A Heroine’s Journey
When The Hunger Games novel was published in 2008, it was immediately a best-seller. The first in a trilogy, sales of the series would eventually surpass that of the Harry Potter book series (Gaudiosi). The novels are set in a dystopian future where the country, Panem, has been divided into 12 districts following a massive war. Eventually they were adapted into four movies: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay Part 1 and Mockingjay Part 2. The first movie opens to show that the protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, has adapted well to the post-apocalyptic world. She lives with her mother and younger sister, Primrose. Her father died years earlier in a mining accident. Though her family is poor, she has mastered the art of the bow and arrow and is able to hunt and catch food to sell or eat. Life is not wonderful, but it is the only life Katniss knows, and she seems to accept it. She has no idea that she is about to step onto a path that will take her on a journey to become a hero.
The Hero’s Journey is a formula developed by scholar Joseph Campbell to help us understand stories. The steps in his formula can be applied to Katniss’s life as her journey begins in the first film and Katniss’s transformation progresses through the sequels. This paper will only focus on the first film. Campbell noticed that often heroes have something Unusual about their Birth or Early Childhood that sets them apart from the rest of the people in their community. Katniss lives a hard life, but so does everyone else in her district. Her father died when she was young, but he died along with many other children’s fathers in a mining accident. This step does not really seem to be an important factor in Katniss’s journey. However, the second step, the Call to Adventure, is extremely significant to Katniss’s life.
As punishment for the citizen uprising against the Capitol, each district must sacrifice two children every year to compete in the Hunger Games. The children fight each other to the death until only one child remains and gets to return to his/her district. The children, called tributes, are chosen by a selection committee that comes to town for the selection ceremony. When Escort Effie Trinket arrives, she stands before a large bowl filled with the names of all of the eligible tributes from Katniss’s district. Since her sister, Primrose, is now 12, this is the first year that her name has been added to the bowl. Effie swirls her arm around in the bowl, chooses a card, and reads into the microphone “Primrose Everdeen!” Katniss is devasted to hear that her sister must participate in the Hunger Games. She immediately volunteers to take her sister’s place, and thus begins her Call to Adventure. Often times Campbell says that the hero resists the call, but Katniss doesn’t hesitate. She immediately crosses the Threshold, and gets on the train that will take her to the Capitol. She leaves behind the life she has always known and heads for the unknown challenges, uncertainty and danger that await her in the future.
On the train, Katniss is introduced to Haymitch, her Mentor. He is her district’s only past winner of the Hunger Games, and therefore is the only person who can teach Katniss what she needs to know in order to survive the Hunger Games. Haymitch is an alcoholic. He is gruff and dirty and uncouth. Katniss does not trust him and thinks that she does not need him. Katniss also must figure out how she feels about the other tribute from her district, Peeta. Once she reaches the Capitol, and she sees the grandiosity of the event before her, Katniss realizes that she must rely on Haymitch for the advice he has to offer. She wants to just focus on training and fighting the other tributes in the games. However, Haymitch reminds her that her survival is contingent upon how much the sponsors enjoy her performance. He reminds her to smile and put on a show for the Capitol citizens who are watching the Hunger Games. Katniss takes his advice and also meets other mentors, such as Cinna, her costumer designer, and the rest of his team. Katniss even realizes that Effie seems to be rooting for her and helping her, as well.
During training before the games, Katniss is thrown into a gym with the other tributes. Available in the gym are several weapons for the children to practice on. The tributes are also required to show sponsors, politicians and gamemakers how well they use their weapons. Katniss is already a bow and arrow expert, so she does not need to be given this weapon. It is hers for the taking. When she realizes the audience has not paid attention to her use of the bow and arrow, she shoots an arrow into the food they are eating up on the second balcony of the gym. Here she proves that this is her Special Weapon, another key step in Campbell’s formula.