Chin Weng Fong
Government must exist in our society. The meaning of the existence of government is to rules
and maintain order. The credibility of the government makes people want to abide the law, and
the public authority allows the government to have the ability to punish people who break the
rules and destruct order. Let the government take charge of those tasks is appropriate and
reasonable, and no one can fit on this except government. For me, since the government has
sufficient credibility, it has the right to exercise public authority. It provides people with a variety of useful tools to enable them to maximize building their lives, and it also gives us the ability to do what we need and want to do. Compare to the Libertarianism and anarchism, as Sandel
introduce libertarianism “If the libertarian theory of rights is correct, then many activities of the
modern state are illegitimate, and violations of liberty……” (Sandel) Anarchists believe that we
don’t need government except safeguard national security and foreign trade agreement. This is
a big misunderstanding about the government because it plays a very important part of our society. The smart American system is that the government has been limited; it has been supervised and balanced by the constitution. Unless it is necessary and appropriate, no law will
be passed through. One of the purposes of government is to protect individual rights and prevent them against violations by physical force. Moreover, a proper government functions. It is according to objective, verification program's philosophy, as embodied in its entire legal
framework. From the constitution to its narrowest rules and regulations, once such a government, or anything close to it, has been established; there does not have a right to compete with the government that is acting as judge and jury. To carry out the protection functions of individual rights, the government forcibly stops others from using any force that will threaten people's right. Private power is the power that not authorized by the government,
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 9:08 AM
Comment [1]: Chin, reading through your paper, I found some of the grammar mistakes made what you were meaning to say very unclear. So, it’s difficult for me as your teacher to know if it’s merely that the grammar is incorrect, or if you’re not quite sure what these arguments are about.
Please come see me, but it’s hard to issue this essay a grade. You have some interesting pieces, but then there are several places where I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to say.
Grade: Not Passing
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 8:35 AM
Comment [2]: This is a great way to write a topic sentence. You’re focused more on the main idea of your argument and this allows you to bring together several sources (and ideas) to make your case.
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 8:35 AM
Comment [3]: You have a clear opening here, but you seem to be writing a lot of short choppy sentences. You can add a lot of sophistication and complexity if you combine some of these ideas - you could use transitional adverbs, correlative clauses, subordinators, noun phrase appositives, and clause modifying verbal phrases. Look these up on google and start incorporating them into your writing. Not only will your writing read more smoothly, it will also be much more sophisticated. Use the sheet I handed out in class as well as chapter 8 of TSIS.
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 8:36 AM
Comment [4]: Look up rules for gerrunds.
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 8:36 AM
Comment [5]: Why does it have credibility?
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 8:35 AM
Comment [6]: This is not necessary.
rather than its procedural safeguards verification, and not subject to its supervision. The government put this personal power as a threat, as a potential violation of individual rights. In stopping such private force, the government is combating that threat. In addition, a proper government will not use force to stop a man from using right to defend himself in an emergency. When the government could not help him, asked him to objectively prove at the trial that he was acting in self-defense emergency. Similarly, the government does not prohibit private security. Under the supervision of the private security companies, by authorizing them, do not give them any special rights or immunities; they are subject to government authority and the law. They cannot make their own laws. Anarchists oppose the idea of a monopoly of force. This only shows that they cannot understand the force. It is an attempt to monopolize the use of force. The “market law” of anarchist idea can’t work even in a soccer game since the rules of
the game will definitely win the game. Therefore, government should exist in our society not
only for defending individual’s right, but also complete something what anarchism couldn’t
Anarchism is living according to their own mind, not insulted mercy. Murray Rothbard summarizes anarchism through his article “society without a state”, who said “In my view, the anarchist society is one which maximizes the tendencies for the good and the cooperative, while
it minimizes both the opportunity and the moral legitimacy of the evil and the
criminal….”(Rothbard) I can’t agree with him more. Anarchism is not complicated and scary. The terrifying is anarchism always provoke some debate. For example: If people only do what they want to do, it does not cause chaos? But we were already living in the chaos, weren’t it? Millions
of people lost their jobs or doing boring work day after day. When some of the people hungry,
others are throwing the food into the sea. However, this kind of chaotic scene happens every
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 9:05 AM
Comment [7]: How do the “rules” win the game.
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 8:37 AM
Comment [8]:
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 9:04 AM
Comment [9]: Who? Look up rules for using clear pronouns. I’m not sure who you are talking about here.
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 9:04 AM
Comment [10]: Also, not sure what you mean here. Slow down. Explain your ideas.
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 9:04 AM
Comment [11]: This sentence is missing a clear subject.
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 9:08 AM
Comment [12]: I would encourage you to not ask a question if you don’t know how your reader will answer. Either give your own answer or don’t write questions at all. Just make statements and then support those statements.
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 9:08 AM
Comment [13]: Not sure what you mean here.
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 9:08 AM
Comment [14]: Subject verb agreement error.
HB Armerding!6/5/2015 9:08 AM
Comment [15]: Missing verb.
day. Even those something which is considered to be benevolent deeds, but it actually bad for us. The social insurance services (Health Service) as an industrial maintenance field, like the patch only on the surface. Social insurance services do not allow us to create something which truly meets our needs, and managed by our health care system. In essence, what authorities do, it only forces people to do what they do not want to do. Anarchists believe that the real source of confusion is the power and government. No ruling class and its shackles imposed upon us, the government will no longer exist. When the government disappears, we will be able to freely follow our needs, to build our society. We will get much more on a free community than a majority of violence, systematically crush individual community. Anarchists have often been challenged about how to deal with murderers. If there are no police, who would come to stop them. The vast majority of murders mostly on impulse, and therefore whether the police or someone else, such crimes are very hard to stop. However, we believe in a more rational way. People are less likely to feel frustrated society, such a "crime" would be less. Rothbard also said “On the free market, many scenarios are possible on the relationship between the private courts and the police; they may be "vertically integrated……"(Rothbard) everyone could become “polices”, they are just wearing the official uniform, so they are not necessary exist in our society. Moreover, prison has been proven that it is not a good method of promoting human goodness. Local residents' care and attention of the victims and assailant are a more appropriate solution. In addition, the current criminal justice system will only cause more crime. Those long-term offenders behind bars, often considered unable to adapt to life outside prison since their decision ability have been deprived by the prison. Let the sociopath people stay together is not a good method to develop a responsible sense. Therefore, most of the Criminal will commit the crime again. In addition, rulers claim that they are protecting us. In fact, they are more care about themselves and their assets. If we are one of the members of the local
community, we owned and shared resources. Theft is least likely to occur because the motivation lies in the hands of a few resources already exist. Local communities must develop a mechanism to deal with those individuals who harm others. Another objection is often encountered anarchism, anarchism may be possible in small-scale agricultural societies. Society must be divided into small units; its size as small as possible so that the general people understand its operation. For the social composition and the basic principles of anarchism, the small group is better able to run smoothly, and cooperation with other similar groups. Further, the argument corresponding to this interesting phenomenon is the "economies of scale” which is facing a severe challenge. When factories, farms and administrative systems, over a certain size, "The huge number is powerful" become useless. In this case, the state becomes an unnecessary system, and anarchism should become our new society system.
This is kind of new experience of writing arguments essay. I never wrote this kind of essay before, even I never thought this is one of the way to write an essay. However, I believe I learned and improved a lot through this kind of experience. Actually, this is part of the five paragraphs essay’s body paragraph (Thesis-example-detail), but it put two different ideas together to become a stronger agreement paper. It is very interesting to argue both sides by different ideas and examples. I found many weakest argument points through viewing the opposite side. I can compare the point and counterpoint thus improve my support detail. Moreover, I have to make the balance and argue so well to let the reader cannot tell which is actually my own position. This is a very challenge part of the essay; not only require me to choose the idea and example carefully, but also make the comparison between two arguments. However, it is a really fun writing experience, and it also improves my thinking and reading skill. The most improvement of the thinking skill is come from reading. I am no longer focusing the
meaning of the sentences. During my writing, I try to understand what the author’s thought and
try to think about my personal view of his/her point thus become one of my example of my
essay. Although it is not a very new way to provide examples to support my idea, it is new for
me to conclude the idea after viewing many kind of reading and video. Therefore, my thinking,
reading, and writing improve a lot because of this writing experience, I believe I can use this kind
of skill on my future essay soon.