Title: Robotic grinding in manufacturing
A detailed/précised literature review on the use of robots in grinding.
As part of the literature, you need to include the following points:
Your Task:
You are required to provide a précised literature review on the use of robots to perform grinding in the manufacturing industry. As part of the literature, you need to include the following points
• Research Motivation on robotic grinding
• Challenges faced by robotic grinding
• Typical applications of robotic grinding
• Strategies for successful robotic grinding which includes:
1) Process parameter optimization
2) Machining error compensation
3) Contact Force Control
Work Requirement
* I need a 4000-word document (not including references). This should include all the points mentioned above.
* Diagrams, tables, flowcharts NEED to be included in the document
*All references should be included in a reference section
* All references should be ISO 690 (numerical) using Microsoft word. VERY IMPORTANT
*you should include Journals, Books, Articles and useful websites as part of your research plan.
*No Plagiarism. The maximum level of similarity must not exceed 10%
Use Science direct for access to journals. This is very critical please be aware, English language of this report must be at a good standard.
I attached has the things I need in this work, so you can view it and use the references for this work. But do NOT copy and paste! (: Research Points.docx)