Text [3] below
1. Study and read chapter 1 and 2 of [3]. Download the textbook [3] from my class website.
2. Please sign in at www. touchdevelop.com/app (left upper corner). Your all scripts will be available to all your devices via a cloud platform.
3. Create a mobile movable turtle based on https://www.touchdevelop.com/app/#list:topics:topic:firststepswithturtle:overview , https://www.touchdevelop.com/app/#list:topics:script:lxzp:overview and TouchDevelop - 2 - Getting Started with Turtle.pptx . The last file is located at
Reproduce instructions of first 40 slides. Please turn in
screenshots of the result and the code for each exercise below
1. your spiral (slide 35)
a. change to color on each stroke (see slide 23)
2. random walk (slide 38) – use different numbers
3. nested square (slide 40) - use different numbers
4. draw a triangle with the turtle
5. draw a pentagon with the turtle.
Please use //comments in your code.
Tip: The upper left corner search field can provide you more objects than objects listed below the code.