Annotated Bibliography: The Iceman Murder Mystery
Annotated BibliographyYou will copy/paste the following items into this assignment:
A paragraph orienting the reader to the themes you will be addressing in your paper and noting the characteristics/features of the selection of sources you are including; and
A paragraph describing each of five scholarly sources; PLUS you will also paste its bibliographic information from the UIC Library (as you did in Writing Assignment #2)
ANTH 100 Writing Assignment 3
The purpose of Writing Assignment #3 is to create an annotated bibliography for five scholarly sources that you will use to inform the content of your term paper. Creating an annotated bibliography is a helpful step to gather your ideas for your research paper. You will provide an introductory paragraph about the themes you are investigating in your term paper and mention the significance of the five sources and their conclusions/evidence to your paper’s topic. For each scholarly source, you will write a paragraph where you detail its important findings, what was investigated, the evidence examined, and the findings or conclusions. It is important to write your notes and annotations in your own words, and to credit the authors from your sources in your paper for the knowledge you obtained. (Note: Writing Assignments 4-5 will address APA formatting for in-text citations and the bibliography.)
If you take the time to complete this assignment thoughtfully, you will have relevant
aspects from your sources explained, and ready to combine with the summary you wrote in Writing Assignment #1 for a solid first draft. While most of you will use the five sources you selected for Writing Assignment #2, if you have found other scholarly sources that you prefer to annotate, be sure to collect the same bibliographic details you did in that assignment to include with it.
It is really helpful to view the video resource we provided (See: “Annotated Bibliography
APA Style Formatting and Helpful Advice”) in the folder: “Other Resources about Annotated Bibliographies.” The presenter demonstrates how to write the annotation to easily incorporate it into your research paper. See this overview document (in Blackboard) for a general understanding of Annotated Bibliographies in the social sciences, before you begin the assignment: "Annotated Bibliography for SocSci - ANTH100-SP21"
You may now also be familiar with an “Abstract,” which many of you have come across – accompanying the scholarly sources you have found in Writing Assignment 2 (often appearing at the beginning of an article or inside a library or database along with the citation details). The abstract is a formal summary of a scholarly source that is produced for many research projects’ reports, some scholarly books, and is common for scholarly articles and presentations. (Please read the accompanying resource document "Abstracts for SocSci - ANTH100-SP21” to understand how to approach the style, tone, and structure of these types of summaries in academic writing.) In our case, it is most helpful to focus your “summary” on your paper topic.
You may find the optional Worksheet (See: Word Doc in Blackboard) useful to assemble your paragraphs and bibliographic information. You will copy/paste these elements into the Blackboard Writing Assignment 3 assignment.
ANTH 100 Writing Assignment 3
Introduction Paragraph for Your Paper’s “Annotations”
In this paragraph, you will be providing an overview to the annotations you have written, and the overall approach to the THREE themes/topics you have chosen to focus on for your Term Paper. It is best to compose this paragraph AFTER you have written the articles’ annotations
What are the three themes or topics you will address in your paper?
What do the each of the scholarly sources you annotate present to address Term Paper Topic and/or the documentary film? (For example: Articles A & B address research about Otzi's tattoos the decorative and medicinal purposes scientists have been investigating. Article A presents....)
Annotations for EACH of FIVE Scholarly Sources:
By now, you will be expected to present at least one scholarly source for each of the three themes/topics you will be addressing in your term paper. You DO NOT need to include all of the five scholarly sources from Writing Assignment 2 in this assignment. Instead of including a formal APA style bibliographic citation, you will simply paste the bibliographic details of each source as provided by the UIC Library (including “PEER REVIEWED”; See your Research Worksheet)
We are expecting the paragraph you provide for each scholarly article to address the following points:
Paste the bibliographic details you obtained from the UIC Library (See the scholarly source details you pasted into your Research Worksheet and used to complete Writing Assignment 2.)
YOUR ANNOTATION SHOULD INCLUDE 4-5 sentences (100-300 words). A. Identify how/why this source addresses one of the three themes/topics you will
address in your paper. (i.e., Otzi’s traumatic injuries, tattoos, stomach contents, etc.)
B. Explain what evidence the scholarly article presents.
C. You might want to also include:
1. What evidence the source examines
2. The source’s strengths and weaknesses
3. Its conclusions
4. An evaluation of the research methodology (if applicable)
5. Information about the author’s background (if applicable)
6. Your personal conclusions about the source