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BSBMKG515 - Conduct a marketing audit
Training Package:
BSB Business Service
Due Date:
Week 4
Assessment Type: Case study/ PowerPoint Presentation
Assessment Guidelines
Please read the following assessment guidelines carefully.
1. The purpose of this activity is to assess your knowledge and skills in
1. If you have any considerations that may affect your performance in the assessment, please inform your assessor immediately. Your assessor will provide you with a suitable alternative to complete this assessment.
1. Your assessor will mark your assessment and provide feedback and a grade to you via the assessment submission on Moodle.
1. If you feel the decision made by your assessor was incorrect you have the rights to appeal the grading through filling out an appeals form which will then be handle by the Academic Manager.
1. A “NYS” (not yet satisfactory) result of this task may be returned to you for a re-assessment. Re-assessments must be submitted by an agreed date with your assessor.
1. The re-assessment work must address the specific performance tasks beyond doubt for the assessor to issue a satisfactory (pass) result. A repeat NYS outcome could lead to an administration fee for further reassessment.
1. All work must be done individually. Copied work will not be accepted and
By adding my name to this document, I hereby declare the work is my own and has not been copied from any other source.
Student NAME: Date:
BSBMKG515 Conduct a marketing audit
Learner Assessments
Summative Assessments
The summative assessments are the major activities designed to assess your skills, knowledge and performance, as required to show competency in this unit. These activities should be completed after finishing the Learner Resource. You should complete these as stated below and as instructed by your trainer/assessor.
Knowledge, skills and performance may be termed as:
· Knowledge – knowledge requirements, required knowledge, essential knowledge, knowledge evidence
· Skills Performance
· skill requirements, required skills, essential skills, foundation skills
· evidence requirements, critical aspects of assessment, performance evidence.
Section A: Knowledge Activity
The Knowledge Activity is a series of activities to confirm your competency for all of the required knowledge in the unit of competency.
Section B: Skills Performance Activity
The Skills Performance Activity is designed to be a practical activity performed based on the information you have obtained in Section A. You should demonstrate the required practical tasks for the unit of competency and be observed by the assessor, as applicable to the situation.
If necessary for the activities, you should attach completed written answers, portfolios or any evidence of competency when submitting this work.
Marking guidance
You will undertake two Summative Assessments as your own work but communicating with others.
To satisfactorily pass this unit, you need to ensure that each component of the Summative Assessment (Sections A & B) is completed, submitted and marked Satisfactory.
See the Unit Outline and listen to your trainer for the due date for this assessment.
You will be supplied with the assessment materials via the Moodle course for this unit.
It is acceptable to prepare and capture parts of your work using word processing, scanned document or other forms of technology (eg audio recordings). When you do this, you MUST name the files correctly and upload them to the Moodle course for this unit.
Make sure that you complete and submit the cover page each time you submit your work for a Summative Assessment.
Feedback and results
You will receive supportive feedback about your work for your Summative Assessments.
See the International Student Handbook for the College’s policies on resubmissions and appeals.
You can always talk to your trainer about the feedback and your progress.
The completion of the following activity will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:
• Identify elements of marketing planning
• Explain research methodologies and data collection techniques appropriate to marketing services industry
• Summarise different types of marketing audits
Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.
You have been hired by Bounce Fitness as an external Marketing Auditor. You will find the login details in the Moodle course for the Bounce Fitness website and intranet -
The documents you will require for Bounce Fitness can be found on the Bounce Fitness website:
· Procedures / Administrative Procedures / Style Guide
· Infrastructure / Current Projects / Bounce Fitness Corporate Marketing Plan
· Infrastructure / Project Outcomes / Bounce Fitness Corporate Marketing Plan Performance Review
Be sure to check out the other documents to get information on the business and to understand Bounce Fitness’s organisational requirements. You may need to conduct further research.
Bounce Fitness has recently completed a launch of their Corporate Marketing Plan. The development of a corporate presence is a primary marketing goal for the next 5 years. The outcomes of this first initiative are available in the Bounce Fitness Corporate Marketing Plan Performance Review. The Bounce Fitness CEO has asked you to conduct an internal and external audit marketing audit over the next four weeks on this initiative’s performance.
You will document the findings of the audit in a market audit report which will be presented to the Board of Directors and CEO to ensure that marketing audit report meets the requirements of the marketing plan.
More information about this brief is available in the Section B: Skills Performance Activity section below.
To ensure you do a really good job, you need to do some research and prepare notes based on the following questions.
1. Discuss the five key elements of marketing planning (200-250 words)
2. Explain the following:
· Qualitative market research and the types of data collection techniques (100-150 words per technique)
· Quantitative market research and the types of data collection techniques (100-150 words per technique)
Section B: Skills Performance Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance criteria, performance evidence and foundation skills for this unit.
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following elements and performance criteria:
1. Prepare for marketing audit
1.1. Identify main purposes of marketing audit in accordance with organisational requirements
1.2 Determine scope of marketing audit and audit methodology in accordance with organisational requirements
1.3 Determine when a marketing audit should be undertaken, in accordance with organisational requirements
1.4 Identify participants likely to be involved in carrying out a marketing audit
2. Identify form of marketing audit
2.1 Identify main characteristics of marketing audit in terms of relevance to task and audit priorities
2.2 Identity main elements to be included in marketing audit and its format, in accordance with organisational requirements
2.3 Identify various forms of marketing audit and select those that best meet requirements of marketing plan, in accordance with organisational requirements
3. Conduct external marketing audit
3.1 Identify criteria to use in external marketing audit, in accordance with organisational requirements
3.2 Identify and describe, in qualitative and quantitative terms, external environmental factors which meet requirements of audit process
3.3 Identify and describe, in qualitative and quantitative terms, technological factors, market characteristics and competitive factors relating to or affecting the business, which meet audit process requirements
4. Conduct internal marketing (self) audit
4.1 Identify criteria to use in an internal marketing audit in accordance with organisational requirements
4.2 Describe the marketing organisation in accordance with organisational and audit requirements
4.3 Describe the marketing systems in accordance with organisational and audit requirements
4.4 Identify marketing productivity in terms of profitability and cost effectiveness, and record results in accordance with organisational and audit requirements
5. Prepare marketing audit report
5.1 Write a marketing audit report in accordance with organisational requirements
5.2 Ensure marketing audit report meets reporting requirements of marketing audit form selected
5.3 Ensure marketing audit report meets requirements of the marketing plan
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:
· Conduct, document and report on an internal and external audit of an organisation’s marketing activities, in accordance with organisational reporting requirements.
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following knowledge evidence:
· Discuss organisational business and marketing plans
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following foundation skills:
· Reading
· Identifies and evaluates complex textual information when auditing workplace documentation