Multiple Project ScreeningChecklistMultiple Project ScreeningChecklistby Michael Kelly, M.A.Owners, sponsors and project mangers are often called upon to decide which projects are moreimportant than others – this is especially true in enterprise or portfolio type project environments. Onesimple tool1 to use is a decision matrix that uses the same criteria as the Project Screening Checklistapplied to many project possibilities. The steps for completing the matrix are as follows:ActivityExample1.Set up the matrix template.As in Illustration 1 below.2.Use the same categories as on theProject Screening ChecklistThis ensures consistency of considerationacross all projects in the organization.3.Decide on the overall weight to beapplied to each category.Some resource-based organizations, forexample, might place a higherimportance on safety, productivity andenvironmental issues when followingthrough on projects and therefore weighttheir project considerations higher inthese two categories.4.Hide the weighted valuesTo ensure as much objectivity aspossible.5.Rate each project relative to eachcategory first.Where 5 is the most desirable and 1 isthe least desirable.6.Multiply each individual rating bythe weighted factor of each category.Say that the “meet targets” category wasweighted .2 times and that Project 1received a score of 2, then .4 would bethe overall score.7.Total the scores for each project.The project with the highest scorerepresents the most important.1The strength of the decision is determined by how objectively the matrix decision-making process is conducted and theoverall validity of the metric used.Multiple Project Screening Checklist1
Sample Multiple Project ScreeningMatrixProductivity Requirements that:HealthandSafetyMeetTargetsLowerCostsRecoverRecycleorReuseEnvironmentalRequirementsPeopleIn Our WorkCommunityGoodOrganizationalCitizenshipTotalsWeightxxxxxxx1.0Project 1_____________________Project 2_____________________Project 3_____________________Decision Matrix© Michael Kelly, 2007Multiple Project Screening Checklist2