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What am I required to do in this assignment?
Task 1. Using BREO - located academic literature and practitioner-orientated material for support, briefly analyse the theoretical concept underpinning flexibility and the psychological contract, explaining what they are.
Task 2. Consider the existence and impact of flexible working and the psychological contract on your organisation and how it affects the performance of the business
Task 3. This section should initially answer your report objectives and draw together the main points from your analysis of literature and other discussion about your organisation. It summarises what has been learned from undertaking this research. It should also begin to weigh up the options available to the organisation and what would impede implementation of further action. It should reach an overall conclusion as to the extent and effectiveness of flexible working /psychological contract strategies on your organisation and begins to identify the way forward. No new information should be presented in the conclusions.
Submission Deadline Marks and Feedback
Before 10am on:
21/10/2019 20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7)
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Unit title & code Leading and Managing People SHR012-6
Assignment number and title 1. Flexible Working & the Psychological Contract
Assessment type Written Report
Weighting of assessment 40%
Size or length of assessment 1,400 words (+/_ 10%)
Unit learning outcomes 1. A critical awareness and comprehension of key and contemporary debates about theory and practice in the specific fields of high performance working, engagement, team management and motivation whilst assessing the importance of management and leadership through periods of organisational change
2. Be able to evaluate and analyse any given workplace scenario for evidence of effective people performance, leadership and management, and able to diagnose and identify appropriate solutions to issues or challenges limiting optimum work performance or affecting maximum application and utilisation of worker capability
Make a considered initial list of no more than four relevant recommendations for improving flexible working / psychological contract based upon your conclusions, clearly stating how they can add value to the organisation as the basis of your business case
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
Produce an adequate report which analyses relevant literature around key andcontemporary debates about the psychological contract and flexible working theory and practice, specifically in relation to employee engagement and high performance working inthe workplace
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
We will be filling this section in together in class on 13/09/2019 make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.
You need to demonstrate an excellent understanding of the ‘state of play’ of alternative definitions / perceptions of ‘flexible working’ and the ‘psychological contract’ and the strengths and weaknesses of current research ‘evidence’ from both an employer and an employee perspective. Excellent knowledge of the subject matter from an academic and practitioner perspective is shown. There is strong supporting reference in relation to related concepts such as ‘trust’; ‘zero hours’; ‘workforce resilience’ which will be very well evaluated.
(Task 2)
The evaluation is excellent and uses many of the features defined as ‘good practice’ (re flexible working / positive psychological contract) in the Task 1 evaluation when considering your own workplace. There will be reasonable evidence of citations based on company / organisation documentation: for example, employee feedback surveys / management action in relation to these. For higher A grades, any diagrams used will generally be annotated with the circumstances of the workplace.
(Task 3)
Conclusions tie to main discussion and are evidence based. Recommendations are very carefully chosen (no more than four) and linked clearly to any gaps / shortcomings re the practice of flexible working / psychological contract. There will be a clear, credible business case in support of all recommendations made. Appropriate citation consistently used to establish appropriate links between Task 3 and the earlier tasks.
Presentation and Persuasion
The report will be very well considered throughout & especially in the Recommendations section, for example there will be a balanced awareness of aspects of cost / complexity / timescales / acceptance by the workforce with (brief) suggested mitigations where relevant to aid implementation of them.
Overall, the impression given is of a highly knowledgeable perspective combined with a ‘hard to resist’ logic built on a strong platform of high quality contemporary sources and in which the analysis in each task is closely linked to the preceding one.
How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
The sessions are about thinking strategically, considering how the theory applies in practice and considering the practices of your employer and the wider industry regarding the key concepts under investigation.
How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.
You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
3rd Class – 40-49% Lower 2nd – 50-59% Upper 2nd – 60-69%
The student demonstrates The student demonstrates This student demonstrates a adequate understanding of satisfactory understanding of good understanding of the the knowledge of alternative the knowledge of alternative knowledge of alternative definitions of ‘engagement’. definitions of ‘engagement’. A definitions of ‘engagement’. Adequate knowledge of the satisfactory knowledge of the The student demonstrates a subject matter and adequate subject matter and satisfactory good knowledge of the subject attempts at description which analysis which contrasts similar matter and a good analysis may or may not identify concepts such as which contrasts similar
similar concepts such as ‘involvement’, ‘participation’ concepts such as
1 reasonably ‘involvement’, ‘participation’
‘involvement’, ‘participation’ and ‘commitment’ is
and ‘commitment’ may be demonstrated. Satisfactory and ‘commitment’. Behaviours demonstrated. Adequate knowledge and analysis of and evidential signs for knowledge and analysis of behaviours and evidential signs engagement such as behaviours and evidential for engagement such as organisational citizenship and signs for engagement. The organisational citizenship and discretionary behaviour have differences between discretionary behaviour is been critically analysed. engagement, non- reasonably demonstrated. The Differences between engagement and differences between engagement, non-engagement
1st Class – 70%+
This student demonstrates an excellent understanding of the knowledge of alternative definitions of ‘engagement’. The student demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter and a comprehensive analysis which contrasts similar concepts such as ‘involvement’, ‘participation’ and ‘commitment’. Behaviours
and evidential signs for engagement such as organisational citizenship and discretionary behaviour have been comprehensively analysed. Differences between engagement, non-engagement
disengagement may be identified or even adequately described. The student undertakes an adequate but highly descriptive review of the research linking engagement with organisational behaviour. Problems with identifying cause-effect relationships are may be evidenced, though significant gaps may exist.
Adequate attempts may have been made to disentangle the reality from the rhetoric.
Evidence based argument is quite narrowly demonstrated, illustrating adequate to threshold understanding of theory and/or organisational practice engagement, non-engagement and disengagement are reasonably analysed. The student undertakes a satisfactory but descriptive review of the research linking engagement with organisational behaviour. Problems with identifying cause-effect relationships are evidenced, though gaps may exist. Attempts have been made to disentangle the reality from the rhetoric. Evidence based argument is reasonably demonstrated illustrating a satisfactory understanding of theory and/or organisational practice
and disengagement have been analysed well. The student undertakes a good critical review of the research linking engagement with organisational behaviour. Problems with identifying cause-effect relationships are evaluated well with the reality disentangled from the rhetoric. Evidence based argument is demonstrated illustrating a good understanding of theory and/or organisational practice. and disengagement have been critically analysed. The student undertakes a comprehensive critical review of the research linking engagement with organisational behaviour, problems with identifying cause-effect relationships are comprehensively evaluated with the reality disentangled from the rhetoric. Evidence based argument is demonstrated throughout, illustrating an excellent understanding of theory and/or organisational practice.
2 The evaluation is adequate, adopts a descriptive approach and largely relates any theory used to practice in a superficial and descriptive application to a specific
organisation The evaluation is satisfactory, adopts a reasonably strategic and evidence based approach and largely relates theory to practice in assessing application to a specific organisation
The evaluation is quite critical, adopts a strategic and evidence based approach and relates theory to practice in assessing application to a specific organisation The evaluation is critical, adopts a strategic and evidence based approach and comprehensively relates theory
to practice in assessing application to a specific
3 Some recommendations have been offered but may be loosely based on some evaluation and analysis. Recommendations are adequate and may be just about capable of some attempts at implementation in this organisational context Relevant recommendations have been offered based on some evaluation and analysis. Recommendations are reasonable and may be capable of implementation in this organisational context
Appropriate recommendations have been offered based on sound evaluation and analysis. Recommendations are capable of implementation in this organisational context Highly appropriate recommendations have been offered based on
comprehensive evaluation and
analysis. The recommendations follow logically from the preceding literature, discussion and conclusions.
Recommendations are fully capable of implementation in this organisational context
4 The assignment is of an adequate standard. Concepts are not always expressed in a clear and systematic manner. There is quite limited referencing The assignment is of an acceptable standard. Concepts are expressed in a clear and systematic manner. There is acceptable, but limited referencing
The assignment is of a good professional standard. Concepts are expressed with clarity in a convincing and cogent manner demonstrating effective written communication skills. There is appropriate referencing from a variety of relevant sources. The assignment is of an excellent professional standard. Concepts are expressed with exceptional clarity in a convincing and cogent manner demonstrating highly effective written communication skills. There is extensive and appropriate referencing