English 1302: English Composition II Criteria: Critical Analysis Essay—500-750 words (3-4 double-spaced
content pages)—10% Format: MLA: structure, style, citations, Works Cited page Due: April 6 at 11:59pm Submission Guidelines: Upload your Critical Analysis Essay via the Assignments tab in
Canvas. Printed or emailed copies will not be accepted. Late Penalties: Per the Syllabus, a late penalty of 5 points is subtracted per class
day (Monday through Friday) for late Assignments. Assignments are not accepted more than 5 days after the due date; thereafter, the grade for the assignment will be zero for non- submission within the required timeline. Please note that this assignment will not be accepted after April 13, 2019.
Course Information CRN:14769
Online Instruction Spring 2019
Instructor Information Emme Devonish, Ph.D.
emme.devonish@hccs.edu https://learning.hccs.edu/faculty/emme.devonish
Office Hours: Scheduled Virtual Conferences/ Live Chats
cindy 🌺�
Instructions: Read Michelle Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness,” pp. 261-74 in They Say/I Say in The Little Eagle. Content: Write a critical analysis of Alexander’s essay and address the following points in your analysis:
• Identify Alexander’s thesis and the context of her argument.
• State the thesis of your essay. Your thesis is your view of Alexander’s position, which provides sufficient information in one to two sentences that lets the reader know what your essay discusses.
• Indicate whether Alexander’s essay is informative or persuasive.
• What are the strengths of her essay and what are the weaknesses?
• Determine the types of rhetorical devices used in the essay, any logical fallacies, and the effectiveness of these choices. For a review of rhetorical devices, please see: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/establishing_arguments /rhetorical_strategies.html
• Evaluate the significance of Alexander’s claim that, “the so-called underclass is better understood as an undercaste—a lower caste of individuals who are permanently barred by law and custom from mainstream society” (270).
• Formulate a conclusion about the relevance and validity of Alexander’s position in society today.
• Give specific examples and evidence to support your statements from additional research with source attribution and citations.
Format and Structure:
• Use the MLA Handbook 8th edition to format and structure your essay. Information on MLA is available on the Purdue Owl and in The Little Eagle.
• Your essay must be double-spaced and typed in Times New Roman 12 font.
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cindy 🌺�
• Refrain from the use of the first-person singular pronouns (“I” and “me”) and the first- person plural pronouns (“we,” “us,” and “our”) in your essay.
• Proofread your work, check your grammar and diction, and organize your essay in a logical and coherent manner. See the “Edit” section in The Little Eagle to assist you in revising and editing your work.
• Include a Works Cited page attached as the penultimate page.
• Complete the last column in your Critical Analysis Feedback Form and include it as the last page of your essay.
Please save your work as you type on your computer’s hard-drive or laptop and also on Cloud or Google Docs or a USB key, so that you have a back-up of your work. Handouts: CRN 14769 Critical Analysis Essay Feedback Form CRN 14769 Critical Analysis Essay Rubric HCC Tutoring Services: You are encouraged to attend an online or in-person tutoring session if help is required in writing your essay and getting it completed and submitted on time. Please see the information below. Online Tutoring: The goal of online tutoring is to help students become academically independent through guided assistance by HCC faculty or faculty-eligible tutors in almost all departments. Our tutoring is asynchronous, which means that it is NOT real-time. Students can get real-time help on campus and through several textbook sources. We believe that when tutors can take time to absorb and analyze the work, we give a different type of help. Because the tutoring is asynchronous, it is important for students to plan ahead. It generally takes about two days to get a complete review back, and it may be longer than that when hundreds of papers come in every day for several days in a row. It is crucial for students to look at the yellow banner on the log-in page to see how long the turn-around time is. Students can submit work 24/7/365; we tutor even when the college is closed for holidays or natural disasters. All HCC students can take advantage of online tutoring by logging on to https://hccs.upswing.io/. The HCC email address and the associated password get students into the online tutoring site, so when the email password changes, so does the Upswing password.
cindy 🌺�
Tutoring Centers: The HCC Tutoring Centers provide academic support to our diverse student population by creating an open atmosphere of learning for all students enrolled at HCC. Using a variety of tutoring techniques, we assist students across academic disciplines, addressing their individual needs in a constructive, safe, and welcoming environment. Our emphasis is on maximizing academic potential while promoting student success and retention. We are committed to helping students achieve their educational, personal, and career goals by empowering them to become confident, independent, lifelong learners. Tutoring for individual subjects is offered at specific times throughout the week on various campuses. There is no need to make an appointment. If you need a tutor, please refer to our website: http://ctle3.hccs.edu/alltutoring/ for times and locations. For more information about tutoring at HCC, please go to hccs.edu/district/students/tutoring. Reminder: This assignment is due on April 6, 2019, penalties apply for late submissions, and it will not be accepted after April 13, 2019.
English 1302: English Composition II