1. Tiana Morales is the director of the customer call center for Pierce Software. For the past three months, she has been keeping track of the support calls the center receives, and asks for your help in analyzing the data. Go to the Customer Call Log worksheet, which contains the Calls table where Tiana has been entering support call data. In the Call Type column, she needs to list the type of call corresponding to the code in the Call Code column. In cell E5, enter a formula using the HLOOKUP function to look up the call type according to the call code. Use a structured reference to look up the value in the Call Code column of the Calls table. Retrieve the value in row 2 of the CallTypes table (range A3:F4 in the Survey Questions worksheet) using a structured reference to the entire Call Types table. Because each call type covers a range of values, find an approximate match. Fill the formula into the range E6:E143, if necessary.
2. Customers can rate their service representative by completing a four-question survey at the end of each call. Tiana entered the scores in columns Question 1,
Question 2, Question 3, and Question 4 of the Calls table. She wants to calculate the average rating for each call in the Average column. In cell J5, enter a formula using the AVERAGE function and structured references to average the values in the Question 1 to Question 4 columns of the Calls table. Fill the formula into the range J6:J143, if necessary.
3. In the range L4:N13, Tiana set up an area to summarize some data about the service representatives handling the customer support calls. First, she wants to count the number of calls each service representative handled. In cell M5, enter a formula using the COUNTIF function and a structured reference to the Service Rep column in the Calls table to count the number of calls Barry (cell L5) handled. Fill the formula into the range M6:M13 without formatting.
4. Tiana also wants to average the combined scores for each employee. In cell N5, enter a formula using the AVERAGEIF function and structured references to the Service Rep and Average columns in the Calls table to average the scores Barry (cell L5) received for all the calls he handled. Fill the formula into the range N6:N13 without formatting.