12: Globalization, Trade & Corruption
15: Consumerism
16: The Changing Workplace
18. Corporate Governance
After reading the FOLLOWING cases, answer the pertaining questions IN YOUR OWN WORDS (not Wikipedia's, not via another classmate's - and when using ANY other source, as you will need to do research beyond the textbook this week, you must cite it). Include one brief paragraph per question.
PART 1 - 20 points
Ch 12: David & Goliath/WTO
1. Backstory - Summarize the facts of the case.
2. The Real Story - What's the real reason the (anti)hero of this story was sought after by the US government? Look at "behind the behind." What's the agenda?
3. Relevancy - From everything you've learned in this class, other classes, your work, the news, etc., should global trade be regulated? Why or why not?
PART 2 - 30 points
Ch 15: Alcohol vs. Advertising
4. The MARKETING Strategy - What was the nature of the marketing strategy utilized in this case?
5. The Outcome - How did it get resolved? Who won? Who lost?
6. Save the Children - Who is responsible for our country's kids till they turn the legal adult age of 18? (parents, business, government, schools)
7. The Blame Game - List at least 3 legal cases in the US where Americans claimed to be victims for their own behavior and won.
PART 3 - 10 points
Ch 16: A Tale of Two Raids
8. Backstory - Summarize the facts of the case
PART 4 - 10 points
Ch 16: High Noon at Hewlett-Packard
9. Backstory - Summarize the facts of the case
PART 5 - 5 points
10. Big Lesson - What's the big business lesson you learned this semester? How will this change your approach to your career, to business and to life?
REMINDERS (for all assignments)
1. Write down your own ideas, anchored in evidence. I want to hear your voice.
2. Be specific! Avoid redundancy and generalities/vague answers.
3. Cite ALL sources used (urls ok to use)
4. Comment, thoughtfully, on at least 6 other student posts
5. Since the full assignment is due on Sunday, and everyone has to comment on their fellow peers' work (75 points of the 150 possible), aim to have the above questions posted by Friday. You can also post these in sections as labeled above.
Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to your work!