Calculates the user's age in minutes and seconds. (exact time, i mean you should use the actual date that the user put the month, year and day.( see testers))
Estimates the approximate number of times the user's heart has beat in his/her lifetime using an average heart rate of 72 beats per minute.
Estimates the number of times the person has sneezed in his/her lifetime. (Use the average 1.2 sneezes per day)
Estimates the number of calories that the person has expended in his/her lifetime (research on the Internet to obtain a daily estimate. Also calculate the number of sandwiches (or other common food item) that equals that number of calories (use the average 1620 cal/ day)
Be creative: Pick two other interesting health-related statistics. Try searching the Internet to determine how to calculate that data, and create a program to perform that calculation. The program can ask the user to enter any information needed to perform the calculation.