MarkvilleCGC 1DGGeographyGeography of Canada__________________________________________________________________Population Distribution and DensityIn terms of land area, Canada is one of the ____________ countries in the world. However, our population is quite ________.Why?Population Distribution:__________________________________________________________Types of Distribution Patterns:______________________________________________Population Distribution in Canada: Then and Nowa) Based on your knowledge of Canada’s natural and human systems, shade the areason the first map where you believe most Canadians settled in the late 19thcentury and early partof the 20thcentury.b) Now use the information from your teacher to shade the second map according to thereal patterns for today.How do your maps compare?1890s-19102025?Todayc) What patterns do you notice on the second map?d) What factors explain Canada’s current population distribution? e) Considering what we have learned about immigration, sketch our population distribution map for 2025.
POPULATION DENSITY: MAKING PREDICTIONS AND CALCULATIONSPopulation Densityis ____________________________________________________________A locale example of an area with a high population density would be __________________ and an area with a low population density would be ________________. Sketch it!HIGHLOWCheck out the National Geographic population density mapof the world. Does Canada have a high or low population density compared to other countries?______________________________________________________________________________Identify threecountries that have high population densities.______________________________________________________________________________Population Density FormulaExample:YOUR TASK:1. Predict which province/territory has the highest population density and the lowest. What have you considered in making your prediction?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Calculate the population densities for each province and territory using the chart below.