Unit 5B Study Guide: Flood Myths
I have completed parts of this chart for you. You complete the rest. I have completed the guide for the first two myths for you, so you can see how this study guide works. I have included some information under the “Anything Noteworthy” heading and have left “holes” elsewhere for you to complete. Because of the lack of space, I have abbreviated several items.
Reason for Flood
Helper? How are humans saved?
After flood, what happens?
How earth repopulated?
Anything noteworthy?
*North American
Not told
Large barrel preserved religiously probably b/c this "big canoe" represents symbolic history of the flood
Not told
Not told
Not told
Tribes climb ridge Coteau. Can't escape. On neutral ground now. Virgin grabs foot of big bird—flies to high cliff.
Not told
Virgin mates with war-eagle. Produces twins that re-populate the world.
Not told
Not told
Sparse details, but is like Noah story
Not told
Sees spirits of those killed--those in rags and those in finery.
Not told
Took up grapevine and left hole?
Hummingbird helps people to find food by going up grapevine. People go through the hole of grapevine. Wise ones see water coming through the hole and cut down tree to hollow it for a canoe. Place a girl in it. Told not to leave until the canoe touches ground.
Also an emergence myth.
Sends raven--no land. Wisagatcak makes magic with wolf
Not told how earth is repopulated but the wolf runs around on the moss that’s growing on the raft, causing the moss to magically expand the earth.
Water comes up today through holes in moss--cracks in raft
Michabo follows trained wolves into lake.
Sends raven, otter and muskrat.
Flood Myth of Incas
Two brothers--good. Llamas, strange, stare at stars. Stars tell llamas of flood. Llamas tell brothers to take families and llamas to high mountain cave. Mountains grow taller as waters rise.
Shepherd brothers’ families repopulate earth
Llamas remember flood; prefer to live in highlands.
Flood Myth of Egypt
Humans wicked; on the verge of rebellion against gods. Hathor punishes humans by killing millions. Goes crazy killing.
Ra tires of humans and Hathor. Appoints Thoth as governor. Thoth teaches poetry, writing, self-government.
Thoth helps humans by educating them. World is definitely a better place now.