade on the Rough Draft does not mean you will earn a good grade on the Final. Your grade will reflect the work you have done since you turned in your Rough Draft, especially addressing any problems highlighted by your professor in your Rough Draft.
Revision of your Rhetorical Analysis Thesis for specificity and development
Revision of your argument's development and supporting claims
Revision of your paragraph development and organization
Revision of your engagement with textual examples (quotations, paraphrases, etc.)
Revision of your MLA in-text citations and Works Cited page
Grammar, spelling, and tone (don't use slang or second person!) will be marked here