Journal Paper With Reading Assignment
Journal # 2 assignment:
Journal #2 should be completed as follows,
Journals: The Journals should be a synopsis of ALL your required readings and PowerPoints. These papers are three to six pages long and include a reference page. Tell me what you learned. Failure to cover any aspect of the information will result is loss of points. APA format is required so remember your title page. The required APA textbook has examples from pages 41-59. Spelling and grammar issues will result in loss of points. Late Submissions: Minus 10 points/day.
· Fundamentals of Health Policy: Coalitions & Media
Attached Files:
· File Health Policy-Coalitions and MediaLesson#3-4.pptx (592.263 KB)
There are three roles of the media according to Lopatic (2008). These three roles are: gatekeeper, scorekeeper, and watchdog for the federal government.
Lopatic, D. (2008). Public opinion, the media and their influence on public policy.
Nurses, PAs, and others in helthcare must be visible in the media. Nursing is the most trusted profession but sadly nurses and physician assistants seem to be absent in
politics and the media. Those in healthcare have a wonderful opportunity to be resposive by writing letters to the editor, granting interviews, serving on boards, and running
for public office.
Meir, E. (1999). Health policy and politics. The image of a nurse-myth versus reality. Nursing Economics, 5, PP. 273-275.
An interesting article about political isses was written by: London, S. (2013). How the media frames political issues.
With the use of Facebook, Twitter, and various apps we have seen the use of media explode. A report by Cary, M. (2010). Five ways how media are changing politics. U.S. News & World Report.
The Media and Healthcare
Communication & Conflict Resolution
Attached Files:
· File Communication-Lesson 4 Health Policy-4.pptx (751.12 KB)
Communication is VITAL in leadership and the area of politics. Learning to communicate is not only about speaking but also about listening, displaying good manners, graciousness and a sense of humor. Remember in today's world everywhere you go (Facebook, twitter, e-mail) you leave footprints. Never underestimate where your footprints have left a mark.
On my desk I have a plaque that reads:
Some people come into our lives and quietly go.
Others stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts
And we are Never the same.
May what you learn in my classes leave footprints on your hearts.
Collective Action and Social Security
Attached Files:
· File Collective Action-Lecture # 8.pptx (396.842 KB)
Some articles about Medicaid:
Lubell, J. (2013). Rejecting medicaid expansion adds new dimension to poverty line: What the insurance landscape looks like for those
just above 100% of poverty and those below depends on location.
Long, M. (2013). SC to shift more funds towards rural hospitals.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (2012). Affordable Care Act Puplic Meeting held on December 3, 2012. Discusses preliminary projections of patients and providers needed in SC.
Medicaid Expansion in South Carolina: The economic impact of the affordable care act (2012). South Carolina Hospital Association.
Moore School of Business. University of South Carolina.
· Week #4
Please read the text and watch the PPs.
The U.S/Economics/finances
ACA and Economics and Care
Private Health Insurance
Attached Files:
· File Finances Lecture.pptx (797.71 KB)
In addition to the PowerPoint please read the following article. It is available in the library.
Brill, S. (2013). Why medical bills are killing us.
Another issue in Finances are the costs of political campaigns.
An interesting article about the 2012 presidential Campaign Finances can be found at:
· Politics/Ethics
Attached Files:
· File Week 5 politicsðics.pptx (442.574 KB)
Remember an ethical person has standards and values by which they live. When considering Politicians you may want to review the following:
Washington Ethics Society. (2013). What does "ethics" mean?
Having ethics suggests that truth-telling exemplifies character traits of excellence. There is the notion of integrity in truth-telling (Begley, 2008).
Begley, A. (2008). Truth-telling, honesty, and compassion. A virtue-based exploration of a dilemma in patience. International
Journal of Nursing Practice, 14, pp. 336-341.
A wonderful article by Montopoli, B. (2012). Lying Politicians: A fact of life.
Considerations in Ethics
Every Profession needs a code of Ethics. Some important questions to create critical thinking about a code of ethics (Howard, 2001) are:
1.Reciprocity: Does the rule apply to you and are you initating or receiving the action?
2. Universality: Do you want the rules to apply to everyone?
3. Consistency: Is the system of rule logiclly consistent?
4. Actualization: Does the rule provide guidance for behavior?
Howard, R. (2001). The ethical or/ms professional. Interfaces, 31(6), pp. 69-82.
Ethical Words
A Jewish Sage found in Green & Levi (2004).
"Watch your thoughts, they become your words;
Watch your words, they become your actions;
Watch your actions, they become your habits;
Watch your habits, they become your character;
Watch your character, it will beomce your destiny."
Green, M. & Levi, B. (2004). The truth about lying. American Journal of Bioethics, 4(4), pp. 63-64.
Required Chapters to read & address within journal:
Mason Textbook: Chapter 11-13 then Chapter 14-18
Glazer/Fitzpatrick: Chapter 10 & 11
Mason, D. J., Gardner, D. B., Outlaw, F. H., & O’Grady, E. T. (2016). Policy & politics in
nursing and health care (7th ed.) St. Louis: Elsevier.
(ISBN: 978-0-323-24144-1).
Greer, G. & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2013). Nursing leadership: From the outside in. New York, NY:
(ISBN: 978-0-8261-0866-1).
Publication manual of the American psychological association, 6th edition, (2010). American
Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
(ISBN: 13: 978-1-4338-0561).