1300 words
Assignment Context and Scenario
Attached the assignment requirements file
The activities in this work assignment
are all based on the scenario provided above but your discussion should also be supported by relevant theories and concepts whenever deemed necessary.
Preparation guidelines of Document a.
All work must be word-processed. b. Document margins must not be more than 2.54 cm (1 inch) or less than 1.9cm (3/4 inch). c. Font size must be within the range of 10 points to 14 points including the headings and body text (preferred font size is 11). d. Standard and commonly used typeface such as Arial should be used. e. All figures, graphs, and tables must be numbered. f. Material taken from external sources must be properly refereed and cited within the text using g.
Do not use Wikipedia as a reference. h. Word limit must be strictly followed.
Attachment 1;
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1300 words
Professional Identity and Practice (Level 4)
Session: September 2019
Assignment Context and Scenario
This assignment is aimed at assessing the learner’s ability to demonstrate the role and significance
of continuous professional development and its benefits to both the employees and the employers.
This also requires the learner to assess her or her own skills and competences as well as the
different learning and development approaches so that a professional development plan can be
constructed and implemented.
The learner is also required to demonstrate the ability to prepare himself or herself to apply for jobs
and face interviews professionally and meet the expected standards and required transferable skills,
whether in hospitality or travel and tourism industry. The learner will carry out this assignment under
the four learning outcomes as follows:
The activities in this work assignment are all based on the scenario provided above but your
discussion should also be supported by relevant theories and concepts whenever deemed
Learning Outcome 1: Explore the importance of on-going professional development and selfdirected learning to enhance professional identity and career opportunities
Discuss the role of on-going professional development in an organisation and examine its benefits
to the employees and employers in an organisation of your choice. For a specific travel and tourism
or hospitality organisation, investigate the employer expectations of professional skills and
Evaluate the importance of on-going professional development and the associated professional
skills requirements within the context of your chosen organisation. Critically evaluate your own skills
and competencies to meet the employer expectation of professional skills required for employment
within a specific job role you have chosen.
Learning Outcome 2: Assess own skills, competences and the different learning and development
For a specific job role in your sector, systematically assess your skills, abilities and competences
using appropriate methods and techniques. Review a range of learning theories or models and
approaches used to explain personal and professional development process.
Evaluate your own skills and competencies and the most appropriate developmental approach to
develop personal and professional skills for the chosen job role.
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Relevant Information
1. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcome Pass Criteria Merit Criteria Distinction Criteria
LO1 Explore the
importance of on-going
development and
self-directed learning to
enhance professional
identity and career
P1 Examine the key
benefits of on-going
development for
different stakeholders
within a specific
P2 Investigate
professional employer
expectations of skills
and competencies
within a specific
organisational context
M1 Evaluate the
importance of ongoing professional
development and the
professional skills
requirements within
a specific
D1 Critically evaluate
own skills and
competencies to meet
the employer
expectation of
professional skills
required for
employment within a
specific job role.
LO2 Assess own skills,
competences and the
different learning and
P3 Assess own
abilities, skills, and
competences for a
specific job role
P4 Review a range of
learning theories and
approaches used for
personal and
M2 Evaluate own
skills and
competences and
the most appropriate
approach to develop
personal and
professional skills for
a specific job role
2. Preparation guidelines of the Document
a. All work must be word processed.
b. Document margins must not be more than 2.54 cm (1 inch) or less than 1.9cm (3/4 inch).
c. Font size must be within the range of 10 point to 14 point including the headings and body
text (preferred font size is 11).
d. Standard and commonly used type face such as Arial should be used.
e. All figures, graphs and tables must be numbered.
f. Material taken from external sources must be properly refereed and cited within the text using
g. Do not use Wikipedia as a reference.
h. Word limit must be strictly followed.
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3. Plagiarism and Collusion
Any act of plagiarism or collusion will be seriously dealt with according to the College
regulations. In this context the definition and scope of plagiarism and collusion are presented
Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes copying information
directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework
as an individual effort.