C++ Vectors and Binary Search Trees • Write a program that takes from the user n integers and stores them a vector of int. Then, create a function insert After that takes first Value and second Value. This function searches for each occurrence of first Value in the vector and insert the second Value after it in the same vector. The first and second values are taken from the user. • Create another function that creates a Binary Search Tree based on the vector's elements given that if the value occurs more than once in the vector then it should be reflected in the number of occurrences of that node in the Binary Search Tree. Write a function that would return O O if two binary search trees are identical (has the same nodes with the same values). If not identical, then the function returns . 1 if the sum of the values of the first tree is bigger than the second tree, . 2, if the sum of the values of both trees are equal, and . -1 if the sum of the values of the first tree is smaller than the second tree. Test this function based on a Binary Search Tree that contains double numbers • Delivery Guidelines: Please make sure that you documented your code