Discussion for Week 7
IFSM 305 7980 Information Systems in Health Care …
Topic: Discuss the considerations for implementing the enterprise system solution in the
Since it is very likely that you have not had the opportunity to research and select a system, or to
address the considerations for implementing a system, this discussion is designed to allow you to
practice the things you will need to do for your Stage 4 assignment. For this discussion, we will
use the description of the ChiroTouch chiropractic EMR software at the
websites http://www.softwareadvice.com/medical/chirotouch-profile/
and http://www.chirotouch.com/ and we will assume it is being implemented in a chiropractic
Review the Stage 4 assignment, focusing on the "Implementation Considerations" section:
Implementation Strategy - Will the system be implemented on premise or as a cloud-based
service? Explain your recommendation for the chiropractic practice.
Implementation Considerations:
1. Vendor agreement
a. What does the chiropractic practice need to do to be able to start using the
b. How much will it cost to use the system?
2. Hardware and telecommunications
a. What hardware will the chiropractic practice need to have in order to implement
and use the solution?
b. What kind of telecommunications will be needed for the solution, including local
connectivity inside the practice and Internet access?
3. Configuration
a. What options does the vendor offer for configuring the off-the-shelf system to the
chiropractic practice's needs?
b. How will the configuration be done and by whom?
4. Testing
a. How will the chiropractic practice test the system to see if it is working properly for
its needs?
b. Who should be involved in the testing?
5. Employee preparation – Identify what the chiropractic practice will need to do in each of
the following areas to prepare the employees to use the new system:
a. Leadership and Change Management
b. Training
6. Data migration
a. What existing data would likely need to be entered into the system to get started?
b. How might this be accomplished?
7. Maintenance
a. Who will provide updates and corrections to the system?
b. How will that be done?
GROUP 3: Select one of the 7 implementation considerations (preferably different from others
previously chosen, but this is not required) and:
1. Put the title of your Implementation Consideration in the Subject line of your posting.
2. Write a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) to explain whether you are recommending an on
premise implementation or a cloud-based implementation of the ChiroTouch system at the
chiropractic practice, and explain your recommendation.
3. Write a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) to respond to each of the questions listed for your
Implementation Consideration and what needs to be considered for the implementation of
the ChiroTouch system at the chiropractic practice.
GROUPS 1, 2, and 4: For at least two postings,
1. Comment on the selected implementation (on premise or cloud-based) and whether you
believe an correct and appropriate explanation was provided.
2. Comment on the completeness and correctness of the explanation of the implementation
consideration, explaining your comments.
3. Provide at least one additional statement relating to the consideration and the
implementation of the ChiroTouch system. (You should use different statements for each
of your response postings.)
EVERYONE: Review the criteria in the Discussion Grading Rubric, and reply to those who
critique your work or post other points of view. Be sure to demonstrate your understanding of
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Hardware and telecommunications Courtney Kelly posted Dec 4, 2019 10:59 PM
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Alexander Krasnokutsky
Maintenance Belkis Torres posted Dec 5, 2019 12:21 AM
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1. Put the title of your Implementation Consideration in the Subject line of your posting.
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