Medical Sociology Of Health Assignment
Assignment 08
HE320 Medical Sociology
Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be three (3) to six (6) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.
In lessons 5-8 you have learned a great deal of information on the sociology of health, illness, and health care. This written assignment will allow you to provide practical application of concepts learned from lessons 5-8. This written assignment contains two parts. In the first part, you will combine responses to questions from lessons 5-8 into a single document. Please see list of questions below:
Lesson 5
Please answer the following question in 250 words or more.
What factors account for the rise of managed care? What are the potential pitfalls and benefits of managed care?
Lesson 6
Answer the following question in 250 words or more.
Give an example of how medical technology shapes society, and of how society shapes medical technology.
Lesson 7
Please answer the following question in 250 words or more.
What factors led sociologists to conclude that nursing is a semi-profession? How has nursing attempted to become a full-fledged profession, and why hasn’t it succeeded?
Lesson 8
Please answer the following question in 250 words or more.
Is it ethical for the federal government to pay the costs of kidney dialysis for all patients, regardless of age or income, as it now does, but not to pay the costs of other illnesses? Which would be more reasonable and more feasible: extending benefits to those who have other illnesses or withdrawing them from those who need kidney dialysis?
Part II
For part two of the assignment, you are asked to find a newspaper article or peer-reviewed journal article related to material covered in class or in the text and provide a written analysis of the article that explores a medical sociological aspect of the ideas or events depicted within the article. Within your written analysis, you need to identify one of the last four course learning objectives presented in the course and explain how this learning objective relates to the article selected. When selecting your article, please make sure the article identifies one of the subjects discussed within lessons five through eight. Response should be a minimum of two pages long, submitted according to APA guidelines with applicable reference page and title page (title page and reference page not included in page count).
The four course learning objectives are provided below:
5. Compare and describe traditional-scientific medicine and alternative forms of healthcare, and explain how social-cultural and political-economic factors affect these health care methods.
6. Describe the structure and operation of the American health care system, and contrast the major features with the health care systems found in other advanced industrial nations.
7. Identify and discuss ethical issues/moral dilemmas involved with the conducting of medical research, providing or withholding health care for the sick and dying.
8. Identify and describe how environmental conditions and contaminants influence public health, and how social, political, economic, and cultural forces shape environmental conditions and contaminants.
Grading Rubric
Please refer to the rubric on the next page for the grading criteria for this assignment.
40 points30 points20 points10 points
Student provides all four
question responses and
demonstrates critical thought
and analysis through
explaining the connection
between questions and
overall course concepts.
Student provides all four
question responses and only
demonstrates surface level
of analysis of connection
between questions and
course objectives.
Student provides only 2-3
question responses and does
not demonstrate critical
thought or analysis in the
connection between
questions and course
Student provides fewer than
2 question responses and
does not demonstrate any
critical analysis or thought in
the assignment.
15 points12 points8 points 5 points
Student chooses an article
that relates to one of the
learning objectives and
article is an appropriate and
scholarly source.
Student chooses an article
that relates to one of the
learning objectives and
provides a surface level
explanation of connection.
Student chooses an article
that does not relate to any of
the learning objectives and
does not explain connection.
Student chooses a non
scholarly article
20 points15 points10 points5 points
Student explains concepts
within article and provides
higher order reasoning to
explain the connection
between article and
objective. Substantiates
information with applicable
Student explains concepts
within article but provides a
surface level explanation
between the connection of
the article and presented
learning objective.
Substantiates information
with applicable sources.
Student summarizes article
but fails to explain the
connection between article
and selected objective or
objective not identified.
Student summarizes an
article that does not relate to
any of the course objectives.
Writing not appropriate for
academic and scholarly
10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points
Student does not make any
errors in grammar or spelling,
especially those that distract
the reader from the content.
Student makes 1-2 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Student makes 3-4 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Student makes more than 4
errors in grammar or spelling
that distract the reader from
the content.
15 points 12 points 8 points 5 points
The paper is written in
proper APA and
organizational format. All
sources used for quotes and
facts are credible and cited
correctly. Excellent
organization, including a
variety of thoughtful
The paper is written in
proper format with only 1-2
errors. All sources used for
quotes and facts are credible,
and most are cited correctly.
Adequate organization
includes a variety of
appropriate transitions.
The paper is written in
proper format with only 3-5
errors. Most sources used for
quotes and facts are credible
and cited correctly. Essay is
poorly organized, but may
include a few effective
The paper is not written in
proper format. Many sources
used for quotes and facts are
less than credible (suspect)
and/or are not cited
correctly. Essay is
disorganized and does not
include effective transitions.
Format - APA Format,
Transitions (15 Points)
Part I: Combine
Responses to
Questions from
Lesson 5-8 into a
Single Document
Based on APA
Guidelines (40 Points)
Mechanics (10 Points)
Part II: Article
Addresses One of the
Last Four Learning
Objectives for the
Course (15 Points)
Written Analysis
Provided that Explains
the Relation Between
Article and Learning
Objective (20 Points)