Econ 6306 Paper Instructions
Book Assessment (Expected length of the body (doesn’t include references) : 4 pages double
spaced; Maximum length: 6 pages). This is more than enough room if you are concise.
When finished you will upload the paper to the Turnitin drop box labeled Paper Drop Box under the Lessons tab inside the Growth and Open Economy Materials on WTClass. See the bottom of
this document for a brief description of how this paper will be graded. 1. For this paper, you will be required to write a summary and review of the following article:
Mankiw, G.N., D. Romer, & D.N. Weil (1992). A Contribution to the Economics of Growth The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107(2), 407-437.
a. The first section of your paper should summarize the main findings of the paper. What unique
contribution do the authors make? What do the authors argue? b. The second section of your paper should review the article. Your review should include
discussing the following: i. What pivotal change do the authors make to the Solow model? How does this
change impact the Solow model’s predictions? ii. What evidence do the authors present to test their new model? How accurate is
the new model in comparison to the Solow model? iii. What do the authors report regarding convergence? Does the sample used for
evaluation matter? How does the evidence compare to endogenous growth? iv. What does the article do well? Where could the authors make improvements?
2. NOTE: Your paper should conform to and follow APA 6th Edition style and formatting guidelines. The only guideline you can skip is the inclusion of an abstract. To be clear, your paper does not need to have an abstract. Please follow all of the other guidelines. See Your font must be Times New Roman size 12.
3. Below are a few sources containing information about writing well. Take a look at these prior to
writing your paper.
Please do not quote unless absolutely necessary. It is generally better to provide the information
in your own words and cite the source.
Finally, please be sure to proofread your paper, and if possible, have someone else proofread it, as it is often difficult to catch your own mistakes after having spent so much time with it.
4. You will be scored according to how well you follow the instructions above. Your grade will be broken down as follows:
a. Summary of the article– 30% b. Review of the article – 40% d. Overall read (includes: citations, grammar, sentence structure, avoiding quotes, etc…) – 30%
i. Note: this also includes plagiarism, which will be assessed using Turnitin. Serious plagiarism will result in serious consequences.
5. If you are unfamiliar with what constitutes plagiarism, please see the University of Southern Mississippi’s plagiarism tutorial available at All papers will be submitted to a Turnitin Drop Box and checked for plagiarism. A significant amount of plagiarism will result in a grade of 0 for this assignment and a report being filed with appropriate university personnel. Ignorance is not an excuse. If you are unsure about the plagiarism issue, then please ask me about it. 6. Your papers are due on Tuesday, March 31 by 11:45PM.