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I need 3 pages Report Mechanical Engineering Design, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

26/08/2020 Client: azharr Deadline: 2 Day

I need DV1

up too 3 pages

write only report

1. AUM-Project-Fall2019_ME263.pdf

2. ME263_ProjectD1_Rubric.pdf

do 2 different versions of it

my friend needs some to his project too

will not be similier okay


Attachment 1.




Course Project Guidelines  

Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design, Innovation &

Entrepreneurship ME 263


I. Introduction 3

II. Learning Outcomes 3

III. Project Summary (Scenario) 3

IV. Deliverables & Project Management 6

V. Plagiarism 10

VI. Marking Scheme 10

I. Introduction  

ME263 course project can be viewed as the foundation of the mechanical design experience for the mechanical students at AUM. In addition to bringing together the design–build–test aspects of engineering project work, this project would demonstrate the students’ ability to conduct group research, teamwork, technical data interpretation, software use, report writing and project management skills.

Accordingly, you are required to formulate groups of 3 members.

II. Learning Outcomes

The project covers all learning outcomes described in the course syllabus (Refer to the syllabus for more details). And concentrate mainly in the application of the following experiences during the different phases of the design process of the project:

• Defining a problem requiring a hardware solution (2)

• Consolidate a practical approach to the subject through a real-world application (7)

• Link design and analysis (2)

• Using project management concepts to organize and schedule tasks (5)

• Evaluating customer needs and writing engineering specifications (2)

• Designing hardware to meet engineering specifications (2)

• Designing hardware to meet cost, environmental, safety, and other constraints (4)

• Testing hardware to determine its compliance with specifications (2)

III. Project Summary (Scenario)

It is important that each design project results in a unique solution, or product, with an identifiable end-user, or customer. It is essential that projects have a reasonable balance between design and simulation (Testing).

‘A bridge is a structure built to span a physical obstacle, such as a body of water, valley, or road, without closing the way underneath. It is constructed for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle, usually something that can be detrimental to cross otherwise. There are many different designs that each serve a particular purpose and apply to different situations. Designs of bridges vary depending on the function of the bridge, the nature of the terrain where the bridge is constructed and anchored, the material used to make it, and the funds available to build it.’*


‘One of the mostly used bridge type is truss bridges due to its superior properties such as low weight and high load capacity. A truss bridge is a type of bridge that consists of trusses or beams that are usually connected to form triangular shapes to withstand great loads acting upon the bridge.’**

You are requested to design a truss bridge that will be used in AUM Campus to span the paved roads used by Golf Carts. The width of the road is 6 m as shown in Figure 1 and 2. The height of the bridge should be adjusted according to the dimensions of the Golf Carts used in the AUM campus (If you find it difficult to obtain the dimensions of the carts used in AUM you are welcome to use any 8 seater Golf Cart (Cart dimensions should be provided in the report)). 2 Golf Carts should be able to pass under the bridge at the same time (in the right and left lanes) with some safety margin (at least 50 cm). Designed bridge should have the capacity to carry 20 adults (At least 80 kg each) at the same time. FOS (Factor of Safety) should be 2.

You are not allowed to use stairs instead climbing up and down from the bridge should be designed via using inclined structures, as shown in Figure 3, and the maximum inclination slope allowed is 30 degree. Handrails should be designed to secure people in case of falling from the bridge. Any material can be selected for the truss structure and surface of the bridge.

Figure 1: Photograph of AUM campus near north pond area.  

** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truss_bridge  

Figure 2: Satellite view of AUM campus near north pond area.  

Figure 3: Bridge designs with inclined structures (ramps).   

Figure 4: 8 seater golf cart used in AUM.   

To succeed in your mission, you should apply the Design Development Process. As shown in the following flow-chart (Figure 5).  

IV. Deliverables & Project Management

Deliverable 1: Design Review Report – 11% (Week 9)

The Design Review Report should provide an overview of everything that you have accomplished on the project, with major emphasis on product design results. The design should be almost frozen at this time. This report should contain the following:

1. Introduction of Team Members

2. Title of Project

3. Problem Statement – briefly describe the design problem without addressing any possible solutions. You may have to give a little background (photos are good) to your problem if it is unfamiliar to the general public.

4. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Results:

Figure 5: Design activities from Ullman’s The Mechanical Design Process.  

a. Identify customers  

b. List and rank customer requirements

c. Convert/relate requirements to specifications

d. Cross-correlate specifications

e. Evaluate competition and measure performance

f. Establish specification target values for new product

5. Design Concept Generation – decompose your project into separate functions and present your design concepts for each function.

6. Product Design – describe the design process for each major component and the resulting design (add layouts of your 3D Model and/or engineering drawings). It’s important to consider the material selection. Discuss the materials chosen to fabricate each major component.

7. Design for Sustainability – Assess the environmental impact of the product throughout its entire lifecycle (LCA) from the procurement of the raw materials through the recycling of that product.

8. Engineering Standards and Catalogs – List and explain the engineering standards that your potential solutions should follow and the technical information that you gather from vendor catalogs.

9. Conclusions & Recommendations - summarize the current state of the project and describe any further work that needs to be done to improve (or complete) the design.

Files to be submitted:

- The 3D Model of the design (At least 2 conceptual designs) (Solidworks 2016 Compatible)

- The Design Review Report

- Simulation Results Report

Deliverable 2: Final Design Report – 10% (Week 14)

The objective of the Final Design Report is to describe the evolution and results of your design project. This report solely addresses the design aspect in a complete set of engineering drawings with supporting analyses. The report should focus on the ideas, concepts, and designs that will be used to fabricate the product rather than those that were considered but rejected.

This report should contain the following:

1. Product Design Overview.

2. Design Optimisation – describe the design optimization process for each major component and the resulting design (include simulation steps).

3. Risk Analysis – discuss possible risks that the final design may be encountered.

4. Manufacturing methods – discuss methods that you plan to employ to fabricate the product.

5. Project Budget – show an itemized list of costs for materials and off-the-shelf components. Estimate any fabrication costs that will be performed by outside vendors.

6. Conclusion – briefly describe the current state of the design, listing all design tasks that have been completed.

7. Recommendations – describe any further work that needs to be done to improve (or complete) the prototype design.

Files to be submitted:

- The 3D Model of the Final Design (Solidworks 2016 Compatible)

- Hardcopy of detailed engineering drawings (A2 Format) (Solidworks 2016 Compatible)

- The Final Design Report

- Simulation Results Report (Consider a Factor of Safety equal to 2)

V. Plagiarism  

• Upon suspicion and doubt of the authenticity of the work submitted, the Instructor has the right to ask the student to verify her/his work. This can be done through, but not limited to, oral examination or discussion, or any other action deemed necessary. If the student fails to prove the authenticity of the work, then the Instructor will apply the academic misconduct rules as mentioned in the AUM Student Handbook which may include awarding the work a zero grade.

• You will also be held responsible if someone else copies your work - unless you can demonstrate that you have taken reasonable precautions against copying.

• For a detailed description of academic misconduct please refer to the undergraduate AUM Student Handbook.

VI. Marking Scheme   

Refer to the detailed rubric for each deliverable in your Moodle Page


Attachment 2;

AUM Academic  


First Deliverable Rubric


First Project Deliverable Rubric   




I. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3

II. Files to be submitted ......................................................................................................... 3

III. Design Review Report ...................................................................................................... 4


To succeed in the first deliverable, you should apply the Design Development Process for the first two phases and generate your first design as shown in the following flow chart. The design is not completely frozen at this time.

Thus, Deliverable one should include an approved concept and your non-optimized solution/model.

1. The 3D Model of the design (30 Marks)  

2. The Design Review Report (70 Marks)

3. Simulation Results Report (extra 10 Marks)


The Design Review Report should provide an overview of everything that you have accomplished on the project, with major emphasis on product design results. This report should contain the following:

1. Cover Page – Introduction of Team Members & Title of Project (5%)

2. List of figures, List of tables, Text style, Citations & References, etc… (5%)

3. Problem Statement – describe the design problem without addressing any possible solutions. You may have to give a little background (photos are good) to your problem if it is unfamiliar to the general public.

Problem formulation and defining  

constrains and requirements (1) 1. Formulate the problem. Make sure to include answers to the following questions:  What is the context of this project?

 What is the problem that you are trying to solve?

 Why is it important to solve this problem?

Why do we need a solution for this problem?

2. Define design constraints and requirements:  

 What are the criteria/requirements that your project should have? (Such as cost, performance, reliability, etc…)

 List all the constraints that you should take into consideration while designing your model. Explain in detail three constraints (different types of constraints). 10%


Indicators (PIs) Performance levels (Rubrics)






2.1 Formulate the problem

(identify the

“need”) and define

design constraints • Unable to formulate the problem at all

• Does not understand the concept of constraint • Partial formulation, but missing some key constraints

• Understands the concept of constraints but is unable to formulate the problem • Formulates the problem and use constraints in formulation

• Unable to use the most efficient formulation • Formulates the problem and analyzes all relevant constraints • Finds the best formulation

4. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Results:  

a. Identify customers

b. List and rank customer requirements

c. Convert/relate requirements to specifications

d. Cross-correlate specifications

e. Evaluate competition and measure performance

f. Establish specification target values for new product

Quality Function Deployment (1) For the features of your redesign problem to be changed, develop a house of quality and its supporting information to assist in developing the engineering specifications.   

 Use existing designs as a benchmark.

 Are there other benchmarks? 10%

Define your performance criteria to be met by the

design and evaluate

potential solutions and tradeoffs (1) Detail your final list of criteria that you should take into consideration while designing your model.

List and analyze the different engineering specifications, tradeoffs & compromises that you can implicate on your model. 10%  


Indicators (PIs) Performance levels (Rubrics)






2.1 Define performance

criteria to be met

by the design and

evaluate potential solutions and tradeoffs • Unable to establish fitness criteria • Does not understand the concept of tradeoffs • Somewhat able to establish fitness criteria and tradeoffs

with major weaknesses.

• Misses several critical tradeoffs • Establishes fitness criteria and tradeoffs

with minor weaknesses • Establishes complete fitness criteria

• Analyzes tradeoffs thoroughly

5. Design Concept Generation  

Generate and analyze alternative solutions (2) Analyze each potential solution given before by discussing its main advantages and disadvantages while detailing the constraints of each solution.  

Use the Decision Making Process, select the best solution for your design following you your predefined requirements and criteria. 10%  


Indicators (PIs)

2.2 Generate and analyze alternative solutions

• m

 Performance levels (Rubrics)   






Unable to derive any eaningful solution • Generates a meaningful solution

• Unable to derive alternative solutions • Generates multiple solutions

• Has some weaknesses in evaluation of alternative solutions • Generates alternative solutions

• Performs proper evaluation of alternative solutions

6. Product Design – describe the design process for each major component and the resulting design (add layouts of your 3D Model and/or engineering drawings). It’s important to consider the material selection. Discuss the materials chosen to fabricate each major component.  

Conduct research and gather information (3) Based on your research, select the materials used for your design show the properties of this material in a table. 10%  

Simulate the design and create a

preliminary Model

(4) What are the obstacles/problems that you have faced when you started building your prototype? How did you manage to overcome those obstacles?

Based on the first implementation/results/testing of this preliminary Model:

 do your results meet the initial theoretical expectation/requirements? (Solidworks Simulation)

 what modifications or enhancements do you suggest in order to improve your design?

 How to implement those suggestions in a way to respect all the project deadlines? 10%

10% extra  


Indicators (PIs) Performance levels (Rubrics)






 2.2 Simulate the design and/or build a prototype • Unable to build a proper prototype or simulate a design • Builds a prototype or simulates a design with some help.

• Shows major weaknesses in

analyzing performance • Builds an adequate prototype or simulates adequate design

• Able to perform basic analysis of the prototype performance • Builds a welldeveloped

prototype or

simulates a welldeveloped design • Fully analyzes the performance

7. Design for Sustainability – Assess the environmental impact of the product throughout its entire lifecycle (LCA) from the procurement of the raw materials through the recycling of that product.

Understand the impact of


solutions in a global, economic,

environmental, and societal context (1) What are the global environmental, and societal context of your project? 5%

 Explain the impact of engineering decisions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context. 5%


Indicators (PIs) Performance levels (Rubrics)






2.1 Identify the global,


environmental, and societal

context of an

engineering problem • Unable to identify relevant contexts of the problem.

• Relevant contexts described in an extremely limited fashion. • One relevant context of the four listed context types identified.

• The one relevant context described in only a rudimentary fashion. • Relevant contexts among two or three of the four listed context types recognized.

• At least two contexts described substantively. • Relevant contexts among three or four of the four listed context types identified.

• At least three of the contexts described thoroughly.

2.1 Explain the impact of


decisions in a global,


environmental and societal context. • Explanation of relevant impacts of engineering decisions absent or extremely limited. • Explanation of engineering decision impact touches on only one context. • Explanation of relevant impacts of engineering decisions is rudimentary. • Explanation of relevant impacts of engineering decisions touches on two to three of the contexts.

• Explanation is substantive in the majority of contexts. • Explanation of relevant impacts of engineering decisions touches on three or four of the contexts. • Explanation is substantive in all contexts and is thorough in the majority.

8. Engineering Standards & Catalogs – List and explain the engineering standards that your potential solutions should follow.   

Awareness of the need for learning  

through Engineering

Standards (1) While doing their research, in particular during literature studies, students collect a lot of information from different sources, such as professional and technical societies (books, articles, journals, online libraries, etc.)

• Explain how you used vendor catalogs as an input data to your design with your references.

• Explain how you used engineering standards as an input to your design with your references. 10%


Indicators (PIs) Performance levels (Rubrics)






2.1 Awareness of the need for

learning through

professional and technical societies • Does not know the rule of professional societies and how they are beneficial to the students.

• Does not know the

available professional societies • Knows the rule of professional societies and how they are beneficial to the students.

• Does not know the available professional societies • Knows the rule of professional societies and how they are beneficial to the students. • Knows one available professional society and gets benefits of it. • Knows the rule of professional societies and how they are beneficial to the students.

• Knows two or more available professional societies and gets benefits of them.

9. Conclusions & Recommendations - summarize the current state of the project and describe any further work that needs to be done to improve/complete the design. (10%)  

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