Analysis And Valuation Of Equity Securities
This is an individual assignment.
In the first week you were asked to assess your appetite for risk and investment in the U.S. equity market using fictitious $1,000,000. In this assignment you are asked to create a portfolio of 5 U.S. - listed stocks. Below you will be given specific objectives for your portfolio. You will refer to this initial stock portfolio throughout this course. Select carefully and please adhere to the objectives provided in the assignment.
Action Items
1. Select 5 stocks from the industries you identified as likely to be most prosperous in your Economic and Industry Analysis. Allocate a fictitious $1 million among these stocks to your portfolio ranked according to the following portfolio management goals:
a. Invest in "proven" large cap equities (stocks), generally with market capitalizations over $1 billion.
b. Diversify in different industries with no more than one investment in a specific sector.
c. Maintain the principal of the investment.
d. Provide dividend income.
2. List your stocks according to the table below:
Ticker Symbol
Market Capitalization
3. Write a 2-3 page summary justifying your selections. List your stocks and address all criteria listed in the above action item. Cite any resources that you used to make your decisions.
Submission Instructions
Click on the Submit button in the Toolbox to upload your completed assignment by Sunday of Week 4.
Grading Criteria
· Completeness (all the deliverable requirements have been provided): 0 - 45 points
· Evidence of critical thought and research: 0 - 35 points
This is an individual assignment.
In the first week you were asked to assess your appetite for risk and investment in the
U.S. equity market using fictitious $1,000,000. In this assignment you are asked to
create a portfolio of 5 U.S.
listed stocks. Below you will be given specific objec
tives for
your portfolio. You will refer to this initial stock portfolio throughout this course. Select
carefully and please adhere to the objectives provided in the assignment.
Action Items
Select 5 stocks from the indu
stries you identified as likely to be most prosperous in
your Economic and Industry Analysis. Allocate a fictitious $1 million among these stocks
to your portfolio ranked according to the following portfolio management goals:
Invest in "proven" large cap e
quities (stocks), generally with market capitalizations
over $1 billion.
Diversify in different industries with no more than one investment in a specific sector.
Maintain the principal of the investment.
Provide dividend income.
List your stocks according
to the table below:
Ticker Symbol
Write a 2
3 page summary justifying your selections. List your stocks and address all
criteria listed in the above action item. Cite any resources that you used to make your
Submission Instructions
Click on the
button in the Toolbox to up
load your completed assignment
Sunday of Week 4.
Grading Criteria
Completeness (all the deliverable requirements have been provided): 0
45 points
Evidence of critical thought and research: 0
35 points
This is an individual assignment.
In the first week you were asked to assess your appetite for risk and investment in the
U.S. equity market using fictitious $1,000,000. In this assignment you are asked to
create a portfolio of 5 U.S. - listed stocks. Below you will be given specific objectives for
your portfolio. You will refer to this initial stock portfolio throughout this course. Select
carefully and please adhere to the objectives provided in the assignment.
Action Items
1. Select 5 stocks from the industries you identified as likely to be most prosperous in
your Economic and Industry Analysis. Allocate a fictitious $1 million among these stocks
to your portfolio ranked according to the following portfolio management goals:
a. Invest in "proven" large cap equities (stocks), generally with market capitalizations
over $1 billion.
b. Diversify in different industries with no more than one investment in a specific sector.
c. Maintain the principal of the investment.
d. Provide dividend income.
2. List your stocks according to the table below:
Industry Stock Ticker Symbol Market
3. Write a 2-3 page summary justifying your selections. List your stocks and address all
criteria listed in the above action item. Cite any resources that you used to make your
Submission Instructions
Click on the Submit button in the Toolbox to upload your completed assignment by
Sunday of Week 4.
Grading Criteria
Completeness (all the deliverable requirements have been provided): 0 - 45 points
Evidence of critical thought and research: 0 - 35 points