Powerpoint Title Imogene King’s Theory Of Goal Attainment Should Consist
A. Learning objectives for presentation, brief background on theorist, and usefulness/relevance of theory in current healthcare
3 points
B. Appropriateness of theory to role of nurse practitioner & presentation of key points of theory and applicability of concepts to daily advanced nursing practice and MSN Essentials
10 points
C. Critique [evaluation of theory’s strengths/weaknesses and discussion of future practice implications]
5 points
D. Creativity & organization of presentation (bullet points & excerpts only, slides should not be cluttered or contain lengthy paragraphs/ graphs, statistics and graphics should be included in presentation)
Oral Presentation - RUBRIC
(A = 4)
(B = 3)
(C = 2)
Needs Improvement
(D = 1)
(1) Gains the attention of the Audience,
(2) Clearly identifies the topic,
(3) Establishes credibility,
(4) Previews the rest of the speech
Meets any three of the four criteria
Meets any two of the four criteria
Meets only one of the four criteria
Completely prepared, has obviously rehearsed the speech.
Prepared, but could use additional rehearsals.
Somewhat prepared, but it seems that the speech was not rehearsed.
Facial expression and body language convey strong enthusiasm and interest
Facial expression and body language sometimes convey strong enthusiasm and interest
Facial expression and body language seem contrived
Apparent disinterest in the topic
Eye Contact
Eye contact with audience virtually all the time (except for brief glances at notes)
Eye contact with audience less than 75% of the time
Eye contact with audience less than 50% of the time
Little or no eye contact
Use of Language
Use of language contributes to effectiveness of the speech, and vocalized pauses
(um uh er etc.)
not distracting
Use of language does not have negative impact, and vocalized pauses
(Um uh er etc.)
not distracting
Use of language causes potential confusion, and/or vocalized pauses
(Um uh er etc.)
are distracting
Use of language is inappropriate
Speaks neither too quickly nor too slowly
Speaks either slightly too quickly or too slowly
Speaks either too quickly or too slowly
Tempo of speech is inappropriate
Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time, no mispronounced words
Speaks clearly and distinctly nearly all the time, no more than one mispronounced word
Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time, no more than one mispronounced word
Often mumbles or can not be understood, more than one mispronounced word
Well focused, creative and appropriate
Appropriate and reasonably focused
Topic is appropriate but lacks some focus or strays a bit
Inappropriate topic
Visual Aids
Visual aids well chosen and presented
Minor problems with visual aids
Significant problems with visual aids
No visual aids
(1) Cues the audience that the end of the speech is at hand
(2) Brings closure
(3) Memorable
Cues the audience and brings closure
Brings closure
Does not bring closure; the audience is left hanging
Able to answer all questions
Able to answer most questions
Able to answer some questions
Unable to answer most questions